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4 days
Test Coverage
 * Modernizr JavaScript library 1.5
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Faruk Ates -
 * Dual-licensed under the BSD and MIT licenses.
 * Featuring major contributions by
 * Paul Irish  -
 * Modernizr is a script that will detect native CSS3 and HTML5 features
 * available in the current UA and provide an object containing all
 * features with a true/false value, depending on whether the UA has
 * native support for it or not.
 * In addition to that, Modernizr will add classes to the <html>
 * element of the page, one for each cutting-edge feature. If the UA
 * supports it, a class like "cssgradients" will be added. If not,
 * the class name will be "no-cssgradients". This allows for simple
 * if-conditionals in CSS styling, making it easily to have fine
 * control over the look and feel of your website.
 * @author        Faruk Ates
 * @copyright     (c) 2009-2010 Faruk Ates.
 * @contributor   Paul Irish
 * @contributor   Ben Alman

window.Modernizr = (function(window,doc,undefined){
    var version = '1.5',
    ret = {},

     * enableHTML5 is a private property for advanced use only. If enabled,
     * it will make Modernizr.init() run through a brief while() loop in
     * which it will create all HTML5 elements in the DOM to allow for
     * styling them in Internet Explorer, which does not recognize any
     * non-HTML4 elements unless created in the DOM this way.
     * enableHTML5 is ON by default.
    enableHTML5 = true,
     * fontfaceCheckDelay is the ms delay before the @font-face test is
     * checked a second time. This is neccessary because both Gecko and
     * WebKit do not load data: URI font data synchronously.
     * The check will be done again at fontfaceCheckDelay*2 and then 
     * a fourth time at window's load event. 
     * If you need to query for @font-face support, send a callback to: 
     *  Modernizr._fontfaceready(fn);
     * The callback is passed the boolean value of Modernizr.fontface
    fontfaceCheckDelay = 75,
    docElement = doc.documentElement,

     * Create our "modernizr" element that we do most feature tests on.
    mod = 'modernizr',
    m = doc.createElement( mod ),
    m_style =,

     * Create the input element for various Web Forms feature tests.
    f = doc.createElement( 'input' ),
    // Reused strings, stored here to allow better minification
    canvas = 'canvas',
    canvastext = 'canvastext',
    rgba = 'rgba',
    hsla = 'hsla',
    multiplebgs = 'multiplebgs',
    backgroundsize = 'backgroundsize',
    borderimage = 'borderimage',
    borderradius = 'borderradius',
    boxshadow = 'boxshadow',
    opacity = 'opacity',
    cssanimations = 'cssanimations',
    csscolumns = 'csscolumns',
    cssgradients = 'cssgradients',
    cssreflections = 'cssreflections',
    csstransforms = 'csstransforms',
    csstransforms3d = 'csstransforms3d',
    csstransitions = 'csstransitions',
    fontface = 'fontface',
    geolocation = 'geolocation',
    video = 'video',
    audio = 'audio',
    input = 'input',
    inputtypes = input + 'types',
    // inputtypes is an object of its own containing individual tests for
    // various new input types, such as search, range, datetime, etc.
    svg = 'svg',
    smil = 'smil',
    svgclippaths = svg+'clippaths',
    background = 'background',
    backgroundColor = background + 'Color',
    canPlayType = 'canPlayType',
    // FF gets really angry if you name local variables as these, but camelCased.
    localstorage = 'localStorage',
    sessionstorage = 'sessionStorage',
    applicationcache = 'applicationCache',
    webWorkers = 'webworkers',
    hashchange = 'hashchange',
    crosswindowmessaging = 'crosswindowmessaging',
    historymanagement = 'historymanagement',
    draganddrop = 'draganddrop',
    websqldatabase = 'websqldatabase',
    indexedDB = 'indexedDB',
    websockets = 'websockets',
    smile = ':)',
    // IE7 gets mad if you name a local variable `toString`
    tostring = Object.prototype.toString,
    // list of property values to set for css tests. see ticket #21
    prefixes = ' -o- -moz- -ms- -webkit- -khtml- '.split(' '),

