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 * Hack Fast Algos
 * Implementation of various substring search methods
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namespace HackFastAlgos;

class SubStringStringNotFoundException extends \Exception{}

class SubString
    private array $dfa = [];
    private array $nfa = [];
    private array $rightMost = [];

    public function __construct(private string $needle, private string $haystack){}

     * Operates in O(M*N) or Omega(N) time where M is the length of the haystack, and N is the length of the needle.
    public function bruteForceVersion1() : int
        $haystackLength = strlen($this->haystack);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $haystackLength; $i++) {

            if ($this->haystack[$i] === $this->needle[0]) {

                for ($j = 0; $j < $needleLength; $j++) {

                    if ($this->haystack[$i+$j] !== $this->needle[$j]) {

                    if ($j === $needleLength-1) {
                        return $i;





     * Operates in O(M*N) or Omega(N) time where M is the length of the haystack, and N is the length of the needle.
    public function bruteForceVersion2() : int
        $haystackLength = strlen($this->haystack);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $haystackLength && $j < $needleLength; $i++) {

            if ($this->haystack[$i] === $this->needle[$j]) {
            } else if ($j > 0) {
                $i -= $j;
                $j = 0;


        if ($j === $needleLength) {
            return $i - $j;


     * Operates in O(M*N+R*N) or Omega(R*N) time where M is the length of the haystack, N is the length of the needle,
     * and R is the number of unique characters in the needle.
    public function kmpSearch() : int
        $haystackLength = strlen($this->haystack);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $haystackLength && $j < $needleLength; $i++) {
            $char = $this->haystack[$i];
            $j = $this->getRestartState($char, $j);

        if ($j === $needleLength) {
            return $i-$needleLength;


     * Operates in O(N^2) or Omega(N) time.
    public function kmpSearchImproved() : int
        $haystackLength = strlen($this->haystack);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for (
            $haystackIndex = 0, $needleIndex = 0;
            $haystackIndex < $haystackLength && $needleIndex < $needleLength;
        ) {

            while ($needleIndex >= 0 && $this->haystack[$haystackIndex] !== $this->needle[$needleIndex]) {
                $needleIndex = $this->nfa[$needleIndex];


        if ($needleIndex === $needleLength) {
            return $haystackIndex - $needleLength;


     * Operates in O(M+N) or Omega(N) time where M is the haystack size, and N is the needle size.
    public function boyerMooreSearch() : int
        $haystackLength = strlen($this->haystack);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($skip = 0, $haystackIndex = 0; $haystackIndex + $needleLength-1 < $haystackLength; $haystackIndex += $skip) {

            $skip = 0;
            for ($needleIndex = $needleLength-1; $needleIndex >= 0; $needleIndex--) {

                $haystackChar = $this->haystack[$haystackIndex + $needleIndex];
                if ($this->needle[$needleIndex] !== $haystackChar) {

                    $rightMostOffset = empty($this->rightMost[$haystackChar]) ? 1 : $this->rightMost[$haystackChar];
                    $skip = max(1, $needleIndex - $rightMostOffset);



            if ($skip === 0) {
                return $haystackIndex;



    private function throwStringNotFoundException()
        throw new SubStringStringNotFoundException($this->needle);

     * Space-efficient Deterministic Finate Automaton (DFA)
     * My version omits the elements pointing to 0. It operates in Theta(R*N) where R is the
     * radix. [Number of characters] and N is the length of the needle. To find the radix, this
     * algorithms adds unique chars to the $this->dfa so as not to add memory overhead. It them
     * counts the number of entries.
     * The benefit of KMP is that once it's calculated the DFA, it won't have to always start over
     * from the beginning of the needle while searching. That's critical in long haystacks and
     * potentially long needles.
    private function calculateDfa()
        $this->dfa = [];
        $radix = count($this->dfa);
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        $this->setRestartState($this->getCharAt(0), 0, 1);
        for ($pointer = 0, $column = 1; $column < $needleLength; $column++) {

            foreach ($this->dfa as $char => $array) {

                $pointerState = $this->getRestartState($char, $pointer);
                if ($pointerState !== 0) {
                    $this->setRestartState($char, $column, $pointerState);


            $char = $this->getCharAt($column);
            $this->setRestartState($char, $column, $column+1);
            $pointer = $this->getRestartState($char, $pointer);


     * Operates in Theta(N) time where N is the length of the needle.
    private function addUniqueCharsToDfa()
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $needleLength; $i++) {
            $this->dfa[$this->getCharAt($i)] = [];

    private function getCharAt(int $index) : string
        return $this->needle[$index];

    private function getRestartState(string $char, int $column) : int
        return empty($this->dfa[$char][$column]) ? 0 : $this->dfa[$char][$column];

    private function setRestartState(string $char, int $column, int $state)
        $this->dfa[$char][$column] = $state;

     * Operates in O(N^2) or Omega(N) time.
    private function calculateNfa()
        $this->nfa = [];
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        $this->nfa[0] = -1;
        for (
            $restartState = 0, $needlePointer = 1;
            $needlePointer < $needleLength;
        ) {

            if ($this->getCharAt($needlePointer) !== $this->getCharAt($restartState)) {
                $this->nfa[$needlePointer] = $restartState;
            } else {
                $this->nfa[$needlePointer] = $this->nfa[$restartState];

            while ($restartState >= 0 && $this->getCharAt($needlePointer) !== $this->getCharAt($restartState)) {
                $restartState = $this->nfa[$restartState];


     * Operates in Theta(N) time.
    private function calculateRightMostPositions()
        $this->rightMost = [];
        $needleLength = strlen($this->needle);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $needleLength; $i++) {
            $this->rightMost[$this->getCharAt($i)] = $i;