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Test Coverage
 * Hack Fast Algos
 * Implementation of a Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree (LLRB Tree)
 * Note: Red-Black Trees are very confusing. I've written some notes on to make it easier to grasp.
 * Also, check out the Wikipedia tree rotation animation to which I've linked nearby.
 * Learn more
 * @link
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 * @link
 * @link

namespace HackFastAlgos\DataStructure;

class RBTreeIsEmptyException extends \Exception{}
class RBTreeKeyNotFoundException extends \Exception{}
class RBTreeKeyIsEmptyStringException extends \Exception{}

class RBTree<T>
    private ?TreeNode $root = null;

    public function get(string $key) : T
        $node = $this->getNodeForKey($key, $this->root);
        $this->throwIfKeyIsNullNode($key, $node);

        return $node->value;

    public function contains(string $key) : bool
        try {
            $value = $this->get($key);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public function put(string $key, T $value)
        $newNode = $this->makeNode($key, $value);

        if ($this->root === null) {
            $this->root = $newNode;
        } else {
            $this->addNodeToTree($newNode, $this->root);

        $this->root->color = TreeNode::BLACK;

    public function getMin() : T
        $node = $this->getMinAt($this->root);
        return $node->value;

    public function getMax() : T
        $node = $this->getMaxAt($this->root);
        return $node->value;

    private function throwIfEmptyTree()
        if ($this->root === null) {
            throw new RBTreeIsEmptyException();

    private function getMinAt(TreeNode $node)
        return $node->leftChild === null ? $node : $this->getMinAt($node->leftChild);

    private function getMaxAt(TreeNode $node)
        return $node->rightChild === null ? $node : $this->getMaxAt($node->rightChild);

     * Operates in O(log N)
    private function getNodeForKey(string $key, ?TreeNode $node) : ?TreeNode
        if ($node === null) {
            return null;

        $compare = $this->compare($key, $node->key);
        if ($compare < 0) {
            return $this->getNodeForKey($key, $node->leftChild);
        } elseif ($compare > 0) {
            return $this->getNodeForKey($key, $node->rightChild);

        return $node;

    private function compare(string $key1, string $key2)
        return strcmp($key1, $key2);

    private function throwIfKeyIsNullNode(string $key, ?TreeNode $node)
        if ($node === null) {
            throw new RBTreeKeyNotFoundException($key);

    private function throwIfEmptyKey(string $key)
        if ($key === '') {
            throw new RBTreeKeyIsEmptyStringException();

    private function makeNode(string $key, T $value)
        $newNode = new TreeNode();
        $newNode->key = $key;
        $newNode->value = $value;

        return $newNode;

     * Operates in O(log N) or Omega(1) time
    private function addNodeToTree(TreeNode $newNode, ?TreeNode $node) : TreeNode
        if ($node === null) {
            return $newNode;

        $compare = $this->compare($newNode->key, $node->key);
        if ($compare < 0) {

            $leftChild = $this->addNodeToTree($newNode, $node->leftChild);

        } elseif ($compare > 0) {

            $rightChild = $this->addNodeToTree($newNode, $node->rightChild);

        } else {
            $node->value = $newNode->value;

        return $node;

    private function fixRightLeaningLinksAtNode(TreeNode $node)
        $leftChild = $node->leftChild;
        $rightChild = $node->rightChild;

        if ($this->isRed($rightChild) && !$this->isRed($leftChild)) {
            $node = $this->rotateLeft($node);

        if ($this->isRed($leftChild) && $this->isRed($leftChild->leftChild)) {
            $node = $this->rotateRight($node);

        if ($this->isRed($leftChild) && $this->isRed($rightChild)) {

    private function isRed(?TreeNode $node) : bool
        return $node === null ? false : $node->color;

    private function rotateLeft(TreeNode $topNode) : TreeNode
        $rightChild = $topNode->rightChild;                    // Hooks into B circle
        $topNode->attachRightChild($rightChild->leftChild);    // Moves the Beta sub-tree
        $rightChild->parent = $topNode->parent;                // Not drawn in the animation - References the root node of A and B circles
        $rightChild->attachLeftChild($topNode);                // Reattaches B to A with the proper relations

        $rightChild->color = $rightChild->leftChild->color;    // Move the color up the tree
        $rightChild->leftChild->color = TreeNode::RED;        // B-A is now red

        return $rightChild;    // New root of this madness

    private function rotateRight(TreeNode $topNode) : TreeNode
        $leftChild = $topNode->leftChild;                    // Hooks into A circle
        $topNode->attachLeftChild($leftChild->rightChild);    // Moves the Beta sub-tree
        $leftChild->parent = $topNode->parent;                // Not drawn in the animation - References the root node of A and B circles
        $leftChild->attachRightChild($topNode);                // Reattaches A to B with the proper relations

        $leftChild->color = $leftChild->rightChild->color;    // Move the color up the tree
        $leftChild->rightChild->color = TreeNode::RED;        // A-B is now red

        return $leftChild;    // New root of this madness

    private function flipColors(TreeNode $topNode)
        $topNode->color = !$topNode->color;
        $topNode->leftChild->color = !$topNode->leftChild->color;
        $topNode->rightChild->color = !$topNode->rightChild->color;