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# Animate CSS jQuery Plugin

A jQuery plugin to dynamically apply [Dan Eden's animate.css][animate.css] animations with callbacks


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## Getting Started

### Bower
Install with [Bower][bower]
`bower install animateCSS`


### Download

Download the [production version][min] or the [development version][max].


In your web page:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/animatecss.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready( function(){

## Documentation

  infinite: false, // True or False
  animationClass: "animated", // Can be any class
  delay: 0 // Can be any value (in ms)
  duration: 1000 // Can be any value (in ms)
  callback: // Any function

When using `infinite: true` and a delay, the delay will only occur before the first loop, not on every loop.

## Examples

### Basic

### With callback
$('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', function(){
    console.log('Boom! Animation Complete');

### With delay (in ms)
$('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', {delay: 500});

### With delay AND callback
$('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', {
  delay: 1000,
  callback: function(){
    console.log('Boom! Animation Complete');

### With duration (in ms)
$('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', {duration: 3000});

### Chain multiple animations
If you use the standard jQuery chaining mechanism, each animation will fire at the same time so you have to include the next animation in the callback.
$('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeInUp', function() {
  console.log('Boom! First animation Complete');
  $(this).animateCSS("fadeOutUp", function(){
    console.log('Boom Boom! Second animation Complete');

### Offset animations
You can offset animations by using the delay mechanism
$('#another-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', {delay:100});

If you want to hide an element when the page loads and then apply an effect, it might look something like this:

.js #your-id {
$(window).load( function(){
  $('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', function(){
    console.log('Boom! Animation Complete');

## Release History
Please consult the official [changelog][changelog]
