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Test Coverage
    "app name": "Cozy mobile",
    "App is busy": "Synchronization in progress",
    "cozy url": "Cozy's domain",
    "cozy password": "Cozy's password",
    "device name": "Device name",
    "search": "search",
    "files": "Files",
    "config": "Config",
    "never": "Never",
    "pictures_upload": "Upload pictures in progress",
    "pictures_scan": "Search new pictures",
    "synchronisation title": "Synchronization",
    "backup title": "Media backup",
    "contacts sync label": "Sync contacts",
    "calendars sync label": "Sync calendars",
    "images sync label": "Backup images",
    "wifi sync label": "Backup on Wifi only",
    "cozy notifications sync label": "Sync Cozy notifications",
    "home": "Home",
    "about": "About",
    "last backup": "Last was:",
    "reset title": "Reset",
    "reset action": "Reset",
    "retry synchro": "Sync",
    "synchro warning": "Launch a replication from the beginning. It may take a while.",
    "reset warning": "Erase all Cozy-generated data on your phone.",
    "support": "Support",
    "toast_migration": "During migration it may take some time.",
    "send log info": "Send an email with application log to help us improve its quality and stability.",
    "send log please describe problem": "Please describe the problem:",
    "send log trace begin": "Log Trace: please don't touch (or tell us what)",
    "send log trace end": "END of Log Trace.",
    "saving_in_app": "Saving in the application",
    "saving_in_device": "Saving in the device",
    "pull to sync": "Pull to sync",
    "syncing": "Syncing",
    "contacts_sync": "Syncing contacts",
    "calendar_sync": "Syncing calendars",
    "pictures_sync": "Syncing pictures",
    "files_sync": "Syncing files",
    "destroying database": "Destroying database",
    "synchronized with": "Synchronized with",
    "this folder is empty": "This folder is empty.",
    "no results": "No results",
    "loading": "Loading",
    "remove local": "Remove local",
    "download": "Download",
    "sync": "Refresh",
    "backup": "Backup",
    "save": "Save",
    "done": "Done",
    "skip": "Skip",
    "authorize": "Enable",
    "photos": "Photos from devices",
    "confirm message": "Are you sure?",
    "confirm exit message": "Do you want to Exit?",
    "replication complete": "Replication complete",
    "next": "Next",
    "login": "Login",
    "back": "Back",
    "setup": "Setup",
    "cozy welcome": "Welcome!",
    "cozy welcome message": "Cozy App enables you to: <ul><li>View your Files</li><li>Synchronize your Contacts</li><li>Synchronize your Calendars</li><li>Backup your Photos</li></ul>",
    "cozy welcome no account": "If you don't already have a Cozy instance, visit <a target='_system' href=''></a> for more details.",
    "url placeholder": "Cozy address",
    "url help": "This is the address you use to connect to your cozy, like",
    "url invalid": "Your Cozy URL is not valid.",
    "no account register":"No account ? Register for free",
    "your own private cloud": "Your own private cloud",
    "sign in to your cozy":"Sign in to your cozy",
    "password placeholder": "your password",
    "password help": "Your password for the address '%{url}'",
    "Incorrect password.": "Incorrect password for the address '%{url}'",
    "wrong cozy address": "Wrong cozy address?",
    "authenticating...": "Authenticating...",
    "permissions explanations": "Your device requires the following permissions to your Cozy:",
    "files header": "Access files",
    "files explanation": "Display files from Cozy, make them available offline.",
    "pictures header": "Backup your Pictures",
    "pictures explanation": "Backup the pictures from the phone into your cozy.",
    "files permission description": "Display files from Cozy and add Photo.",
    "folder permission description": "Display folder tree.",
    "binary permission description": "Read files on device and put photo on the Cozy.",
    "contacts header": "Sync your contacts",
    "contacts explanation": "Synchronize contacts between your phone and your cozy.",
    "contact permission description": "Synchronize contacts",
    "calendars header": "Sync your events",
    "calendars explanation": "Synchronize your calendar between your phone and your cozy.",
    "event permission description": "Synchronize calendar's events",
