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 * Hack Fast Algos
 * Implements various sorting algorithms optimized for speed.

namespace HackFastAlgos;

class Sort
     * SelectionSort sorts a vector in Theta(n^2) time (Quadratic time). This algorithm
     * may be faster than MergeSort or QuickSort when sorting very small vectors consisting of
     * around less than 10 elements. If you're sorting larger arrays, consider QuickSort or MergeSort.
     * Learn more @link
    public static function selectionSort(Vector<int> $vector) : Vector<int>
        $vectorLen = $vector->count();

        // Loop through the vector
        for ($i = 0; $i < $vectorLen; $i++) {

            // Loop through the sub-vector to find any values less than $i, and swap them.
            for ($j = $i+1; $j < $vectorLen; $j++) {

                if (static::compare($vector[$i], $vector[$j]) > 0) {

                    $vector = static::swapValues($vector, $i, $j);




        return $vector;

     * BubbleSort sorts a vector in quadratic time (Theta(n^2), and is less-efficient than
     * InsertSort. It's still a well-known algorithm, though WikiPedia claims
     * (@link that some researchers do not wish to have BubbleSort
     * as part of the Computer Science curriculum. BubbleSort is part of this library as a benchmark.
     * Learn more @link
    public static function bubbleSort(Vector<int> $vector) : Vector<int>
        $sortLen = $vector->count();
        while ($sortLen > 0) {

            $newLen = 0;

            for ($i = 1; $i < $sortLen; $i++) {

                if (static::compare($vector[$i-1], $vector[$i]) > 0) {

                    static::swapValues($vector, $i-1, $i);
                    $newLen = $i;



            $sortLen = $newLen;


        return $vector;

     * InsertSort sorts a vector in quadratic time (Theta(n^2)), though it improves on
     * SelectionSort. InsertSort is only useful for very small vectors. If you have a larger
     * vector greater than around 10 elements, then try MergeSort or QuickSort.
     * Learn more @link
    public static function insertSort(array $array, int $left = 0, ?int $right = null) : array
        $arrayLen = $right === null ? count($array)-1 : $right;
        for ($i = $left+1; $i <= $arrayLen; $i++) {

            $key = $array[$i];
            $j = $i;

            while ($j > $left) {

                if (static::compare($array[$j-1], $key) <= 0) {

                $array[$j] = $array[$j-1];


            $array[$j] = $key;


        return $array;

     * Learn more @link
     * Operates in O(n^2) and Omega(n log^2 n) time.
    public static function shellSort(Vector<int> $vector) : Vector<int>
        $gaps = static::getTokundaGaps($vector);
        while (!$gaps->isEmpty()){

            $gap = $gaps->pop();
            $vectorLen = $vector->count();
            for ($i = $gap; $i < $vectorLen; $i++) {

                $key = $vector[$i];

                for ($j = $i; $j >= $gap && static::compare($vector[$j-$gap], $key) > 0; $j -= $gap) {
                    $vector[$j] = $vector[$j - $gap];

                $vector[$j] = $key;



        return $vector;

     * Heap sort is not a stable sorting method.
     * Learn more @link
    public static function heapSort<T>(Vector<T> $vector) : Vector<T>
        $return = Vector{};
        $heap = new DataStructure\Heap();
        $numItems = $heap->count();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i++) {
            $return[] = $heap->extract();

        return $return;

     * Shuffle a vector with the Fisher-Yates shuffle. (It's slow as it uses a
     * proper entropy source.)
     * Runs in Theta(n) time.
    public static function fyShuffle<T>(Vector<T> $vector) : Vector<T>
        $count = $vector->count();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count-1; $i++) {

            $random = Cryptography::getRandomNumber($i+1, $count);
            $vector = static::swapValues($vector, $i, $random);


        return $vector;

    private static function swapValues(Vector<int> $vector, int $indexA, int $indexB) : Vector<int>
        $oldA = $vector[$indexA];
        $vector[$indexA] = $vector[$indexB];
        $vector[$indexB] = $oldA;

        return $vector;

     * Get the Shell Sort gaps using the Tokunda Algorithm.
     * Learn more @link
    private static function getTokundaGaps(Vector<int> $vector) : Vector<int>
        $count = $vector->count();
        $gaps = Vector{};
        $k = 1;
        $gap = 0;
        while ($gap < $count) {
            $gap = (int) ceil((9**$k - 4**$k) / (5*4**($k-1)));
            $gaps[] = $gap;

        return $gaps;

    private static function compare<T>(T $a, T $b) : int
        if ($a > $b) {
            return 1;
        } elseif ($a < $b){
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;