import Dygraph from 'dygraphs/dist/dygraph';
import { bindable, useView } from 'aurelia-templating';
import { Dygraphchart } from "./dygraphchart";
export class Sachart extends Dygraphchart {
@bindable inputs;
@bindable fromid;
@bindable maxdata = 10;
@bindable refindex;
@bindable refvalues = 1;
@bindable pH = 0;
@bindable pCO2 = 0;
@bindable throttle = 2000; //time to throttle chart update, if it is too much at once
@bindable convertors;
@bindable pointSize = 5;
@bindable minichart;
@bindable observeid;
constructor() {
console.log('sachart constructor');
this.xy = true; //set xy chart - datapoint will not contain time point
this.handleResize = () => {
if (this.isElementVisible(this.dygraphcanvas)) {
console.log('sachart handle resize. This:',this);
if (this.dygraph) this.dygraph.resize()
} else console.log('sachart invisible no resize');
this.observerCallback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'style') {
const targetElement =;
if (this.isElementVisible(targetElement)) {
if (this.dygraph) this.dygraph.resize()
bind() {
if (typeof this.pointSize == 'string') this.pointSize = parseInt(this.pointSize)
//if (!this.width) this.width = '100%';
//if (!this.height) this.height = '400px';
if (typeof this.pH === 'string') this.pH = parseFloat(this.pH, 10);
if (typeof this.pCO2 === 'string') this.pCO2 = parseFloat(this.pCO2, 10);
//console.warn('sachart bind() width height'+this.width+' '+this.height);
attached() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
if (this.observeid){ = new MutationObserver(this.observerCallback);
let observingelement = document.getElementById(this.observeid);//this.dygraphcanvas.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
if (observingelement), {attributes:true,attributeFilter:['style']});
detached() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
if (this.observeid)
isElementVisible(element) {
// Check if the element itself is set to display: none
if (window.getComputedStyle(element).display === "none") {
return false;
// Traverse up the DOM tree
while (element) {
if (element.tagName === "BODY") {
// Reached the body element without finding display: none; the element is visible
return true;
// Check the computed style of the current element
if (window.getComputedStyle(element).display === "none") {
// Found a parent with display: none; the element is not visible
this.visibilityElement = element;, {attributes:true, attributeFilter:['style']})
return false;
// Move up to the next parent element
element = element.parentElement;
// Default to visible if no parent with display: none was found
return true;
initdygraph() {
console.log('sachart - initdygraph');
if (this.pH >0) = [[this.pH, this.pCO2]];
else = [];
this.xaxis = "pH";
this.yaxis = "pCO2mmHg";
this.logscale = true;
this.animatedZoom = true;
this.xrange = [7.0, 7.8]; //7.0 .. 7.8
this.yrange = [15, 115];//[[7.4,40,0.03],[7.4,40,0.4]]; // 15 .. 115
this.gradient = [[7.4, 40, 0.03], [7.4, 40, 0.4]];
this.acidbaseannotation = [[7.4, 40, "Normal area"],
[7.2, 64, "Acute Hypercapnia"],
[7.1, 35, "Acute Base Deficit"],
[7.1, 18, "Chronic Base Deficit"],
[7.41, 20, "Chronic Hypocapnia"],
[7.56, 23, "Acute Hypocapnia"],
[7.5, 49, "Chronic Base Excess"],
[7.3, 80, "Chronic Hypercapnia"]];
this.acidbaselimitborders = [[[7.8, 10.8], [7.46, 29.1], [7.3, 46.8], [6.89, 148], [6.96, 148], [7.33, 52.1], [7.47, 36.6], [7.8, 13.8]],
