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actions :add
default_action :add

# Allow using non-standard locations for ceph.conf and admin keyring.
# This can happen when using and external ceph cluster not deployed with crowbar
attribute :ceph_conf, kind_of: String, default: "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf"
attribute :admin_keyring, kind_of: String, default: "/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring"

attribute :name, kind_of: String, name_attribute: true
attribute :caps, kind_of: Hash, default: { "mon" => "allow r", "osd" => "allow r" }

# Whether to store the secret in a keyring file or a plain secret file
attribute :as_keyring, kind_of: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true

# what the key should be called in the ceph cluster
# defaults to client.#{name}.#{hostname}
attribute :keyname, kind_of: String

# where the key should be saved
# defaults to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.#{name}.#{hostname}.keyring if as_keyring
# defaults to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.#{name}.#{hostname}.secret if not as_keyring
attribute :filename, kind_of: String

# key file access creds
attribute :owner, kind_of: String, default: "root"
attribute :group, kind_of: String, default: "root"
attribute :mode, kind_of: [Integer, String], default: "00640"

attr_accessor :key, :caps_match