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Test Coverage
 * Hack Fast Algos
 * Implementation of Counting Sort (Also named Key-Index Counting)
 * Counting sort is a stable sorting method.
 * Learn more
 * @link
 * @link

namespace HackFastAlgos;

class CountingSort
    private Vector<int> $counts = Vector{};
    private Vector<T> $sorted = Vector{};
    private int $vectorLength = 0;
    private int $bits = 32;
    private int $bitsPerByte = 8;
    private int $word = 4;
    private int $byteSize = 256;
    private int $mask = 255;

    public function __construct(private Vector<T> $vector, private int $indexOffset = 0)
        $this->vectorLength = $this->vector->count();

     * Operates in Theta(n) time.
    public function sortAscii() : Vector<string>
        $totalAscii = 255;
        $this->counts->resize($totalAscii+1, 0);


        return $this->sorted;

     * Operates in Theta(n) time.
    public function sortInteger() : Vector<int>
        $this->counts->resize($this->byteSize+1, 0);

        return $this->sorted;

    private function resetObject()
        $this->counts = Vector{};
        $this->sorted = Vector{};

     * Operates in Theta(n) time.
    private function computeAsciiFrequencyCounts()
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->vectorLength; $i++) {

    private function getAsciiCodeForVectorIndex(int $index) : int
        return ord($this->vector[$index][$this->indexOffset]);

     * Operates in Theta(A) time where A is the total number of Ascii chars (255).
    private function computeIndexOffsets(int $maxCount)
        for ($i = 0; $i < $maxCount; $i++) {
            $this->counts[$i+1] += $this->counts[$i];

     * Operates in Theta(n) time.
    private function moveCharsToNewPosition()
        $this->sorted->resize($this->vectorLength, 0);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->vectorLength; $i++) {

            $asciiCode = $this->getAsciiCodeForVectorIndex($i);
            $charactersIndex = $this->getIndexForAsciiCode($asciiCode);
            $this->sorted[$charactersIndex] = $this->vector[$i];


    private function getIndexForAsciiCode(int $asciiCode) : int
        return $this->counts[$asciiCode];

    private function incrementIndexCounterForAsciiCode(int $asciiCode)

    private function computeIntegerFrequencyCounts()
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->vectorLength; $i++) {

            $index = $this->getIndexForInteger($this->vector[$i]);


    private function getIndexForInteger(int $int) : int
        $byteOffset = $this->bitsPerByte*$this->indexOffset;
        return ($int >> $byteOffset) & $this->mask;

    private function adjustBytes()
        if ($this->indexOffset === $this->word-1) {

            $halfByte = 128;
            $halfByteVal = $this->counts[$halfByte];
            $maxByteMinusHalfByteVal = $this->counts[$this->byteSize] - $halfByteVal;

            for ($i = 0; $i < $halfByte; $i++) {
                $this->counts[$this->byteSize] += $maxByteMinusHalfByteVal;

            for ($i = $halfByte; $i < $this->byteSize; $i++) {
                $this->counts[$this->byteSize] -= $halfByteVal;


    private function moveIntsToNewPosition()
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->vectorLength; $i++) {

            $index = $this->getIndexForInteger($this->vector[$i]);
            $this->sorted[$this->counts[$index]++] = $this->vector[$i];
