# Custom jq filters for log analysis.
# See doc/developer/log_analysis.md to get started.
# Remove notes content
def redactNote(obj):
obj |=
| if isempty(.metadata.content | objects) | not then .metadata.content |= "[redacted]" else . end
| if isempty(.metadata.schema | objects) | not then .metadata.schema |= "[redacted]" else . end
| if isempty(.remote | objects) | not then redactNote(.remote) else . end
| if isempty(.moveFrom | objects) | not then redactNote(.moveFrom) else . end
| if isempty(.overwrite | objects) | not then redactNote(.overwrite) else . end
def cleanNote:
| if isempty(.doc | objects) | not then redactNote(.doc) else . end
| if isempty(.was | objects) | not then redactNote(.was) else . end
| if isempty(.remoteDoc | objects) | not then redactNote(.remoteDoc) else . end
| if isempty(.note | objects) | not then redactNote(.note) else . end
| if isempty(.file | objects) | not then redactNote(.file) else . end
| if isempty(.err | objects) | not then .
| .err |= (. | redactNote(.doc))
else . end
| if isempty(.change | objects) | not then .
| if isempty(.change.doc | objects) | not then .change.doc |= (. | redactNote(.doc)) else . end
| if isempty(.change.was | objects) | not then .change.was |= (. | redactNote(.was)) else . end
else . end
# Remove fields that are almost never used while debugging.
# To be used in other filters.
def clean:
del(.hostname) |
del(.name) |
del(.pid) |
del(.v) |
del(.level) |
del(.local) |
del(.remote) |
cleanNote |
{time,component,msg,_id,path}+(del(.time)|del(.component)|del(.msg)|del(.path)|del(._id)) |
del(.. | nulls);
# Filter by log level:
# yarn jq error path/to/logs*
# yarn jq warn path/to/logs*
# To get strictly warnings (without errors):
# yarn jq warn_strict path/to/logs*
def error_level: 50;
def is_error: .level >= error_level or .err != null;
def error: select(is_error) | clean;
def warn_level: 40;
def is_warn: .level >= warn_level;
def is_warn_strict: .level == warn_level;
def warn: select(is_warn) | clean;
def warn_strict: select(is_warn_strict) | clean;
def info_level: 30;
def is_info: .level >= info_level;
def info: select(is_info) | clean;
def debug_level: 20;
def is_debug: .level >= debug_level;
def debug: select(is_debug) | clean;
# Components:
def component(pattern): select(.component | test(pattern));
def App: component("^App");
def Chokidar: component("^Chokidar|chokidar");
def Atom: component("^Atom|atom");
def Fs: component("^Fs|FS");
def LocalAnalysis: component("^LocalAnalysis|local/analysis");
def LocalChange: component("^LocalChange|local/change");
def LocalWatcher: component("^LocalWatcher");
def LocalWriter: component("^LocalWriter");
def Merge: component("^Merge");
def Metadata: component("^Metadata");
def Perfs: component("^Perfs|PerfReports");
def Pouch: component("^Pouch");
def Prep: component("^Prep");
def RemoteCozy: component("^RemoteCozy");
def RemoteUserActionRequired: component("^RemoteUserActionRequired|remote/user_action_required");
def RemoteWarningPoller: component("^RemoteWarningPoller");
def RemoteWatcher: component("^RemoteWatcher");
def RemoteWriter: component("^RemoteWriter");
def Sync: component("^Sync");
def Local: select(.component | test("^local|chokidar|atom"; "i"));
def Remote: select(.component | test("^remote"; "i"));
# Exclude "up-to-date" messages
# yarn jq nouptodate path/to/logs*
def nouptodate: select(.msg | test("up[- ]to[- ]date") | not);
# Exclude initial scan messages
# yarn jq noscan path/to/logs*
def noscan: select(.action != "scan");
# Exclude Proxy stuff:
# yarn jq noproxy path/to/logs*
def noproxy: select(.component | test("GUI:proxy") | not);
# Find conflicts:
# yarn jq -c conflict path/to/logs*
def is_conflict: .msg | test("resolveConflictAsync|Resolving conflict");
def conflict: clean | select(is_conflict);
# Non-issue filters (so we can ignore them when looking for real issues):
def is_net_error: .msg | test("net::");
def is_maintenance_page: .msg | test("Maintenance en cours");
def is_seq_already_synced: .msg == "Seq was already synced!";
def is_pending_changes: .msg | test("Prepend [0-9]+ pending change");
def is_non_issue:
is_net_error or is_maintenance_page or is_seq_already_synced or
# Find main issues:
# yarn jq issues path/to/logs*
def is_issue: (is_warn or is_conflict) and (is_non_issue | not);
def issues: clean | select(is_issue);