    tests = {},
    inputs = {},
    attrs = {},
    classes = [],
      * isEventSupported determines if a given element supports the given event
      * function from
    isEventSupported = (function(){
        var TAGNAMES = {
        cache = { };
        function isEventSupported(eventName, element) {
            var canCache = (arguments.length == 1);
            // only return cached result when no element is given
            if (canCache && cache[eventName]) {
                return cache[eventName];
            element = element || document.createElement(TAGNAMES[eventName] || 'div');
            eventName = 'on' + eventName;
            // When using `setAttribute`, IE skips "unload", WebKit skips "unload" and "resize"
            // `in` "catches" those
            var isSupported = (eventName in element);
            if (!isSupported && element.setAttribute) {
                element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');
                isSupported = typeof element[eventName] == 'function';
            element = null;
            return canCache ? (cache[eventName] = isSupported) : isSupported;
        return isEventSupported;
    var _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProperty;
    if (typeof _hasOwnProperty !== 'undefined' && typeof !== 'undefined') {
      hasOwnProperty = function (object, property) {
        return, property);
    else {
      hasOwnProperty = function (object, property) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */
        return ((property in object) && typeof object.constructor.prototype[property] === 'undefined');
     * set_css applies given styles to the Modernizr DOM node.
    function set_css( str ) {
        m_style.cssText = str;

     * set_css_all extrapolates all vendor-specific css strings.
    function set_css_all( str1, str2 ) {
        return set_css(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' ));

     * contains returns a boolean for if substr is found within str.
    function contains( str, substr ) {
        return (''+str).indexOf( substr ) !== -1;

     * test_props is a generic CSS / DOM property test; if a browser supports
     *   a certain property, it won't return undefined for it.
     *   A supported CSS property returns empty string when its not yet set.
    function test_props( props, callback ) {
        for ( var i in props ) {
            if ( m_style[ props[i] ] !== undefined && ( !callback || callback( props[i], m ) ) ) {
                return true;

     * test_props_all tests a list of DOM properties we want to check against.
     *   We specify literally ALL possible (known and/or likely) properties on 
     *   the element including the non-vendor prefixed one, for forward-
     *   compatibility.
    function test_props_all( prop, callback ) {
        var uc_prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
        // following spec is to expose vendor-specific style properties as:
        // and the following would be incorrect:
        // Webkit ghosts their properties in lowercase but Opera & Moz do not.
        // Microsoft foregoes prefixes entirely <= IE8, but appears to 
        //   use a lowercase `ms` instead of the correct `Ms` in IE9
        // see more here:
        props = [
            'Webkit' + uc_prop,
            'Moz' + uc_prop,
            'O' + uc_prop,
            'ms' + uc_prop,
            'Khtml' + uc_prop

        return !!test_props( props, callback );

     * Tests
    tests[canvas] = function() {
        return !!doc.createElement( canvas ).getContext;
    tests[canvastext] = function() {
        return !!(tests[canvas]() && typeof doc.createElement( canvas ).getContext('2d').fillText == 'function');
     * The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports
     *    touch events, which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen
     *    device, as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or, alas,
     *    the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones.
     * Additionally, chrome used to lie about its support on this, but that 
     *    has since been recitifed:
     * Because there is no way to reliably detect Chrome's false positive 
     *    without UA sniffing we have removed this test from Modernizr. We 
     *    hope to add it in after Chrome 5 has been sunsetted. 
     * See also
    tests[touch] = function() {

        return !!('ontouchstart' in window);

     * geolocation tests for the new Geolocation API specification.
     *   This test is a standards compliant-only test; for more complete
     *   testing, including a Google Gears fallback, please see:
     * or view a fallback solution using google's geo API:
    tests[geolocation] = function() {
        return !!navigator.geolocation;

    tests[crosswindowmessaging] = function() {
      return !!window.postMessage;