    "notification permission description": "Get and display cozy's notifications",
    "tag permission description": "Get and display calendar's colors",
    "device name explanation": "Choose a display name for this device so you can easily manage it.",
    "device name placeholder": "my-phone",
    "registering...": "Registering...",
    "setup end": "End of setting",
    "message step 0": "Step 1/6: Files synchronization.",
    "message step 1": "Step 2/6: Folders synchronization.",
    "message step 2": "Step 3/6: Notifications synchronization.",
    "message step 3": "Step 4/6: Contacts synchronization.",
    "message step 4": "Step 5/6: Calendars synchronization.",
    "message step 5": "Step 6/6: Documents preparation.",
    "wait message device": "Device configuration...",
    "ready message": "The application is ready to be used!",
    "waiting...": "Waiting...",
    "filesystem bug error": "File system bug error. Try to restart your phone.",
    "end": "End",
    "please wait database migration": "Database update, please wait a few minutes…",
    "all fields are required": "All fields are required",
    "device name use only digits, letters, _, -": "Device name should use only letters, digits, '-' or '_' .",
    "cozy need patch": "Cozy need patch",
    "wrong password": "Incorrect password",
    "device name already exist": "Device name already exist",
    "Relaunch the synchronization": "Relaunch the synchronization",
    "An error happened (UNKNOWN)": "An error occurred.",
    "An error happened (NOT FOUND)": "An error occurred (not found).",
    "An error happened (INVALID URL)": "An error occurred (invalid url).",
    "This file isnt available offline": "This file isn't available offline.",
    "ABORTED": "The procedure was aborted.",
    "photo folder not replicated yet": "Initialization not finished yet.",
    "Not Found": "Error while initializing. Did you install the Files application in your Cozy ?",
    "connexion error": "We failed to connect to your cozy. Please check that your device is connected to the internet, the address of your cozy is spelled correctly and your cozy is running. If you are an advanced user with a self hosted cozy, refer to the <a href='' target='_system'>doc to handle self-signed certificates</a>.",
    "connection disable": "We failed to connect to your cozy. Please check that your device is connected to the internet.",
    "no images in DCIM": "Backup images : no image found in DCIM dir.",
    "Document update conflict": "Update conflict in database, you could try to restart the app to fix it.",
    "Database not initialized. Confirm initialize": "Initialization didn't finish correctly. Retry ?",
    "no activity found": "No application on phone for this kind of file.",
    "not enough space": "Not enough disk space, remove some files from cache.",
    "no battery": "Not enough battery, Backup cancelled.",
    "no wifi": "No Wifi, Backup cancelled.",
    "no connection": "No connection, Backup cancelled.",
    "bad credentials, did you enter an email address": "Bad credentials, did you enter an email address, instead of the url of your Cozy?",
    "error try restart": "Please try restarting the application.",
    "error need min %version for %app": "Please upgrade your %app on your Cozy. The app requires at least version %version",
    "onboarding_password_display": "Display password",
    "onboarding_password_empty": "Password empty.",
    "onboarding_device_create": "Register your device on your cozy.",
    "config_loading_files": "Loading files and folders.",
    "config_loading_calendars": "Loading calendars.",
    "config_loading_contacts": "Loading contacts.",
    "information_backup_picture": "Backup your photos",
    "config_log_send": "Send logs",
    "config_log_share": "Share logs",
    "modal_action_file_big": "This file is too large to be display.",
    "modal_action_file_download": "Make available offline",
    "modal_action_file_display_in": "Display",
    "modal_action_file_display_out": "Open with ...",
    "modal_action_file_remove_device": "Remove offline",
    "modal_file_open_error_button": "OK",
    "modal_file_open_error_description": "No application can open this file.",
    "modal_file_open_error_title": "Cannot open this file",
    "Unexpected token <": "Check that your cozy working properly."