/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
'use strict'
exports.default = async function (configuration) {
if (process.env.SIGN_CODE !== 'True') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Skipping code signing')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const whoami = 'customSign.js'
if (!process.env.SM_INSTALL_DIR) {
throw `Unable to sign files because the path to smctl.exe is not set in the environment.`
if (!process.env.SIGNTOOL_DIR) {
throw `Unable to sign files because the path to signtool.exe is not set in the environment.`
// Common
const filePath = `"${configuration.path.replace(/\\/g, '/')}"`
const smctlDir = `"${process.env.SM_INSTALL_DIR}"`
const signToolDir = `"${process.env.SIGNTOOL_DIR}"`
try {
const signCommand = `.\\build\\windows\\sign.ps1`
const keyPairAlias = `"${process.env.SM_KEYPAIR_ALIAS}"`
const sign = [
`-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted`,
`-Command \"$Input | ${signCommand}`,
`-FilePath '${filePath}'`,
`-KeyPairAlias '${keyPairAlias}'`,
`-SmctlDir '${smctlDir}'`,
`-SignToolDir '${signToolDir}'\"`
const signStdout = execSync(sign.join(' ')).toString()
if (signStdout.match(/FAILED/)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[${whoami}] Error detected in ${signCommand}: [${signStdout}]`
throw `Error detected in ${signCommand}: [${signStdout}]`
} catch (e) {
throw `Exception thrown during code signing: ${e.message}`
// Verify the signature
try {
const verifyCommand = `.\\build\\windows\\verify.ps1`
const fingerprint = `"${process.env.SM_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT}"`
const verify = [
`-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted`,
`-Command \"$Input | ${verifyCommand}`,
`-FilePath '${filePath}'`,
`-Fingerprint '${fingerprint}'`,
`-SmctlDir '${smctlDir}'`,
`-SignToolDir '${signToolDir}'\"`
const verifyStdout = execSync(verify.join(' ')).toString()
if (verifyStdout.match(/FAILED/)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`[${whoami}] Error detected in ${verifyCommand}: [${verifyStdout}]`
throw `Error detected in ${verifyCommand}: [${verifyStdout}]`
} catch (e) {
throw `Exception thrown during signature verification: ${e.message}`