    // in chrome incognito mode, openDatabase is truthy, but using it
    //   will throw an exception:
    // we create a dummy database. there is no way to delete it afterwards. sorry. 
    tests[websqldatabase] = function() {
      var result = !!window.openDatabase;
      if (result){
        try {
          result = !!openDatabase( mod + "testdb", "1.0", mod + "testdb", 2e4);
        } catch(e) {
          result = false;
      return result;
    tests[indexedDB] = function(){
      return !!window[indexedDB];

    // documentMode logic from YUI to filter out IE8 Compat Mode
    //   which false positives.
    tests[hashchange] = function() {
      return isEventSupported(hashchange, window) && ( document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7 );

    tests[historymanagement] = function() {
      return !!(window.history && history.pushState);

    tests[draganddrop] = function() {
        return isEventSupported('drag')
            && isEventSupported('dragstart')
            && isEventSupported('dragenter')
            && isEventSupported('dragover')
            && isEventSupported('dragleave')
            && isEventSupported('dragend')
            && isEventSupported('drop');

    tests[websockets] = function(){
        return ('WebSocket' in window);
    tests[rgba] = function() {
        // Set an rgba() color and check the returned value
        set_css( background + '-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)' );
        return contains( m_style[backgroundColor], rgba );
    tests[hsla] = function() {
        // Same as rgba(), in fact, browsers re-map hsla() to rgba() internally..
        //   except IE9 who retains it as hsla
        set_css( background + '-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)' );
        return contains( m_style[backgroundColor], rgba ) || contains( m_style[backgroundColor], hsla );
    tests[multiplebgs] = function() {
        // Setting multiple images AND a color on the background shorthand property
        //  and then querying the style.background property value for the number of
        //  occurrences of "url(" is a reliable method for detecting ACTUAL support for this!
        set_css( background + ':url(//:),url(//:),red url(//:)' );
        // If the UA supports multiple backgrounds, there should be three occurrences
        //  of the string "url(" in the return value for elem_style.background

        return new RegExp("(url\\s*\\(.*?){3}").test(m_style[background]);
    // In testing support for a given CSS property, it's legit to test:
    //[styleName] !== undefined
    // If the property is supported it will return an empty string,
    // if unsupported it will return undefined.
    // We'll take advantage of this quick test and skip setting a style 
    // on our modernizr element, but instead just testing undefined vs
    // empty string.
    // The legacy set_css_all calls will remain in the source 
    // (however, commented) in for clarity, yet functionally they are 
    // no longer needed.

