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ChangeFileHandler = require "./change_file_handler"
ChangeFolderHandler = require "./change_folder_handler"
ChangeEventHandler = require "./change_event_handler"
ChangeContactHandler = require "./change_contact_handler"
ChangeTagHandler = require "./change_tag_handler"
ChangeNotificationHandler = require "./change_notification_handler"
log = require('../../lib/persistent_log')
    prefix: "ChangeDispatcher"
    date: true

 * ChangeDispatcher allows to launch the good manager with specific state
 * @class ChangeDispatcher
module.exports = class ChangeDispatcher

     * Create a ChangeDispatcher.
     * @param {ReplicatorConfig} config - it's replication config.
    constructor: ->
        @changeHandlers =
            "file": new ChangeFileHandler()
            "folder": new ChangeFolderHandler()
            "event": new ChangeEventHandler()
            "contact": new ChangeContactHandler()
            "tag": new ChangeTagHandler()
            "notification": new ChangeNotificationHandler()

     * Launch the good handler with specific state.
     * @param {Object} doc - it's a pouchdb file document.
     * @param {Function} callback
    dispatch: (doc, callback = ->) ->
        docType = doc.docType.toLowerCase()
        if @changeHandlers[docType]?
            @changeHandlers[docType].dispatch doc, callback
            callback new Error 'No dispatcher for this document'

     * Check if a doc is authorized to be dispatched
     * @param {Object} doc - it's a pouchdb file document.
     * @return {Boolean}
    isDispatched: (doc) ->
        log.debug "isDispatched"

        return doc?.docType?.toLowerCase() of @changeHandlers