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## crowdAI Leaderboard

The crowdAI leaderboard is a summarized view of submissions made against a challenge, for each challenge round. The leaderboard will
contain a single entry for each participant, which is their personal top score for the round.

Currently, at the [challenge level](, the following settings are possible:

- Score and secondary score title
- Score and secondary score sort order. This determines the leaderboard ranking. The secondary score can be set to 'Not used', which means only a single scoring metric is used.

No more than two scoring metrics are possible.

There is a different leaderboard for each challenge round, and for each round the following parameters are configurable:

- Round title
- Minimum score / secondary score of prior round to be eligible to submit to this round.
- Submission limits per day, week or round. This can also be set to 0 for unlimited.
- Number of top-n rows to highlight on the leaderboard
- Ranking window for calculating leaderboard movement.
- Score and secondary score precision.

### Submissions

The leaderboard nominates how many submissions have been made by a participant, and these can be accessed via an accordion.

### Highlighted rows

The **Highlight rankings** configuration on challenge rounds is used to define which rows are highlighted in the leaderboard. (eg: top 3).

### Ranking Window

The leaderboard displays a ranking change against each entry which indicates the rank movement. This is calculated according to a window from the between the most recent submission (by any user for this challenge).

For each user, the current ranking on the leaderboard is compared against their ranking at the end of the ranking window. The movement and the previous ranking are then displayed on the leaderboard.

This is calculated on each submission, via the **CalculateLeaderboardService**.

### Post Challenge Submission

Each submission row has a flag indicating if it is a **post-challenge** submission. This indicator is calculated either by the inbound API from the grader by comparing the submission **created_at** to the challenge's rounds.

In some challenges, the grader will pass the submission rows across with this flag already set, in which case the inbound API will not change it.

There are two views of leaderboard: the leaderboard as it was during the challenge, and the leaderboard with post-submission entries interleaved. These views can be alternated using a switch on the leaderboard.

### Leaderboard Calculation

Effectively, there are 4 leaderboards for a given challenge. These are derived from base tables (as described below) and presented in model-backed SQL views.

- Current Leaderboard
- Previous Leaderboard
- Ongoing Leaderboard
- Previous Ongoing Leaderboard

#### Current Leaderboard

**OUT OF DATE - needs a rewrite**

The crowdAI leaderboard is completely dynamic and built from submission data via a series of SQL views, using the Scenic gem (from Thoughbot).

Essential the process is:

1. Submissions are made, only submissions with a 'graded' status and are considered for the leaderboard. Submissions are expected to have the **challenge_round_id** correctly populated.

2. The current state of the leaderboard is calculated via the **current_leaderboards** view.

3. The previous state of the leaderboard is calculated by the **previous_leaderboards** materialized view. This view uses a configuration parameter on the challenge (ranking_window) to determine the distance (in hours) between the current and previous leaderboards.

4. The difference in ranking between the two leaderboards is the summarized into the **leaderboards** view, and this is loaded via the leaderboards#index action into the Rails view. Two views of the leaderboard are needed to determine the difference in participant ranking.

                      |----- previous_leaderboards (materialized view)
leaderboards (view) --|
                      |----- current_leaderboards (view)

5. The **ranking_highlight** configuration parameter on the challenge drives which participants are highlighted on the leaderboard (default is the top 3).

6. The materialized views are refreshed for all challenges after every submission records is created, via a **after_create** hook on the Submission model. The refresh can also be called manually at any time from the Rails console, using:

  concurrently: false,
  cascade: false)
  concurrently: false,
  cascade: false)

7. Submissions received after the end of the challenge are marked as **post_challenge** on the Submission model. Due to some SQL complexities, there is a parallel set of three models for **ongoing** leaderboards, which include all entries. This can potentially be refactored at some point.

8. Only the **previous_leaderboards** and **previous_ongoing_leaderboards** are currently materialized views, and we can easily modify all of the views to be materialized if performance warrants it.

The downside of using materialized views is that there is the possibility they become stale if the refresh hook doesn't work for some reason.

## Notes

### Modifying views

If views need to be changed, there is a generator available in the Scenic gem. This will copy the text for the view, in the ```db/views``` folder, as well as a migration to replace it.

rails generate scenic:view previous_leaderboards

Update the SQL text in the latest version of the view definition file, in ```db/views```.

### View dependencies

When a view is depended upon, the dependent views must be dropped first and recreated. It is not necessary to re-run the generator for the dependent views, but the migration file needs to cater for the relationships.

drop_view :leaderboards
update_view :previous_leaderboards, version: 2, revert_to_version: 1, materialized: true
create_view :leaderboards

### Materialized views

If the materialized views are affected by a migration, they should also be refreshed by the migration.

  concurrently: false,
  cascade: false)
  concurrently: false,
  cascade: false)