    tests[backgroundsize] = function() {
        return test_props_all( background + 'Size' );
    tests[borderimage] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'border-image:url(m.png) 1 1 stretch' );
        return test_props_all( 'borderImage' );
    // super comprehensive table about all the unique implementations of 
    // border-radius:
    tests[borderradius] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'border-radius:10px' );
        return test_props_all( 'borderRadius', '', function( prop ) {
            return contains( prop, 'orderRadius' );
    tests[boxshadow] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'box-shadow:#000 1px 1px 3px' );
        return test_props_all( 'boxShadow' );
    tests[opacity] = function() {
        // Browsers that actually have CSS Opacity implemented have done so
        //  according to spec, which means their return values are within the
        //  range of [0.0,1.0] - including the leading zero.
        set_css_all( 'opacity:.5' );
        return contains( m_style[opacity], '0.5' );
    tests[cssanimations] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'animation:"animate" 2s ease 2', 'position:relative' );
        return test_props_all( 'animationName' );
    tests[csscolumns] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'column-count:3' );
        return test_props_all( 'columnCount' );
    tests[cssgradients] = function() {
         * For CSS Gradients syntax, please see:
        var str1 = background + '-image:',
            str2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));',
            str3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);';
            (str1 + prefixes.join(str2 + str1) + prefixes.join(str3 + str1)).slice(0,-str1.length)
        return contains( m_style.backgroundImage, 'gradient' );
    tests[cssreflections] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'box-reflect:right 1px' );
        return test_props_all( 'boxReflect' );
    tests[csstransforms] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'transform:rotate(3deg)' );
        return !!test_props([ 'transformProperty', 'WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform', 'msTransform' ]);
    tests[csstransforms3d] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'perspective:500' );
        var ret = !!test_props([ 'perspectiveProperty', 'WebkitPerspective', 'MozPerspective', 'OPerspective', 'msPerspective' ]);
        // webkit has 3d transforms disabled for chrome, though
        //   it works fine in safari on leopard and snow leopard
        // as a result, it 'recognizes' the syntax and throws a false positive
        // thus we must do a more thorough check:
        if (ret){
            var st = document.createElement('style'),
                div = doc.createElement('div');
            // webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled.    
            // "@media (transform-3d),(-o-transform-3d),(-moz-transform-3d),(-ms-transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d),(modernizr){#modernizr{height:3px}}"
            st.textContent = '@media ('+prefixes.join('transform-3d),(')+'modernizr){#modernizr{height:3px}}';
   = 'modernizr';
            ret = div.offsetHeight === 3;
        return ret;
    tests[csstransitions] = function() {
        //  set_css_all( 'transition:all .5s linear' );
        return test_props_all( 'transitionProperty' );

    // @font-face detection routine created by Paul Irish -
    // Merged into Modernizr with approval. Read more about Paul's work here:
    tests[fontface] = function(){

        var fontret;
        if (/*@cc_on@if(@_jscript_version>=5)!@end@*/0) fontret = true;
        else {
          // Create variables for dedicated @font-face test
          var st  = doc.createElement('style'),
            spn = doc.createElement('span'),
            size, isFakeBody = false, body = doc.body,
            callback, isCallbackCalled;
          // The following is a font-face + glyph definition for the . character:
          // we don't use `serif` and we don't use `monospace`
          spn.setAttribute('style','font:99px _,arial,helvetica;position:absolute;visibility:hidden'); 
          if  (!body){
            body = docElement.appendChild(doc.createElement(fontface));
            isFakeBody = true;
          // the data-uri'd font only has the . glyph; which is 3 pixels wide.
          spn.innerHTML = '........';
        = 'fonttest';
          size = spn.offsetWidth*spn.offsetHeight;
 = '99px testfont,_,arial,helvetica';
          // needed for the CSSFontFaceRule false positives (ff3, chrome, op9)
          fontret = size !== spn.offsetWidth*spn.offsetHeight;
          function delayedCheck(){
            if (!body.parentNode) return;
            fontret = ret[fontface] = size !== spn.offsetWidth*spn.offsetHeight;
            docElement.className = docElement.className.replace(/(no-)?fontface\b/,'') + (fontret ? ' ' : ' no-') + fontface;

              (isCallbackCalled = true) && callback && callback(fontret);
                  if (!isFakeBody) body = spn;
              }, 50);

        // allow for a callback
        ret._fontfaceready = function(fn){
          (isCallbackCalled || fontret) ? fn(fontret) : (callback = fn);
        return fontret || size !== spn.offsetWidth;

    // These tests evaluate support of the video/audio elements, as well as
    // testing what types of content they support.
    // we're using the Boolean constructor here, so that we can extend the value
    // e.g.     // true
    // // 'probably'
    // codec values from :
    //                     thx to NielsLeenheer and zcorpan
    tests[video] = function() {
        var elem = doc.createElement(video),
            bool = !!elem[canPlayType];
        if (bool){  
            bool      = new Boolean(bool);  
            bool.ogg  = elem[canPlayType]('video/ogg; codecs="theora"');
            bool.h264 = elem[canPlayType]('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"');
            bool.webm = elem[canPlayType]('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"');
        return bool;
    tests[audio] = function() {
        var elem = doc.createElement(audio),
            bool = !!elem[canPlayType];
        if (bool){  
            bool      = new Boolean(bool);  
            bool.ogg  = elem[canPlayType]('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"');
            bool.mp3  = elem[canPlayType]('audio/mpeg;');
            // mimetypes accepted: 
            bool.wav  = elem[canPlayType]('audio/wav; codecs="1"');
            bool.m4a  = elem[canPlayType]('audio/x-m4a;') || elem[canPlayType]('audio/aac;');
        return bool;

