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.. rst-class:: phpdoctorst

.. role:: php(code)
    :language: php


.. php:namespace:: Coralogix

.. rst-class::  final

.. php:class:: CoralogixLogger

    .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
        | Class CoralogixLogger
        | Coralogix logger instance



.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public __construct(string $private_key=NULL, string $app_name=NULL, string $subsystem=NULL, string $category=NULL, bool $sync_time=false)
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Initialize Coralogix logger instance and start logger manager
            * **$private_key** (string)  private key for Coralogix account
            * **$app_name** (string)  your application name
            * **$subsystem** (string)  subsystem of your application
            * **$category** (string)  category for log records
            * **$sync_time** (bool)  synchronize local time with Coralogix servers


.. rst-class:: public static

    .. php:method:: public static set_debug_mode(bool $debug_mode): bool
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Set debug output mode
            * **$debug_mode** (bool)  new debug mode status

        :Returns: bool changed debug mode status

.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public log(int $severity, $message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Add log record to sending queue
            * **$severity** (int)  log record level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public debug($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with DEBUG level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public verbose($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with VERBOSE level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public info($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with INFO level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public warning($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with WARNING level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public error($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with ERROR level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public critical($message, string $category=NULL, string $class_name="", string $method_name="", string $thread_id="")
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Send log message with CRITICAL level
            * **$message** (string)  log record text
            * **$category** (string)  log record category
            * **$class_name** (string)  name of class from which log was sent
            * **$method_name** (string)  name of method from which log was sent
            * **$thread_id** (string)  ID of thread from which log was sent


.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public __destruct()
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Stop logger manager before exit

.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public get_buffer_size(): int
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Get size of logs queue
        :Returns: int size of logs queue

.. rst-class:: public

    .. php:method:: public flush_messages()
        .. rst-class:: phpdoc-description
            | Flush\(send\) logs queue manually