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 * @license
 * Visual Blocks Editor
 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @fileoverview Utility functions for generating executable code from
 * Blockly code.
 * @author (Neil Fraser)
'use strict';



 * Class for a code generator that translates the blocks into a language.
 * @param {string} name Language name of this generator.
 * @constructor
Blockly.Generator = function(name) {
  this.name_ = name;
  this.RESERVED_WORDS_ = '';

 * Category to separate generated function names from variables and procedures.
Blockly.Generator.NAME_TYPE = 'generated_function';

 * Arbitrary code to inject into locations that risk causing infinite loops.
 * Any instances of '%1' will be replaced by the block ID that failed.
 * E.g. '  checkTimeout(%1);\n'
 * @type ?string
Blockly.Generator.prototype.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP = null;

 * Arbitrary code to inject before every statement.
 * Any instances of '%1' will be replaced by the block ID of the statement.
 * E.g. 'highlight(%1);\n'
 * @type ?string
Blockly.Generator.prototype.STATEMENT_PREFIX = null;

 * Generate code for all blocks in the workspace to the specified language.
 * @return {string} Generated code.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.workspaceToCode = function() {
  var code = [];
  var blocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getTopBlocks(true);
  for (var x = 0, block; block = blocks[x]; x++) {
    var line = this.blockToCode(block);
    if (goog.isArray(line)) {
      // Value blocks return tuples of code and operator order.
      // Top-level blocks don't care about operator order.
      line = line[0];
    if (line) {
      if (block.outputConnection && this.scrubNakedValue) {
        // This block is a naked value.  Ask the language's code generator if
        // it wants to append a semicolon, or something.
        line = this.scrubNakedValue(line);
  code = code.join('\n');  // Blank line between each section.
  code = this.finish(code);
  // Final scrubbing of whitespace.
  code = code.replace(/^\s+\n/, '');
  code = code.replace(/\n\s+$/, '\n');
  code = code.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, '\n');
  return code;

// The following are some helpful functions which can be used by multiple
// languages.

 * Prepend a common prefix onto each line of code.
 * @param {string} text The lines of code.
 * @param {string} prefix The common prefix.
 * @return {string} The prefixed lines of code.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.prefixLines = function(text, prefix) {
  return prefix + text.replace(/\n(.)/g, '\n' + prefix + '$1');

 * Recursively spider a tree of blocks, returning all their comments.
 * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block from which to start spidering.
 * @return {string} Concatenated list of comments.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.allNestedComments = function(block) {
  var comments = [];
  var blocks = block.getDescendants();
  for (var x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++) {
    var comment = blocks[x].getCommentText();
    if (comment) {
  // Append an empty string to create a trailing line break when joined.
  if (comments.length) {
  return comments.join('\n');

 * Generate code for the specified block (and attached blocks).
 * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block to generate code for.
 * @return {string|!Array} For statement blocks, the generated code.
 *     For value blocks, an array containing the generated code and an
 *     operator order value.  Returns '' if block is null.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.blockToCode = function(block) {
  if (!block) {
    return '';
  if (block.disabled) {
    // Skip past this block if it is disabled.
    return this.blockToCode(block.getNextBlock());

  var func = this[block.type];
  if (!func) {
    throw 'Language "' + this.name_ + '" does not know how to generate code ' +
        'for block type "' + block.type + '".';
  // First argument to is the value of 'this' in the generator.
  // Prior to 24 September 2013 'this' was the only way to access the block.
  // The current prefered method of accessing the block is through the second
  // argument to, which becomes the first parameter to the generator.
  var code =, block);
  if (goog.isArray(code)) {
    // Value blocks return tuples of code and operator order.
    return [this.scrub_(block, code[0]), code[1]];
  } else if (goog.isString(code)) {
    if (this.STATEMENT_PREFIX) {
      code = this.STATEMENT_PREFIX.replace(/%1/g, '\'' + + '\'') +
    return this.scrub_(block, code);
  } else if (code === null) {
    // Block has handled code generation itself.
    return '';
  } else {
    throw 'Invalid code generated: ' + code;