    // both localStorage and sessionStorage are
    // tested via the `in` operator because otherwise Firefox will
    //   throw an error:
    // if cookies are disabled
    // they require try/catch because of possible firefox configuration:
    // FWIW miller device resolves to [object Storage] in all supporting browsers
    //   except for IE who does [object Object]
    // IE8 Compat mode supports these features completely:
    tests[localstorage] = function() {
        try {
          return ('localStorage' in window) && window[localstorage] !== null;
        } catch(e) {
          return false;

    tests[sessionstorage] = function() {
        try {
            return ('sessionStorage' in window) && window[sessionstorage] !== null;
        } catch(e){
            return false;

    tests[webWorkers] = function () {
        return !!window.Worker;

    tests[applicationcache] =  function() {
        var cache = window[applicationcache];
        return !!(cache && (typeof cache.status != 'undefined') && (typeof cache.update == 'function') && (typeof cache.swapCache == 'function'));

    // thanks to Erik Dahlstrom
    tests[svg] = function(){
        return !!doc.createElementNS && !!doc.createElementNS( "", "svg").createSVGRect;
    // thanks to F1lt3r and lucideer
    tests[smil] = function(){
        return !!doc.createElementNS && /SVG/.test('','animate')));

    tests[svgclippaths] = function(){
        // returns a false positive in saf 3.2?
        return !!doc.createElementNS && /SVG/.test('','clipPath')));

    // input features and input types go directly onto the ret object, bypassing the tests loop.
    // hold this guy to execute in a moment.
    function webforms(){
        // Run through HTML5's new input attributes to see if the UA understands any.
        // We're using f which is the <input> element created early on
        // Mike Taylr has created a comprehensive resource for testing these attributes
        //   when applied to all input types: 
        // spec:
        ret[input] = (function(props) {
            for (var i = 0,len=props.length;i<len;i++) {
                attrs[ props[i] ] = !!(props[i] in f);
            return attrs;
        })('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' '));

        // Run through HTML5's new input types to see if the UA understands any.
        //   This is put behind the tests runloop because it doesn't return a
        //   true/false like all the other tests; instead, it returns an object
        //   containing each input type with its corresponding true/false value 
        // Big thx to @miketaylr for the html5 forms expertise.
        ret[inputtypes] = (function(props) {
            for (var i = 0,bool,len=props.length;i<len;i++) {
                f.setAttribute('type', props[i]);
                bool = f.type !== 'text';
                // chrome likes to falsely purport support, so we feed it a textual value
                // if that doesnt succeed then we know there's a custom UI
                if (bool){  

                    f.value = smile;
                    if (/^range$/.test(f.type) && !== undefined){
                      // Safari 2-4 allows the smiley as a value, despite making a slider
                      bool =  doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle && 
                              doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(f, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' && 
                              // mobile android web browser has false positive, so must
                              // check the height to see if the widget is actually there.
                              (f.offsetHeight !== 0);
                    } else if (/^(search|tel)$/.test(f.type)){
                      // spec doesnt define any special parsing or detectable UI 
                      //   behaviors so we pass these through as true
                      // interestingly, opera fails the earlier test, so it doesn't
                      //  even make it here.
                    } else if (/^(url|email)$/.test(f.type)) {

