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'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line

const JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
const crawl = require('./crawl');

const concurrencyKey = Symbol('concurrency');
const urlKey = Symbol('url');
const finderKey = Symbol('finder');
const timeoutKey = Symbol('timeout');
const runnerKey = Symbol('runner');
const phantomParamsKey = Symbol('phantomParams');
const phantomPageSettingsKey = Symbol('phantomPageSettings');
const followRedirectsKey = Symbol('followRedirects');
const browserCookiesKey = Symbol('browserCookies');
const triesKey = Symbol('tries');
const redirectFilterKey = Symbol('redirectFilter');

 * The CrawlKit base class. This is where the magic happens.
class CrawlKit {

   * Create a CrawlKit instance
   * @constructor
   * @param {String} [url] The start URL. Sets the {@link CrawlKit#url}.
   * @param {String} [name] The instance name of the crawler. Used for logging purposes.
   * @return {CrawlKit} a new CrawlKit instance
  constructor(url, name) {
    if (url) {
      this.url = url;
    if (name) { = name;
    this[runnerKey] = new Map();
    this[finderKey] = {};
    this[browserCookiesKey] = [];

   * Getter/setter for overall timeout for one website processing
   * (opening page, evaluating runners and finder functions).
   * The timeout starts fresh for each website.
   * Values under zero are set to zero.
   * @type {!integer}
   * @default 30000 (30 seconds)
  set timeout(num) {
    this[timeoutKey] = parseInt(num, 10);

   * @ignore
  get timeout() {
    return Math.max(0, this[timeoutKey] || 30000);

   * Getter/setter for the concurrency of the crawler.
   * This controls the amount of PhantomJS instances that will be spawned
   * and used to work on found websites. Adapt this to the power of your machine.
   * Values under one are set to one.
   * @type {!integer}
   * @default 1 (No concurrency)
  set concurrency(num) {
    this[concurrencyKey] = parseInt(num, 10);

   * @ignore
  get concurrency() {
    return Math.max(1, this[concurrencyKey] || 1);

   * Getter/setter for the start URL of the crawler.
   * This is the URL that will be used as an initial endpoint for the crawler.
   * If the protocol is omitted (e.g. URL starts with //), the URL will be rewritten to http://
   * @type {String}
  set url(str) {
    this[urlKey] = str;

   * @ignore
  get url() {
    return this[urlKey];

   * With this method a {@link Finder} instance can be set for the crawler.
   * A finder is used for link discovery on a website. It is run directly after page load
   * and is optional (e.g. if you want to only work on a single page).
   * @param {!Finder} finder The finder instance to use for discovery.
   * @param {...*} [runnableParams]   These parameters are passed
   *                                  to the function returned by {@link Finder#getRunnable}
   *                                  at evaluation time.
  setFinder(finder /* parameters... */) {
    if (!finder || typeof finder.getRunnable !== 'function') {
      throw new Error('Not a valid finder instance');

    this[finderKey].finder = finder;
    this[finderKey].parameters =, 1);

   * Getter/setter for the number of tries when a PhantomJS instance crashes on a page
   * or {@link CrawlKit#timeout} is hit.
   * When a PhantomJS instance crashes whilst crawling a webpage, this instance is shutdown
   * and replaced by a new one. By default the webpage that failed in such a way will be
   * re-queued.
   * If the finders and runners did not respond within the defined timeout,
   * it will be tried to run them again as well.
   * This member controls how often that re-queueing happens.
   * Values under zero are set to zero.
   * @type {!integer}
   * @default 3 (read: try two more times after the first failure, three times in total)
  set tries(n) {
    this[triesKey] = parseInt(n, 10);

   * @ignore
  get tries() {
    return Math.max(0, this[triesKey] || 3);

   * Allows you to add a runner that is executed on each crawled page.
   * The returned value of the runner is added to the overall result.
   * Runners run sequentially on each webpage in the order they were added.
   * If a runner is crashing PhantomJS more than {@link CrawlKit#tries} times,
   * subsequent {@link Runner}s are not executed.
   * @see For examples see `examples/simple.js` and `examples/advanced.js`.
   * @param {!String} key The runner identificator. This is also used in the result stream/object.
   * @param {!Runner} runner The runner instance to use for discovery.
   * @param {...*} [runnableParams]   These parameters are passed to the function returned
   *                                  by {@link Runner#getRunnable} at evaluation time.
  addRunner(key, runner /* args ... */) {
    if (!key) {
      throw new Error('Not a valid runner key');
    if (!runner ||
      typeof runner.getCompanionFiles !== 'function' ||
      typeof runner.getRunnable !== 'function') {
      throw new Error('Not a valid runner instance');

    const parameters =, 2);

    this[runnerKey].set(key, {

   * Getter/setter for the map of parameters to pass to PhantomJS.
   * You can use this for example to ignore SSL errors.
   * For a list of parameters, please refer to the
   * [PhantomJS documentation]{@link}.
   * @type {!Object.<String,String>}
  set phantomParameters(params) {
    this[phantomParamsKey] = params;

   * @ignore
  get phantomParameters() {
    return this[phantomParamsKey] || {};

   * Getter/setter for the map of settings to pass to an opened page.
   * You can use this for example for Basic Authentication.
   * For a list of options, please refer to the
   * [PhantomJS documentation]{@link}.
   * Nested settings can just be provided in dot notation as the key, e.g. 'settings.userAgent'.
   * @type {!Object.<String,*>}
  set phantomPageSettings(settings) {
    this[phantomPageSettingsKey] = settings;

   * @ignore
  get phantomPageSettings() {
    return this[phantomPageSettingsKey] || {};

   * Getter/setter for whether to follow redirects or not.
   * When following redirects, the original page is not processed.
   * @type {!boolean}
   * @default false
  set followRedirects(value) {
    this[followRedirectsKey] = !!value;

   * @ignore
  get followRedirects() {
    return this[followRedirectsKey] || false;

   * Getter/setter for the cookies to set within PhantomJS.
   * Each entry is supposed to be an object following the
   * [PhantomJS spec]{@link}.
   * @type {!Array.<Object>}
  set browserCookies(cookies) {
    if (!(cookies instanceof Array)) {
      throw new Error('Not properly munchable');
    this[browserCookiesKey] = cookies;

   * @ignore
  get browserCookies() {
    return this[browserCookiesKey];

   * Getter/setter for the filter that is applied to redirected URLs.
   * With this filter you can prevent the redirect or rewrite it.
   * The filter callback gets two arguments. The first one is the target URL
   * the scond one the source URL.
   * Return false for preventing the redirect. Return a String (URL) to follow the redirect.
   * @type {Function}
  set redirectFilter(filter) {
    if (typeof filter !== 'function') {
      throw new Error('Filter must be valid function');
    this[redirectFilterKey] = filter;

   * @ignore
  get redirectFilter() {
    return this[redirectFilterKey] || (targetUrl => targetUrl);

   * This method starts the crawling/scraping process.
   * @param {boolean} [shouldStream=false] Whether to stream the results or use a Promise
   * @return {(Stream|Promise.<Object>)}  By default a Promise object is returned that resolves
   *                                      to the result. If streaming is enabled it returns a
   *                                      JSON stream of the results.
  crawl(shouldStream) {
    if (shouldStream) {
      const stream = JSONStream.stringifyObject();
      crawl(this, (scope) => {
        stream.write([scope.url, scope.result]);
      }, runnerKey, finderKey)(() => stream.end());
      return stream;
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const results = {};
      crawl(this, (scope) => {
        results[scope.url] = scope.result;
      }, runnerKey, finderKey)(() => resolve({

module.exports = CrawlKit;