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Test Coverage
log = require('./persistent_log')
    prefix: "device status"
    date: true

# Store callbacks, while waiting (with timeout) for battery event.
callbacks = []
battery = null
timeout = false


checkConsumption = (callback)->
    # Stub
    unless navigator.trafficstats?
        return callback null, true

    navigator.trafficstats.getTxBytes (err, txBytes) ->
        return callback err if err
        navigator.trafficstats.getRxBytes (err, rxBytes) ->
            return callback err if err
            txMB = Math.round txBytes / 1000000
            rxMB = Math.round rxBytes / 1000000

            log.debug "Tx: #{txMB}MB ; Rx: #{rxMB}MB"
            return callback null, (txMB + rxMB) < DATA_CONSUMPTION_THRESHOLD

# Dispatch on each callback.
callbackWaiting = (err, ready, msg) ->
    callback err, ready, msg  for callback in callbacks
    callbacks = []

onBatteryStatus = (newStatus) ->
    # timeout watchdog isn't usefull anymore, so we turn the flag
    timeout = false
    battery = newStatus

# Register to battery events. To call after 'deviceRedy' event.
module.exports.initialize = ->
    if timeout or battery? # Avoid multiples calls to addEventListener "already initialized"

    timeout = true

    log.debug "initialize device status."
    window.addEventListener 'batterystatus', onBatteryStatus

module.exports.shutdown = ->
    window.removeEventListener 'batterystatus', onBatteryStatus

# Check if device is ready for heavy works:
# - battery as more than 20%
# - on wifi if syncOnWifi[only] options is activated.
# - data consumption since last reboot under 100MB
# Callback should have (err, (boolean)ready, message) signature.
module.exports.checkReadyForSync = checkReadyForSync = (callback)->

    if window.isBrowserDebugging
        return callback null, true

    callbacks.push callback if callback?

    # if we don't have informations about battery status, wait for it
    # with a 4" timeout.
    unless battery? #
        setTimeout () ->
            if timeout
                # We reached timeout, and a batterystatus event hasn't fired yet
                log.warn new Error "No battery informations"
                callbackWaiting null, true
        , 4 * 1000


    checkConsumption (err, isFine) ->
        return callbackWaiting err if err

        unless isFine
            return callbackWaiting null, false, 'too much data comsuption'

        unless (battery.level > 20 or battery.isPlugged)
   "NOT ready on battery low."
            return callbackWaiting null, false, 'no battery'
        unless app.init.config.loaded
            cb = ->
                checkReadyForSync callback
            return setTimeout cb, 1000
        if app.init.config.get('syncOnWifi') and \
                (not (navigator.connection.type is Connection.WIFI))
   "NOT ready on no wifi."
            return callbackWaiting null, false, 'no wifi'

        callbackWaiting null, true