# Filter by path (should handle moves, conflict renaming...):
# yarn jq 'path("foo/bar")' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'path("foo\\\\bar")' path/to/logs*
# FIXME: Should not output the same line twice when both path & oldpath match.
def path(pattern):
clean | select(
try (.path // (.doc | .path) // (.change | .doc | .path) // (.idConflict | .newDoc | .path) // (.event | .path)),
try (.oldpath // (.was | .path) // (.idConflict | .existingDoc | .path) // (.event | .oldPath)),
| strings
| test(pattern)
def shortPath:
| if isempty(.path | strings) | not then .path |= (. | split("\\") | last) else . end
| if isempty(.path | strings) | not then .path |= (. | split("/") | last) else . end
| if isempty(.oldpath | strings) | not then .oldpath |= (. | split("\\") | last) else . end
| if isempty(.oldpath | strings) | not then .oldpath |= (. | split("/") | last) else . end
# Include/exclude GUI stuff:
# yarn jq gui path/to/logs*
# yarn jq no_gui path/to/logs*
def is_gui: .component | test("GUI");
def gui: select(is_gui);
def no_gui: select(is_gui | not);
# To make `mocha` component messages more visible in test logs:
# yarn jq -c 'debug|short|mocha' debug.log
# Or to completely ignore them:
# yarn jq -c no_mocha debug.log
# Please note the `mocha` filter should always be the last one since it
# converts mocha log entries to strings.
def is_mocha: .component == "mocha";
def mocha: if is_mocha then .msg | gsub("\\n+"; "") else . end;
def no_mocha: select(is_mocha | not);
# Find the OS / app versions:
# yarn jq client path/to/logs*
def client:
# Filter by file extension:
# yarn jq 'ext("png")' path/to/logs*
# You can use/define additional filters for common extensions:
# yarn jq xls path/to/logs*
def is_ext(x): .path | test("\\." + x);
def ext(x): select(is_ext(x));
def no_ext(x): select(is_ext(x) | not);
def xls: ext("xls");
def no_xls: no_ext("xls");
def txt: ext("txt");
def no_txt: no_ext("txt");
# Filter by msg pattern:
# yarn jq 'msg("422")' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'msg("offline$")' path/to/logs*
def msg(pattern):
select(.msg | test(pattern));
# Filter by time pattern:
# yarn jq 'time("2018-04-14T22:34:25.453Z")' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'time("2018-04-14")' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'time("T22:34")' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'before("2018-04-14T22:34:25.453Z")' path/to/logs* // inclusive
# yarn jq 'after("2018-04-14T22:34:25.453Z")' path/to/logs* // inclusive
def time(pattern):
select(.time | test(pattern));
def before(time): select(.time <= time);
def after(time): select(.time >= time);
# Drop time properties
def notime: del(.time);
# Filter inode number(s):
# yarn jq 'ino(7852458)' path/to/logs*
# yarn jq 'ino(7852458; 464672)' path/to/logs*
def ino(n): select((.ino // (.doc|.ino) // (.change|.doc|.ino)) as $ino | [n] | flatten | map(. == $ino) | any);
# Filter things with an attached doc and return it:
# yarn jq 'Pouch|doc' path/to/logs*
def doc:
select(.doc) | .doc;
# Get a global overview of another filter:
# yarn -s jq -c 'select(...)|short' path/to/logs*
def short:
| if (.event | not) then del(.event) else . end
| if (.event | type == "object") then del(.event) + (.event|{path, oldpath: .oldPath, action}) else . end
| del(.. | nulls)
# FIXME: Find a way to make aggregation work, e.g.:
# yarn jq 'issues|.msg' | yarn jq:frequencies
# We should be able to use --slurp in another aggregation script since the lines
# amount should have been reduced by the initial fitering.
def frequencies:
reduce .[] as $x ({};
. as $counts | $counts + {($x): (1 + (($counts|getpath([$x])) // 0))}