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Test Coverage
PictureHandler = require './picture_handler'
fs = require '../../replicator/filesystem'
DeviceStatus = require '../device_status'
ConnectionHandler = require '../connection_handler'
log = require('../persistent_log')
    prefix: 'MediaUploader'
    date: true

instance = null

module.exports = class MediaUploader

    constructor: (@pictureHandler) ->
        return instance if instance
        instance = @

        @pictureHandler ?= new PictureHandler @
        @config ?= app.init.config
        @requestCozy ?= app.init.requestCozy
        @connectionHandler = new ConnectionHandler()

    upload: (callback) ->
        @isUploadable (ok) =>
            if ok
                @pictureHandler.upload callback

    checkBinary: (binaryId, callback) ->
        options =
            method: 'get'
            type: 'data-system'
            path: "/data/exist/#{binaryId}"
            retry: 3

        @requestCozy.request options, (err, res, body) ->
            return callback err if err
            callback null, body.exist

    uploadBinary: (file, fileId, callback) ->
        log.debug "uploadBinary"

        path = "/data/#{fileId}/binaries/"

        # Standard Blob isn't available on android prior to 4.3 ,
        # and FormData doesn't work on 4.0 , so we use FileTransfert plugin.
        if device.version? and device.version < '4.3'

            options = @requestCozy.getDataSystemOption path
            options.fileName = 'file'
            options.mimeType = file.type
            options.headers =
                'Authorization': 'Basic ' +
                    btoa unescape encodeURIComponent(
                        @config.get('deviceName') + ':' +

            ft = new FileTransfer()
            ft.upload file.localURL, options.url, callback, (-> callback())
            , options


            fs.getFileAsBlob file, (err, blob) =>
                return callback err if err

                url = @requestCozy.getDataSystemUrl path
                data = new FormData()
                data.append 'file', blob, 'file'
                    type: 'POST'
                    url: url
                        'Authorization': 'Basic ' +
                            btoa(@config.get('deviceName') + ':' +
                    username: @config.get 'deviceName'
                    password: @config.get 'devicePassword'
                    data: data
                    contentType: false
                    processData: false
                    success: (success) -> callback null, success
                    error: callback

    createFile: (cordovaFile, localPath, cozyPath, callback) ->
        log.debug "createFile"

        fileClassFromMime = (type) ->
            switch type.split('/')[0]
                when 'image' then "image"
                when 'audio' then "music"
                when 'video' then "video"
                when 'text', 'application' then "document"
                else "file"

        dbFile =
            docType          : 'File'
            localPath        : localPath
            name             :
            path             : cozyPath
            class            : fileClassFromMime cordovaFile.type
            mime             : cordovaFile.type
            lastModification : new Date(cordovaFile.lastModified).toISOString()
            creationDate     : new Date(cordovaFile.lastModified).toISOString()
            size             : cordovaFile.size
            tags             : ['from-' + @config.get 'deviceName']

        @_sendFileOrFolder dbFile, callback

    createFolder: (name, path, callback) ->
        log.debug "createFolder"

        dbFolder =
            docType          : 'Folder'
            name             : name
            path             : path
            lastModification : new Date().toISOString()
            creationDate     : new Date().toISOString()
            tags             : ['from-' + @config.get 'deviceName']

        @_sendFileOrFolder dbFolder, callback

    _sendFileOrFolder: (doc, callback) ->
        options =
            method: 'post'
            type: 'data-system'
            path: '/data'
            body: doc
            retry: 3

        @requestCozy.request options, (err, result, body) ->
            return callback err if err

            unless result.status is 201
                log.debug result
                return callback new Error "Status code is not 201."

            callback null, body._id

    isUploadable: (callback) ->
        return callback false unless @config.get 'syncImages'
        if not @connectionHandler.isWifi() and @config.get 'syncOnWifi'
            return callback false
        DeviceStatus.checkReadyForSync (err, ready, msg) ->
            callback ready