 * Generate code representing the specified value input.
 * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing the input.
 * @param {string} name The name of the input.
 * @param {number} order The maximum binding strength (minimum order value)
 *     of any operators adjacent to "block".
 * @return {string} Generated code or '' if no blocks are connected or the
 *     specified input does not exist.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.valueToCode = function(block, name, order) {
  if (isNaN(order)) {
    throw 'Expecting valid order from block "' + block.type + '".';
  var targetBlock = block.getInputTargetBlock(name);
  if (!targetBlock) {
    return '';
  var tuple = this.blockToCode(targetBlock);
  if (tuple === '') {
    // Disabled block.
    return '';
  if (!goog.isArray(tuple)) {
    // Value blocks must return code and order of operations info.
    // Statement blocks must only return code.
    throw 'Expecting tuple from value block "' + targetBlock.type + '".';
  var code = tuple[0];
  var innerOrder = tuple[1];
  if (isNaN(innerOrder)) {
    throw 'Expecting valid order from value block "' + targetBlock.type + '".';
  if (code && order <= innerOrder) {
    if (order == innerOrder || (order == 0 || order == 99)) {
      // 0 is the atomic order, 99 is the none order.  No parentheses needed.
      // In all known languages multiple such code blocks are not order
      // sensitive.  In fact in Python ('a' 'b') 'c' would fail.
    } else {
      // The operators outside this code are stonger than the operators
      // inside this code.  To prevent the code from being pulled apart,
      // wrap the code in parentheses.
      // Technically, this should be handled on a language-by-language basis.
      // However all known (sane) languages use parentheses for grouping.
      code = '(' + code + ')';
  return code;

 * Generate code representing the statement.  Indent the code.
 * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing the input.
 * @param {string} name The name of the input.
 * @return {string} Generated code or '' if no blocks are connected.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.statementToCode = function(block, name) {
  var targetBlock = block.getInputTargetBlock(name);
  var code = this.blockToCode(targetBlock);
  if (!goog.isString(code)) {
    // Value blocks must return code and order of operations info.
    // Statement blocks must only return code.
    throw 'Expecting code from statement block "' + targetBlock.type + '".';
  if (code) {
    code = this.prefixLines(/** @type {string} */ (code), this.INDENT);
  return code;

 * Add an infinite loop trap to the contents of a loop.
 * If loop is empty, add a statment prefix for the loop block.
 * @param {string} branch Code for loop contents.
 * @param {string} id ID of enclosing block.
 * @return {string} Loop contents, with infinite loop trap added.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.addLoopTrap = function(branch, id) {
  if (this.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP) {
    branch = this.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP.replace(/%1/g, '\'' + id + '\'') + branch;
  if (this.STATEMENT_PREFIX) {
    branch += this.prefixLines(this.STATEMENT_PREFIX.replace(/%1/g,
        '\'' + id + '\''), this.INDENT);
  return branch;

 * The method of indenting.  Defaults to two spaces, but language generators
 * may override this to increase indent or change to tabs.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.INDENT = '  ';

 * Add one or more words to the list of reserved words for this language.
 * @param {string} words Comma-separated list of words to add to the list.
 *     No spaces.  Duplicates are ok.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.addReservedWords = function(words) {
  this.RESERVED_WORDS_ += words + ',';

 * This is used as a placeholder in functions defined using
 * Blockly.Generator.provideFunction_.  It must not be legal code that could
 * legitimately appear in a function definition (or comment), and it must
 * not confuse the regular expression parser.
Blockly.Generator.prototype.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ = '{leCUI8hutHZI4480Dc}';
Blockly.Generator.prototype.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP_ =
    new RegExp(Blockly.Generator.prototype.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_, 'g');

 * Define a function to be included in the generated code.
 * The first time this is called with a given desiredName, the code is
 * saved and an actual name is generated.  Subsequent calls with the
 * same desiredName have no effect but have the same return value.
 * It is up to the caller to make sure the same desiredName is not
 * used for different code values.
 * The code gets output when Blockly.Generator.finish() is called.
 * @param {string} desiredName The desired name of the function (e.g., isPrime).
 * @param {!Array.<string>} code A list of Python statements.
 * @return {string} The actual name of the new function.  This may differ
 *     from desiredName if the former has already been taken by the user.
 * @private
Blockly.Generator.prototype.provideFunction_ = function(desiredName, code) {
  if (!this.definitions_[desiredName]) {
    var functionName =
        this.variableDB_.getDistinctName(desiredName, this.NAME_TYPE);
    this.functionNames_[desiredName] = functionName;
    this.definitions_[desiredName] = code.join('\n').replace(
        this.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP_, functionName);
  return this.functionNames_[desiredName];