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<div class='content'>
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        <h2>crowdAI GitLab Authorization</h2>
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      <p><b>crowdAI GitLab</b> is a private GitLab service run by crowdAI at In order to log into <b>crowdAI GitLab</b> with your crowdAI ID, you must authorize it on this page.</p>
      <p><b></b> will have the ability to read your participant profile. This application is governed by the crowdAI <a href='/privacy'>privacy policy</a> and <a href='/terms'>terms of service</a></p>
      <%= raw t('.prompt', client_name: content_tag(:strong, class: 'text-info') { }) %>

      <div class="doorkeeper-forms">
        <%= form_tag oauth_authorization_path, method: :post do %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :client_id, @pre_auth.client.uid %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :redirect_uri, @pre_auth.redirect_uri %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :state, @pre_auth.state %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :response_type, @pre_auth.response_type %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :scope, @pre_auth.scope %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :code_challenge, @pre_auth.code_challenge %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :code_challenge_method, @pre_auth.code_challenge_method %>
          <%= submit_tag t('doorkeeper.authorizations.buttons.authorize'), class: "btn btn-primary" %>
        <% end %>
        <%= form_tag oauth_authorization_path, method: :delete do %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :client_id, @pre_auth.client.uid %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :redirect_uri, @pre_auth.redirect_uri %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :state, @pre_auth.state %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :response_type, @pre_auth.response_type %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :scope, @pre_auth.scope %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :code_challenge, @pre_auth.code_challenge %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag :code_challenge_method, @pre_auth.code_challenge_method %>
          <%= submit_tag t('doorkeeper.authorizations.buttons.deny'), class: "btn btn-secondary" %>
        <% end %>