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# Contributing to crmis/weddings

#### Thanks for thinking of contributing to crmis! Whether you are here to report issues or develop on the project the sections below provide outlines on how to get started.

## Bugs/Issues :bug:

Write specifically which browser (and version if possible) this is reported to be found in.

Write out the steps to replicate the error. What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?

If possible provide a snippet of code, and the syntax if possible. Check the guide on how to do so:
[Mastering Markdown.](

## Steps

##### 1. Fork this repository to your own space.
##### 2. Create a new branch:``git checkout -b your-new-branch``
##### 3. Do some code!
##### 4. Make a pull request, this will get reviewed/discussed.
##### 5. If it's good and passes the tests, it should get pulled in!

## Longer Steps

1. Use [git]( to clone the repository: ` git clone` (if you use https: ``).

2. Create a dedicated branch for your code with `git checkout -b your-new-branch`

3. Write some code!

4. Commit your changes with `git commit -a`. This will launch your commit editor. Write your summary and then explain what you have done in the code.

5. To pull any changes which could have occurred on the master branch run `git checkout master` followed by `git pull --rebase`

6. Now apply your patch to the master branch with `git checkout your-branch-name` followed by `git rebase master`.

7. Fork the [repo]( to your own space.

8. Add your remote repository to your machine `git remote add mine<your user name>/weddings.git`

9. Push to your repo `git push mine my_new_branch`

10. Open a pull request on GitHub. If it passes the tests and the code looks good it should get pulled in!

###### Needs more work :octocat: