//import * as Plotlyjs from 'plotly.js-dist';
import {bindable} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class Plotly {
@bindable fromid;
@bindable labels;
@bindable refindex;
@bindable refvalues;
@bindable maxdata = 255;
@bindable width=600;
@bindable height=300;
@bindable convertors;
constructor() {
this.handleValueChange = e => {
this.handleReset = e => {
* process all attributes of <bdl-chart> component and sets appropriate settings of subesquent chartjs
bind() {
this.refindex = parseInt(this.refindex, 10);
this.refvalues = parseInt(this.refvalues, 10);
this.refendindex = this.refindex + this.refvalues;
//configure convertors - used to convert units received from fmi
if (this.convertors) {
let convertvalues = this.convertors.split(';');
let identity = x => x;
this.operation = [];
for (let i = 0; i < convertvalues.length; i++) {
if (convertvalues[i].includes(',')) {
//convert values are in form numerator,denominator contains comma ','
let convertitems = convertvalues[i].split(',');
if (convertitems[0] === '1' && convertitems[1] === '1') this.operation.push(identity);
else {
let numerator = parseFloat(convertitems[0]);
let denominator = parseFloat(convertitems[1]);
this.operation.push(x => x * numerator / denominator);
} else {
//convert values are in form of expression, do not contain comma
if (convertvalues === '1/x') this.operation.push(x => 1 / x);
else {
//filter only allowed characters: algebraic, digits, e, dot, modulo, parenthesis and 'x' is allowed
let expression = convertvalues[i].replace(/[^-\d/*+.()%xe]/g, '');
console.log('chartjs bind(), evaluating expression:' + convertvalues[i] + ' securely filtered to :' + expression);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
this.operation.push(x => eval(expression));
//sets color of each dataset as different as possible
//and set initial data in chart
//set labels - separated by comma
if (this.labels) this.chlabels = this.labels.split(',');
//else generate labels as 'variable 1' ...
else {
this.chlabels = [...Array(this.refvalues)].map((_, i) => `variable ${i}`);
attached() {
//console.log('plotlyjs:', Plotly);
this.xdata = [];
//this.xdata = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
//empty ydata as array of datasets with length refvalues
this.ydata = []; = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.refvalues; i++) {
//this.ydata = [[1, 2, 4, 8, 16], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]];{
x: this.xdata, y: this.ydata[i], line: {
//color: 'rgb(128, 0, 128)',
width: 1
this.layout = { autosize: true, margin: { t: 0 }, width: this.width, height: this.height};
if (window.Plotly) {
this.chart = window.Plotly.newPlot( this.plotlydiv,, this.layout );
//listening to custom event fmidata and fmireset
const fromel = document.getElementById(this.fromid);
if (fromel) {
fromel.addEventListener('fmidata', this.handleValueChange);
fromel.addEventListener('fmireset', this.handleReset);
} else {console.warn('plotly element WARNING, null fromid element');}
else (console.warn('plotly.js needs to be loaded externally'))
detached() {
const fromel = document.getElementById(this.fromid);
if (fromel) {
fromel.removeEventListener('fmidata', this.handleValueChange);
fromel.removeEventListener('fmireset', this.handleReset);
} else {console.log('chartjs WARNING, null fromid element');}
updateData(e) {
let j = 0;
for (let i = this.refindex; i < this.refindex + this.refvalues; i++) {
//adds data to datasets
//if convert operation is defined as array then convert
if (this.operation && this.operation[j]) this.ydata[j].push(this.operation[j]([i]));
//else push data directly
else this.ydata[j].push([i]);
if (this.ydata[j].length > this.maxdata) {
//console.log('shifting dataset chartjs-time',[j].data);
//limit data
if (this.xdata.length > this.maxdata) this.xdata.shift();
//console.log('plotly redraw');
resetData(e) {
console.log('plotly resetdata()');
this.xdata.length = 0;// = [];
//this.ydata = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.refvalues; i++) this.ydata[i].length = 0;//=[];//.push([]);