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Test Coverage
Copyright 2016 Christian Grabowski All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package config

import (

    gs "cloud.google.com/go/storage"
    awscreds "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials"
    awssession "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session"

// HealthCheck is a struct to check for a service's 'upness'
type HealthCheck struct {
    Type              string // Either cmd, http_get, icmp_ping or ptrace_attach
    CMD               string
    Address           string
    ExpectedCondition string
    Retrys            int

// Service is a struct of the service to build
type Service struct {
    Name             string
    Tag              string
    TagType          string
    Path             string
    BuildLogFilePath string
    BuildCMD         []string
    TestCMD          []string
    CheckCMD         []string
    CreateCMD        []string
    UpdateCMD        []string
    HealthCheck      HealthCheck `toml:"[Services.HealthCheck]"`
    DependsOn        []string

// Project is the struct of the project to build
type Project struct {
    RepoURL         string
    CloneCMD        string
    AuthType        string
    SSHPrivKeyPath  string
    SSHPubKeyPath   string
    Username        string
    Password        string
    PromptForPWD    bool
    MaestrodHostEnv string
    MaestrodPortEnv string
    MaestrodHost    string
    MaestrodPort    int

// Environment is the config for the environment
type Environment struct {
    Env      []string
    ExecSync []string
    Exec     []string

// Artifact is struct for what artifacts to save post-pipeline
type Artifact struct {
    RuntimeFilePath string
    SaveFilePath    string

// CleanUp is a struct for the post-pipeline actions to clean up the build and save artifacts
type CleanUp struct {
    AdditionalCMDs []string
    InDaemon       bool
    Artifacts      []Artifact

// Config is a struct to parse the TOML config into
type Config struct {
    Environment Environment
    Project     Project
    Services    []Service
    CleanUp     CleanUp

type remoteConfig struct {
    Storage string
    Bucket  string
    Object  string

func parseRemote(path string) *remoteConfig {
    storageIdx := strings.Index(path, "://")
    pathSlice := strings.Split(path[storageIdx+1:], "/")
    obj := pathSlice[1]
    if len(pathSlice) > 2 {
        for i := 2; i < len(pathSlice); i++ {
            obj = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", obj, pathSlice[i])
    return &remoteConfig{
        Storage: path[0:storageIdx],
        Bucket:  pathSlice[0],
        Object:  obj,

func decode(r io.Reader) (*Config, error) {
    var conf Config
    if _, err := toml.DecodeReader(r, &conf); err != nil {
        return &conf, err
    return &conf, nil

func loadLocal(path string) (*Config, error) {
    conf, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return decode(conf)

func loadS3(path string) (*Config, error) {
    remote := parseRemote(path)
    creds := awscreds.NewEnvCredentials()
    _, err := creds.Get()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    config := &aws.Config{
        Region:           aws.String(os.Getenv("AWS_S3_REGION")),
        Endpoint:         aws.String("s3.amazonaws.com"),
        S3ForcePathStyle: aws.Bool(true),
        Credentials:      creds,
        LogLevel:         aws.LogLevel(aws.LogLevelType(0)),
    session := awssession.New(config)
    s3Client := s3.New(session)
    query := &s3.GetObjectInput{
        Bucket: aws.String(remote.Bucket),
        Key:    aws.String(remote.Object),
    resp, err := s3Client.GetObject(query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    return decode(resp.Body)

func loadGStorage(path string) (*Config, error) {
    remote := parseRemote(path)
    opts := option.WithServiceAccountFile(os.Getenv("GCLOUD_SVC_ACCNT_FILE"))
    ctx := context.Background()
    gsClient, err := gs.NewClient(ctx, opts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    bucket := gsClient.Bucket(remote.Bucket)
    obj := bucket.Object(remote.Object)
    rdr, err := obj.NewReader(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rdr.Close()
    return decode(rdr)

// Load reads the config and returns a Config struct
func Load(path, clonePath string) (Config, error) {
    var (
        conf *Config
        err  error
    if strings.Contains(path, "s3://") {
        conf, err = loadS3(path)
    } else {
        conf, err = loadLocal(path)
    if err != nil {
        return *conf, err
    for i := range conf.Services {
        if strings.Contains(conf.Services[i].Path, ".") {
            conf.Services[i].Path = strings.Replace(conf.Services[i].Path, ".", clonePath, 1)
    return *conf, nil