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Test Coverage
log = require('../lib/persistent_log')
    prefix: "FilterManager "
    date: true

 * Get configuration to create a filter
 * @param {Boolean} syncContacts - if you want contact synchronization
 * @param {Boolean} syncCalendars - if you want calendar synchronization
 * @param {Boolean} syncNotifs - if you want notification synchronization
 * @return {Object}
_getConfigFilter = (syncContacts, syncCalendars, syncNotifs) ->
    # First check for docType
    compare = "doc.docType && ("
    compare += "doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'file'"
    compare += " || doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'folder'"
    if syncContacts
        compare += " || doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'contact'"
    if syncCalendars
        compare += " || doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'event'"
        compare += " || doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'tag'"
    if syncNotifs
        compare += " || doc.docType.toLowerCase() === 'notification'"

    compare += ")"

    # TODO ? add views attribute here, required by the DataSystem ?
        config: "function (doc) { return #{compare}; }"

 * FilterManager allows to create a filter specific by device and
 * get this filter to replicate couchdb with it to reduce consumption data.
 * @class FilterManager
 * @see controller in data-system
module.exports = class FilterManager

     * Create a FilterManager.
    constructor: (@config, @requestCozy, @replicateDb) ->
        @config ?= app.init.config
        @requestCozy ?= app.init.requestCozy
        @replicateDb ?= app.init.database.replicateDb

     * Create or update a filter for a specific configuration.
     * @param {Boolean} syncContacts - if you want contact synchronization
     * @param {Boolean} syncCalendars - if you want calendar synchronization
     * @param {Boolean} syncNotifs - if you want notification synchronization
     * @param {Function} callback - The callback that handles the response.
    # setFilter: (syncContacts, syncCalendars, syncNotifs, callback) ->
    setFilter: (callback) -> 'set Filter'

        doc = @getFilterDoc()

        # Add the filter in PouchDB
        filterId = @getFilterDocId()
        doc._id = filterId
        @replicateDb.get filterId, (err, existing) =>
            # assume err is 404, which means no doc yet.
            if existing?
                doc._rev = existing._rev

            @replicateDb.put doc, (err) =>
                return callback err if err

                # Delete rev before sending to Cozy
                delete doc._rev
                # Add filter in Cozy
                options =
                    method: 'put'
                    type: 'data-system'
                    path: '/filters/config'
                    body: doc
                    retry: 3
                @requestCozy.request options, (err, res, body) ->
                    if err or not (body?.success or body?._id)
                        err ?= body
                        return callback err

                    callback null, true

    filterLocalIsSame: (callback = ->) ->
        doc = @getFilterDoc()

        # Add the filter in PouchDB
        filterId = @getFilterDocId()
        doc._id = filterId
        @replicateDb.get filterId, (err, existing) =>
            return callback false if err

            callback existing?.filters?.config is @getFilterDoc().filters.config

    filterRemoteIsSame: (callback = ->) ->
        options =
            method: 'get'
            type: 'data-system'
            path: '/filters/config'
            retry: 3
        @requestCozy.request options, (err, res, body) =>
            if res?.status is 404
       'The above 404 is normal, we create the filter'
                return callback false

            unless body?.filters?.config is @getFilterDoc().filters.config
       'filter is not the same'
                return callback false

            callback true

    getFilterDoc: ->
        syncContacts = @config.get 'syncContacts'
        syncCalendars = @config.get 'syncCalendars'
        syncNotifs = @config.get 'cozyNotifications'
        _getConfigFilter syncContacts, syncCalendars, syncNotifs

     * Get the design docId of the filter this device.
     * @return {String}
    getFilterDocId: ->
        return "_design/#{@_getFilterDocName()}"

     * Get filter name for this device.
     * @return {String}
    getFilterName: ->

    _getFilterDocName: ->
        "filter-#{@config.get 'deviceName'}-config"