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Test Coverage
  The goal of Inqlude is to provide a comprehensive listing of all
  existing libraries for developers of Qt applications. If you are creating
  applications using the #{link_to "Qt toolkit", ""}, and
  are looking for libraries, components
  or modules to use, Inqlude is the place where you find all information and
  pointers to get started.
  This is a young project, we are still collecting information, and are
  building up the web site and the tools around it. If you would like to get
  involved, read more about #{link_to "how to contribute", "contribute"}, or go
  to the mailing list
  = link_to "", ""
  to directly talk to us. See you there.

  Stable libraries
  | #{link_to "Development versions", "development"}
  | #{link_to "Unreleased", "unreleased"}
  | #{link_to "Commercial", "commercial"}
  | #{link_to "All", "all"}

  - libraries(:stable).each do |library|
        = link_to_manifest
        = library.manifests.last.summary


  Last updated on #{}