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maintainer "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email ""
license "Apache 2.0"
description "Installs and configures all aspects of apache2 using Debian style symlinks with helper definitions"
long_description, "README.rdoc"))
version "0.99.3"
depends "utils"
recipe "apache2", "Main Apache configuration"
recipe "apache2::mod_alias", "Apache module 'alias' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_auth_basic", "Apache module 'auth_basic'"
recipe "apache2::mod_auth_digest", "Apache module 'auth_digest'"
recipe "apache2::mod_auth_openid", "Apache module 'authopenid'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authn_file", "Apache module 'authn_file'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authnz_ldap", "Apache module 'authnz_ldap'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authz_default", "Apache module 'authz_default'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authz_groupfile", "Apache module 'authz_groupfile'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authz_host", "Apache module 'authz_host'"
recipe "apache2::mod_authz_user", "Apache module 'authz_user'"
recipe "apache2::mod_autoindex", "Apache module 'autoindex' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_cgi", "Apache module 'cgi'"
recipe "apache2::mod_dav", "Apache module 'dav'"
recipe "apache2::mod_dav_svn", "Apache module 'dav_svn'"
recipe "apache2::mod_deflate", "Apache module 'deflate' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_dir", "Apache module 'dir' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_env", "Apache module 'env'"
recipe "apache2::mod_expires", "Apache module 'expires'"
recipe "apache2::mod_fcgid", "Apache module 'fcgid', package on ubuntu/debian, rhel/centos, compile source on suse; with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_headers", "Apache module 'headers'"
recipe "apache2::mod_ldap", "Apache module 'ldap'"
recipe "apache2::mod_log_config", "Apache module 'log_config'"
recipe "apache2::mod_mime", "Apache module 'mime' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_negotiation", "Apache module 'negotiation' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_php5", "Apache module 'php5'"
recipe "apache2::mod_proxy", "Apache module 'proxy' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_proxy_ajp", "Apache module 'proxy_ajp'"
recipe "apache2::mod_proxy_balancer", "Apache module 'proxy_balancer'"
recipe "apache2::mod_proxy_connect", "Apache module 'proxy_connect'"
recipe "apache2::mod_proxy_http", "Apache module 'proxy_http'"
recipe "apache2::mod_python", "Apache module 'python'"
recipe "apache2::mod_rewrite", "Apache module 'rewrite'"
recipe "apache2::mod_setenvif", "Apache module 'setenvif' with config file"
recipe "apache2::mod_ssl", "Apache module 'ssl' with config file, adds port 443 to listen_ports"
recipe "apache2::mod_status", "Apache module 'status' with config file"

%w{redhat centos debian ubuntu arch}.each do |os|
  supports os

attribute "apache",
          display_name: "Apache Hash",
          description: "Hash of Apache attributes",
          type: "hash"

attribute "apache/dir",
          display_name: "Apache Directory",
          description: "Location for Apache configuration",
          default: "/etc/apache2"

attribute "apache/log_dir",
          display_name: "Apache Log Directory",
          description: "Location for Apache logs",
          default: "/etc/apache2"

attribute "apache/user",
          display_name: "Apache User",
          description: "User Apache runs as",
          default: "www-data"

attribute "apache/binary",
          display_name: "Apache Binary",
          description: "Apache server daemon program",
          default: "/usr/sbin/apache2"

attribute "apache/icondir",
          display_name: "Apache Icondir",
          description: "Directory location for icons",
          default: "/usr/share/apache2/icons"

attribute "apache/listen_ports",
          display_name: "Apache Listen Ports",
          description: "Ports that Apache should listen on",
          type: "array",
          default: ["80", "443"]

attribute "apache/contact",
          display_name: "Apache Contact",
          description: "Email address of webmaster",
          default: ""

attribute "apache/timeout",
          display_name: "Apache Timeout",
          description: "Connection timeout value",
          default: "300"

attribute "apache/keepalive",
          display_name: "Apache Keepalive",
          description: "HTTP persistent connections",
          default: "On"

attribute "apache/keepaliverequests",
          display_name: "Apache Keepalive Requests",
          description: "Number of requests allowed on a persistent connection",
          default: "100"

attribute "apache/keepalivetimeout",
          display_name: "Apache Keepalive Timeout",
          description: "Time to wait for requests on persistent connection",
          default: "5"

attribute "apache/servertokens",
          display_name: "Apache Server Tokens",
          description: "Server response header",
          default: "Prod"

attribute "apache/serversignature",
          display_name: "Apache Server Signature",
          description: "Configure footer on server-generated documents",
          default: "On"

attribute "apache/traceenable",
          display_name: "Apache Trace Enable",
          description: "Determine behavior of TRACE requests",
          default: "On"

attribute "apache/allowed_openids",
          display_name: "Apache Allowed OpenIDs",
          description: "Array of OpenIDs allowed to authenticate",
          default: ""

attribute "apache/prefork",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork",
          description: "Hash of Apache prefork tuning attributes.",
          type: "hash"

attribute "apache/prefork/startservers",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM StartServers",
          description: "Number of MPM servers to start",
          default: "16"

attribute "apache/prefork/minspareservers",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM MinSpareServers",
          description: "Minimum number of spare server processes",
          default: "16"

attribute "apache/prefork/maxspareservers",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM MaxSpareServers",
          description: "Maximum number of spare server processes",
          default: "32"

attribute "apache/prefork/serverlimit",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM ServerLimit",
          description: "Upper limit on configurable server processes",
          default: "400"

attribute "apache/prefork/maxclients",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM MaxClients",
          description: "Maximum number of simultaneous connections",
          default: "400"

attribute "apache/prefork/maxrequestsperchild",
          display_name: "Apache Prefork MPM MaxRequestsPerChild",
          description: "Maximum number of request a child process will handle",
          default: "10000"

attribute "apache/worker",
          display_name: "Apache Worker",
          description: "Hash of Apache prefork tuning attributes.",
          type: "hash"

attribute "apache/worker/startservers",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM StartServers",
          description: "Initial number of server processes to start",
          default: "4"

attribute "apache/worker/maxclients",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM MaxClients",
          description: "Maximum number of simultaneous connections",
          default: "1024"

attribute "apache/worker/minsparethreads",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM MinSpareThreads",
          description: "Minimum number of spare worker threads",
          default: "64"

attribute "apache/worker/maxsparethreads",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM MaxSpareThreads",
          description: "Maximum number of spare worker threads",
          default: "192"

attribute "apache/worker/threadsperchild",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM ThreadsPerChild",
          description: "Constant number of worker threads in each server process",
          default: "64"

attribute "apache/worker/maxrequestsperchild",
          display_name: "Apache Worker MPM MaxRequestsPerChild",
          description: "Maximum number of request a child process will handle",
          default: "0"