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#! /bin/bash

ovs-vsctl br-exists <%= @bridgename %> || exit 0
ovs-vsctl set bridge <%= @bridgename %> other-config:forward-bpdu=<%= @ovs_forward_bpdu %>
  # remove the "secure" fail-mode for bridges that share an interface
  # with the "admin" network, otherwise the admin network will be offline
  # during boot and until the neutron OVS agent wakes up
  # also remove the OVS controller set up by the OVS neutron agent for the
  # bridge, otherwise the default "standalone" fail-mode only has effect
  # until the OVS agent starts up, instead of remaining in effect until the
  # OVS agent actually reconfigures the bridge some time after startup
  # (see SOC-10073 for details)
  if @is_admin_nwk
ovs-vsctl del-fail-mode <%= @bridgename %>
ovs-vsctl del-controller <%= @bridgename %>