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Test Coverage
## v2.2.2:

* [COOK-2507] - stringify language attributes

## v2.2.0:

* [COOK-547] - Add `load` action to provider to reload services when
  template changes.

## v2.1.0:

* [COOK-1295] - The bluepill cookbook does not create the default log file
* [COOK-1840] - Enable bluepill to log to rsyslog

## v2.0.0:

This version uses platform_family attribute (in the provider), making
the cookbook incompatible with older versions of Chef/Ohai, hence the
major version bump.

* [COOK-1644] - Bluepill cookbook fails on Redhat due to missing
  default or redhat template directory.
* [COOK-1920] - init script should have a template file named after
  platform_family instead of using file specificity

## v1.1.2:

* [COOK-1730] - Add ability to specify which version of bluepill to

## v1.1.0:

* [COOK-1592] - use mixlib-shellout instead of execute, add test-kitchen

## v1.0.6:

* [COOK-1304] - support amazon linux
* [COOK-1427] - resolve foodcritic warnings

## v1.0.4:

* [COOK-1106] - fix chkconfig loader for CentOS 5
* [COOK-1107] - use integer for GID instead of string

## v1.0.2:

* [COOK-1043] - Bluepill cookbook fails on OS X because it tries to
  use root group

## v1.0.0:

* [COOK-943] - add init script for freebsd

## v0.3.0:

* [COOK-867] - enable bluepill service on RHEL family
* [COOK-550] - add freebsd support

## v0.2.2:

* Fixes COOK-524, COOK-632