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/** Custom Node `http.Agent` implementation to route requests through a proxy.
 * Based on
 * with the added possibility to pass an async function as `getProxyForUrl`.
 * @module gui/js/network/agent
 * @flow

const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const { LRUCache } = require('lru-cache')
const { Agent } = require('agent-base')
const { PacProxyAgent } = require('pac-proxy-agent')
const { HttpProxyAgent } = require('http-proxy-agent')
const { HttpsProxyAgent } = require('https-proxy-agent')
const { SocksProxyAgent } = require('socks-proxy-agent')
const _ = require('lodash')

const logger = require('../../../core/utils/logger')
const log = logger({
  component: 'ProxyAgent'

const PROTOCOLS = [

type GetProxyForUrlCallback = (url: string) => Promise<string>
type OutgoingHttpHeaders = Object

import type { Session } from 'electron'
import type { PacProxyAgentOptions } from 'pac-proxy-agent'
import type { HttpProxyAgentOptions } from 'http-proxy-agent'
import type { HttpsProxyAgentOptions } from 'https-proxy-agent'
import type { SocksProxyAgentOptions } from 'socks-proxy-agent'

// Options type from the `proxy-agent` package.
type ProxyAgentOptions = HttpProxyAgentOptions<''> &
  HttpsProxyAgentOptions<''> &
  SocksProxyAgentOptions &
  PacProxyAgentOptions<''> & {
    // Default `http.Agent` instance to use when no proxy is
    // configured for a request. Defaults to a new `http.Agent()`
    // instance with the proxy agent options passed in.
    httpAgent?: http.Agent,

    // Default `http.Agent` instance to use when no proxy is
    // configured for a request. Defaults to a new `https.Agent()`
    // instance with the proxy agent options passed in.
    httpsAgent?: http.Agent,

    // A callback for dynamic provision of proxy for url.
    // Defaults to standard proxy environment variables,
    // see for details
    getProxyForUrl?: GetProxyForUrlCallback,

// ProxyAgent options for our own needs.
type CustomProxyAgentOptions = {
  // Protocol to use for requests when it is not defined in the
  // request's options and we somehow fallback to the `ProxyAgent` protocol.
  // This will most likely be used with `https:` to make sure secure requests
  // don't fail when wrapped by Sentry.
  protocol?: string,

  headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders | (() => OutgoingHttpHeaders),

type AgentConnectOpts = ProxyAgentOptions & CustomProxyAgentOptions

interface ProxyAgentClientRequest extends http.ClientRequest {
  _header?: string | null,

 * Supported proxy types.
const proxies = {
  http: [HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent],
  https: [HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent],
  socks: [SocksProxyAgent, SocksProxyAgent],
  socks4: [SocksProxyAgent, SocksProxyAgent],
  socks4a: [SocksProxyAgent, SocksProxyAgent],
  socks5: [SocksProxyAgent, SocksProxyAgent],
  socks5h: [SocksProxyAgent, SocksProxyAgent],
  'pac-data': [PacProxyAgent, PacProxyAgent],
  'pac-file': [PacProxyAgent, PacProxyAgent],
  'pac-ftp': [PacProxyAgent, PacProxyAgent],
  'pac-http': [PacProxyAgent, PacProxyAgent],
  'pac-https': [PacProxyAgent, PacProxyAgent]

function isValidProtocol(v /*: string */) /*: boolean %checks */ {
  return PROTOCOLS.includes(v)

 * Uses the appropriate `Agent` subclass based off of the "proxy"
 * environment variables that are currently set.
 * An LRU cache is used, to prevent unnecessary creation of proxy
 * `http.Agent` instances.
class ProxyAgent extends Agent {
  // Cache for `Agent` instances.
  cache: LRUCache<string, Agent>

  connectOpts: AgentConnectOpts
  httpAgent: http.Agent
  httpsAgent: http.Agent
  getProxyForUrl: GetProxyForUrlCallback
  proxyHeaders: OutgoingHttpHeaders | (() => OutgoingHttpHeaders)

  constructor(opts /*:: ?: AgentConnectOpts */ = {}) {
    log.debug({ opts }, 'Creating new ProxyAgent instance')
    this.cache = new LRUCache({ max: 20 })
    this.proxyHeaders = opts && opts.headers ? opts.headers : {}
    this.connectOpts = _.omit(opts, 'headers')

    const { httpAgent, httpsAgent, getProxyForUrl, protocol } = opts
    this.httpAgent = httpAgent || new http.Agent(opts)
    this.httpsAgent = httpsAgent || new https.Agent(opts)
    this.getProxyForUrl = getProxyForUrl || (async () => '')
    this.protocol = protocol

  addRequest(req /*: ProxyAgentClientRequest */, opts /*: AgentConnectOpts */) {
    req._header = null

    const headers = { ...this.proxyHeaders }
    for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) {
      const value = headers[name]
      if (value) {
        req.setHeader(name, value)

    super.addRequest(req, opts)

  async connect(
    req /*: http.ClientRequest */,
    opts /*: AgentConnectOpts */
  ) /*: Promise<http.Agent> */ {
    const { secureEndpoint } = opts
    const isWebSocket = req.getHeader('upgrade') === 'websocket'
    const protocol = secureEndpoint
      ? isWebSocket
        ? 'wss:'
        : 'https:'
      : isWebSocket
      ? 'ws:'
      : 'http:'
    const host = req.getHeader('host')
    // $FlowFixMe `http.ClientRequest` does have a `path` attribute
    const url = new URL(req.path, `${protocol}//${host}`).href
    const proxy = await this.getProxyForUrl(url)

    if (!proxy) {
      log.debug('Proxy not enabled for URL: %o', url)
      return secureEndpoint ? this.httpsAgent : this.httpAgent

    log.debug('Request URL: %o', url)
    log.debug('Proxy URL: %o', proxy)

    // attempt to get a cached `http.Agent` instance first
    const cacheKey = `${protocol}+${proxy}`
    let agent = this.cache.get(cacheKey)
    if (!agent) {
      const proxyUrl = new URL(proxy)
      const proxyProto = proxyUrl.protocol.replace(':', '')
      if (!isValidProtocol(proxyProto)) {
        throw new Error(`Unsupported protocol for proxy URL: ${proxy}`)
      const ctor = proxies[proxyProto][secureEndpoint || isWebSocket ? 1 : 0]
      // @ts-expect-error meh…
      agent = new ctor(proxy, this.connectOpts)
      this.cache.set(cacheKey, agent)
    } else {
      log.debug('Cache hit for proxy URL: %o', proxy)

    return agent

  destroy() /*: void */ {
    for (const agent of this.cache.values()) {

// getProxyForUrl uses the given Electron Session to resolve the proxy to use
// for the given requested URL and returns its URL.
// It is meant to be used with `ProxyAgent`.
const getProxyForUrl =
  (session /*: Session */) => async (reqUrl /*: string */) => {{ reqUrl }, 'getProxyForUrl')
    const proxy = await session.resolveProxy(reqUrl)
    if (!proxy) {
      return ''

    const proxies = String(proxy)

    // XXX: right now, only the first proxy specified will be used
    const first = proxies[0]
    const [type, addr] = first.split(/\s+/)

    if ('DIRECT' == type) {
      return ''
    } else if ('PROXY' == type) {
      return `http://${addr}`
    } else if (['SOCKS', 'SOCKS5', 'HTTPS'].includes(type)) {
      return `${type.toLowerCase()}://${addr}`
    } else {
      log.error({ type, reqUrl }, 'Unknown proxy type')
      return ''

module.exports = {