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## Image Uploads

**TODO: to be replaced with ActiveStorage**

Static image uploads and managed using Carrierwave, and there is an uploader to control this ```ImageUploader```

#### Model Layer

The uploader field is called by convention ```image_file```.

In the model class

mount_uploader :image_file, ImageUploader

#### Controller

The ```:image_file``` field needs to added to permitted attributes.

### View

#### Edit

<div class="upload">
  <%= f.file_field :image_file, class: 'file-upload' %>
  <span>Your image will be cropped if necessary. 5MB limit</span>

#### Show

A cell exists for presentation of the images. There are two sizes available for images: ```:thumbnail``` and ```:medium```. The default is ```:medium```

If an image cannot be found, a placeholder image is used instead.


<%= concept(Image::Cell,@challenge,size: :thumbnail) %>