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  # To configure Keystone correctly, a project-scoped token must be acquired.
  # To accomplish this, the configuration must be set up with one of the
  # following scenarios:
  #   Set username and password and you have a default project set in keystone.
  #   Set username, password and project id.
  #   Set username, password, project name and (domain id or domain name).
  # Monitoring API URL: URL for the monitoring API, if undefined it will be pulled from the keystone service catalog
  # Example:
  url: "<%= @monasca_api_url %>"
  # Keystone Username
  username: "<%= @agent_settings["keystone"]["service_user"] %>"
  # Keystone Password
  password: "<%= @agent_settings["keystone"]["service_password"] %>"
  # Keystone API URL: URL for the Keystone server to use
  # Example:
  keystone_url: "<%= @keystone_settings["admin_auth_url"] %>/v<%= @keystone_settings["api_version"] %>"
  # Project name to be used by this agent
  project_name: "<%= @agent_settings["keystone"]["service_tenant"] %>"
  # Set whether certificates are used for Keystone
  # If insecure is set to False, a ca_file name must be set to authenticate with Keystone
  insecure: <%= @keystone_settings['insecure'] %>
  # Name of the ca certs file
  # ca_file: <%= @ca_file %>
  user_domain_name: Default
  project_domain_name: Default

  # The following 3 options are for handling buffering and reconnection to the monasca-api
  # If the agent forwarder is consuming too much memory, you may want to set
  # max_measurement_buffer_size to a lower value. If you have a larger system with many agents,
  # you may want to throttle the number of messages sent to the API by setting the
  # backlog_send_rate to a lower number.

  # Maximum number of measurements to buffer when unable to communicate with the monasca-api
  # (-1 means no limit)
  max_measurement_buffer_size: <%= @agent_settings["max_measurement_buffer_size"].to_i %>
  # Maximum number of messages to send at one time when communication with the monasca-api is restored
  backlog_send_rate: <%= @agent_settings["backlog_send_rate"].to_i %>

  # Publish extra metrics to the API by adding this number of 'amplifier' dimensions.
  # For load testing purposes only; set to 0 for production use.
  amplifier: <%= @agent_settings["amplifier"].to_i %>

  # Force the hostname to whatever you want.
  hostname: "<%= @hostname %>"

  # Optional dimensions to be sent with every metric from this node
  # They should be in the format name: value
  # Example of dimensions below
  # dimensions:
  #   service: nova
  #   group: group_a
  #   environment: production
  <%- unless @dimensions.nil? or @dimension.empty? then -%>
  <%- @dimensions.each_pair do |key, val| -%>
    <%= key %>: <%= val %>
  <%- end -%>
  <%- end -%>

  # Set the threshold for accepting points to allow anything
  # with recent_point_threshold seconds
  # Defaults to 30 seconds if no value is provided
  #recent_point_threshold: 30

  # time to wait between collection runs
  check_freq: <%= @agent_settings["check_frequency"].to_i %>

  # Number of Collector Threads to run
  num_collector_threads: <%= @agent_settings["num_collector_threads"].to_i %>

  # Maximum number of collection cycles where all of the threads in the pool are
  # still running plugins before the collector will exit
  pool_full_max_retries: <%= @agent_settings["pool_full_max_retries"].to_i %>

  # Threshold value for warning on collection time of each check (in seconds)
  sub_collection_warn: <%= @agent_settings["plugin_collect_time_warn"].to_i %>

  # Collector restart interval (in hours)
  collector_restart_interval: 24

  # Change port the Agent is listening to
  # listen_port: 17123

  # Allow non-local traffic to this Agent
  # This is required when using this Agent as a proxy for other Agents
  # that might not have an internet connection
  # For more information, please see
  # non_local_traffic: no

  # ========================================================================== #
  # Monasca Statsd configuration                                                    #
  # ========================================================================== #
  # Monasca Statsd is a small server that aggregates your custom app metrics.

  #  Make sure your client is sending to the same port.
  monasca_statsd_port : 8125

  ## The monasca_statsd flush period.
  # monasca_statsd_interval : 20

  # If you want to forward every packet received by the monasca_statsd server
  # to another statsd server, uncomment these lines.
  # WARNING: Make sure that forwarded packets are regular statsd packets and not "monasca_statsd" packets,
  # as your other statsd server might not be able to handle them.
  # monasca_statsd_forward_host: address_of_own_statsd_server
  # monasca_statsd_statsd_forward_port: 8125

  # ========================================================================== #
  # Logging
  # ========================================================================== #
  log_level: "<%= @log_level %>"
  collector_log_file: <%= @log_dir %>/collector.log
  forwarder_log_file: <%= @log_dir %>/forwarder.log
  statsd_log_file: <%= @log_dir %>/statsd.log

  # if syslog is enabled but a host and port are not set, a local domain socket
  # connection will be attempted
  # log_to_syslog: yes
  # syslog_host:
  # syslog_port: