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Test Coverage
{namespace appsIndex}

 * This is a Closure Template.
 * To regenerate just en.js, run this command:
 * java -jar ../_soy/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar --outputPathFormat generated/en.js --srcs ../,,../code/,../graph/,../maze/,../plane/,../puzzle/,../turtle/
 * To regenerate all files, see: trunk/apps/

 * Translated messages for use on page.
{template .messages}
  {call apps.messages /}
  <div style="display: none">
    <span id="indexTitle">{msg meaning="Apps.indexTitle" desc="page text - The word 'Apps' is short for 'Applications'.  We chose it because it is more informal.  This and the following messages currently appear at []."}Blockly Apps{/msg}</
    <span id="indexFooter">{msg meaning="Apps.indexFooter" desc="page text - Text appearing at the end of the page. Parameters:\n* %1 - the Blockly URL"}Blockly is free and open source.  To contribute code or translations to Blockly, or to use Blockly in your own app, visit %1.{/msg}<span>

 * Web page structure.
{template .start}
  {call .messages /}
  <h1><span id="title">{msg meaning="Apps.indexTitle" desc="IBID"}Blockly Apps{/msg}</span></h1>
</td><td class="farSide">
        <select id="languageMenu"></select></td></tr>
  {{msg meaning="Apps.choiceIntro" desc="page text - This appears before a list of Blockly apps. Please use the same term for 'Blockly' as in {lb}{lb}msg-blockly|Apps.blocklyMessage{rb}{rb}."}}Blockly is a graphical programming environment.  Below are some sample applications that use Blockly.{{/msg}}</td></tr>

        <a href="puzzle/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/puzzle.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="puzzle/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Puzzle.title" desc="IBID"}Puzzle{/msg}
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.puzzleSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Puzzle application]."}Learn to use Blockly's interface.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="maze/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/maze.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="maze/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Maze.maze" desc="IBID"}Maze{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.mazeSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Maze application]."}Use Blockly to solve a maze.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="turtle/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/turtle.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="turtle/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Turtle.title" desc="IBID"}Turtle Graphics{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.turtleSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Turtle application]."}Use Blockly to draw.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="graph/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/graph.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="graph/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Graph.title" desc="IBID"}Graphing Calculator{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.graphSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Graph application]."}Plot functions with Blockly.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="code/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/code.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="code/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Code.title" desc="IBID"}Code{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.codeSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Code application]."}Export a Blockly program into JavaScript, Python, Dart or XML.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="plane/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/plane.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="plane/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">{msg meaning="Plane.plane" desc="IBID"}Plane Seat Calculator{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.planeSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Plane application]."}Solve a math problem with one or two variables.{/msg}</div>

        <a href="blockfactory/index.html?lang={$ij.lang}">
          <img src="index/blockfactory.png" height=80 width=100>
        <div><a href="blockfactory/index.html">{msg meaning="Apps.blockFactory" desc="title - The name of a factory or tool that produces blocks."}Block Factory{/msg}</a></div>
        <div>{msg meaning="Apps.blockfactorySubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Block Factory application]."}Build custom blocks using Blockly.{/msg}</div>

  // The footer messages are set in index.html.
  <p><span id="footer_prefix"></span>
     <a href=""></a>
     <span id="footer_suffix"></span>