[[7.54, 64.7], [7.42, 52.1], [7.33, 41.4], [7.22, 28.7], [7.14, 18.4], [7.07, 11.6], [7.25, 11.6], [7.28, 15.8], [7.31, 22.8], [7.38, 29.1], [7.47, 37.6], [7.52, 41.4], [7.57, 44.3], [7.66, 47.3]],
[[7.0, 40.7], [7.09, 43.9], [7.2, 45.5], [7.39, 45.5], [7.39, 32.1], [7.25, 31.7], [7.18, 30.5], [7.06, 27.6], [7.0, 25.3]],
[[7.412, 18.90], [7.389, 30.3], [7.354, 50.7], [7.303, 65.6], [7.221, 96.3], [7.281, 96.3], [7.37, 66.2], [7.41, 51.0], [7.44, 38.7], [7.46, 29.1], [7.48, 18.5]]];
let gradient = this.gradient;
let acidbaselimitborders = this.acidbaselimitborders;
let acidbasebelines = this.acidbaselines;
let acidbaseannotation = this.acidbaseannotation;
this.dygraph = new Dygraph(this.dygraphcanvas,, {
labels: [this.xaxis, this.yaxis],
//resizable: "both",
highlightSeriesOpts: false,
showRoller: false,
showLabelsOnHighlight: false,
interactionModel: {},
highlightCallback: function(e) { },
unhighlightCallback: function(e) { },
//...(this.pointSize !== 0 && { drawPoints: true, highlightCircleSize: this.pointSize, }),
pointSize: this.pointSize,
strokeWidth: 0.0,
xlabel: this.xaxis,
ylabel: this.yaxis,
logscale: this.logscale,
//animatedZoom: this.animatedZoom,
dateWindow: this.xrange,
valueRange: this.yrange,
//tomatonSelectXY: true,
underlayCallback: function (canvas, area, g) {
//draw area of limit borders
//console.log("gradients [0][0..2]:" + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][0]) + " " + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][1]) + " " + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][2]));
if (isNaN(g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][0]))) {
console.log("cannot draw gradients [0][0..2]:" + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][0]) + " " + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][1]) + " " + g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][2]));
else {
let my_gradient = canvas.createRadialGradient(
g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][0]), g.toDomYCoord(gradient[0][1]), Math.abs(g.toDomXCoord(gradient[0][2])-g.toDomXCoord(0)),
g.toDomXCoord(gradient[1][0]), g.toDomYCoord(gradient[1][1]), Math.abs(g.toDomXCoord(gradient[1][2])-g.toDomXCoord(0)));
my_gradient.addColorStop(0, "#ffffaa");
my_gradient.addColorStop(.1, "#aaccaa");
my_gradient.addColorStop(1, "#ffffff");
canvas.fillStyle = my_gradient;
canvas.strokeStyle = "#909090";
for (let i = 0; i < acidbaselimitborders.length; i++) {
canvas.moveTo(g.toDomXCoord(acidbaselimitborders[i][0][0]), g.toDomYCoord(acidbaselimitborders[i][0][1]));
for (let j = 1; j < acidbaselimitborders[i].length; j++) {
canvas.lineTo(g.toDomXCoord(acidbaselimitborders[i][j][0]), g.toDomYCoord(acidbaselimitborders[i][j][1]));
canvas.strokeStyle = "#909090";
//draw lines of BE
for (let i = 1; i < acidbasebelines[0].length; i++) {
canvas.moveTo(g.toDomXCoord(acidbasebelines[0][0]-0.8), g.toDomYCoord(acidbasebelines[0][i]*7.5));
for (let j = 1; j < acidbasebelines.length; j++) {
canvas.lineTo(g.toDomXCoord(acidbasebelines[j][0]-0.8), g.toDomYCoord(acidbasebelines[j][i]*7.5));
} *///for
for (let i = 0; i < acidbaseannotation.length; i++) {
canvas.fillStyle = "#1030ff";
canvas.font = "12px Verdana";
let cx = g.toDomXCoord(acidbaseannotation[i][0]);
let cy = g.toDomYCoord(acidbaseannotation[i][1]);
//if ((cx > 0) && (cx < 600) && (cy > 0) && (cy < 400))
canvas.fillText(acidbaseannotation[i][2], cx, cy);
} //underlaycallback
//console.log("model name + model[0]"+model + " [0] "+ model[0]);
//if (graphid == 'graph1') gl_g1 = gr2;
//else gl_g2 = gr2;