                      // real url and email support comes with prebaked validation.
                      bool = f.checkValidity && f.checkValidity() === false;
                    } else {
                      // if the upgraded input compontent rejects the :) text, we got a winner
                      bool = f.value != smile;
                inputs[ props[i] ] = !!bool;
            return inputs;
        })('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' '));


    // end of test definitions

    // Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA.
    // todo: hypothetically we could be doing an array of tests and use a basic loop here.
    for ( var feature in tests ) {
        if ( hasOwnProperty( tests, feature ) ) {
            // run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr,
            //   then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className
            //   and push it into an array of classes we'll join later.
            classes.push( ( ( ret[ feature.toLowerCase() ] = tests[ feature ]() ) ?  '' : 'no-' ) + feature.toLowerCase() );
    // input tests need to run.
    if (!ret[input]) webforms();


     * Addtest allows the user to define their own feature tests
     * the result will be added onto the Modernizr object,
     * as well as an appropriate className set on the html element
     * @param feature - String naming the feature
     * @param test - Function returning true if feature is supported, false if not
    ret.addTest = function (feature, test) {
      feature = feature.toLowerCase();
      if (ret[ feature ]) {
        return; // quit if you're trying to overwrite an existing test
      test = !!(test());
      docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature; 
      ret[ feature ] = test;
      return ret; // allow chaining.

     * Reset to nothing to reduce memory footprint.
    set_css( '' );
    m = f = null;

    // Enable HTML 5 elements for styling in IE. 
    // fyi: jscript version does not reflect trident version
    //      therefore ie9 in ie7 mode will still have a jScript v.9
    if ( enableHTML5 && (function(){ var elem = doc.createElement("div");
                                      elem.innerHTML = "<elem></elem>";
                                      return elem.childNodes.length !== 1; })()) {
        // iepp v1.5.1 MIT @jon_neal
        (function(p,e){function q(a,b){if(g[a])g[a].styleSheet.cssText+=b;else{var c=r[l],d=e[j]("style");;c.insertBefore(d,c[l]);g[a]=d;q(a,b)}}function s(a,b){for(var c=new RegExp("\\b("+m+")\\b(?!.*[;}])","gi"),d=function(k){return".iepp_"+k},h=-1;++h<a.length;){b=a[h].media||b;s(a[h].imports,b);q(b,a[h].cssText.replace(c,d))}}function t(){for(var a,b=e.getElementsByTagName("*"),c,d,h=new RegExp("^"+m+"$","i"),k=-1;++k<b.length;)if((a=b[k])&&(d=a.nodeName.match(h))){c=new RegExp("^\\s*<"+d+"(.*)\\/"+d+">\\s*$","i");i.innerHTML=a.outerHTML.replace(/\r|\n/g," ").replace(c,a.currentStyle.display=="block"?"<div$1/div>":"<span$1/span>");c=i.childNodes[0];c.className+=" iepp_"+d;c=f[f.length]=[a,c];a.parentNode.replaceChild(c[1],c[0])}s(e.styleSheets,"all")}function u(){for(var a=-1,b;++a<f.length;)f[a][1].parentNode.replaceChild(f[a][0],f[a][1]);for(b in g)r[l].removeChild(g[b]);g={};f=[]}for(var r=e.documentElement,i=e.createDocumentFragment(),g={},m="abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|command|datalist|details|figure|figcaption|footer|header|hgroup|keygen|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|source|summary|time|video",n=m.split("|"),f=[],o=-1,l="firstChild",j="createElement";++o<n.length;){e[j](n[o]);i[j](n[o])}i=i.appendChild(e[j]("div"));p.attachEvent("onbeforeprint",t);p.attachEvent("onafterprint",u)})(this,doc);

    // Assign private properties to the return object with prefix
    ret._enableHTML5     = enableHTML5;
    ret._version         = version;

    // Remove "no-js" class from <html> element, if it exists:
    docElement.className=docElement.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,'') + ' js';

    // Add the new classes to the <html> element.
    docElement.className += ' ' + classes.join( ' ' );
    return ret;
