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# Python Daemon

The official Python Daemon of Cryptic

## Documentation
The documentation can be found on [GitHub Pages](

If you want to build the documentation yourself, use the `docs` script:
pipenv sync --dev
pipenv run docs
Note that you need to have [Docker]( installed for this!

## Development

### Prerequisites
- [Python]( >=3.9
- [Pipenv](
- [Black](
- [Git](
- [Docker]( and [docker-compose]( (recommended)
- [PyCharm Community/Professional]( (recommended)
- [An instance of the Cryptic Java Server]( (recommended)

### Clone the repository

#### SSH (recommended)
git clone

#### HTTPS
git clone

### Setup Dependencies
Once you have cloned the repository, you need to create a virtual environment and install the dependencies using the following command:
pipenv sync --dev

### Environment Variables
To set the required environment variables it is necessary to create a file named (exactly) [`.env`]( in the root directory (there is a template for this file in [`daemon.env`](daemon.env)).

|    Variable Name    |                         Description                         |    Default Value     |
| LOG_LEVEL           | one of `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `CRITICAL`      | `INFO`               |
|                     |                                                             |                      |
| HOST                | Host for the uvicorn server to listen on                    | ``            |
| PORT                | Port for the uvicorn server to listen on                    | `8000`               |
| RELOAD              | Enable uvicorn auto-reload (for development purposes only!) | `False`              |
| DEBUG               | Enable debug mode                                           | `False`              |
|                     |                                                             |                      |
| API_TOKEN           | Secret api token for server-daemon communication            |                      |
|                     |                                                             |                      |
| SQL_DRIVER          | Name of the SQL connection driver                           | `postgresql+asyncpg` |
| SQL_HOST            | Hostname of the database server                             | `localhost`          |
| SQL_PORT            | Port on which the database server is running                | `5432`               |
| SQL_DATABASE        | Name of the database you want to use                        | `cryptic`            |
| SQL_USERNAME        | Username for the database account                           | `cryptic`            |
| SQL_PASSWORD        | Password for the database account                           | `cryptic`            |
| POOL_RECYCLE        | Number of seconds between db connection recycling           | `300`                |
| POOL_SIZE           | Size of the connection pool                                 | `20`                 |
| MAX_OVERFLOW        | The maximum overflow size of the connection pool            | `20`                 |
| SQL_SHOW_STATEMENTS | whether SQL queries should be logged                        | `False`              |
| SQL_CREATE_TABLES   | whether to create database tables on startup                | `False`              |
|                     |                                                             |                      |
| REDIS_HOST          | Hostname of the redis server                                | `redis`              |
| REDIS_PORT          | Port on which the redis server is running                   | `6379`               |
| REDIS_DB            | Index of the redis database you want to use                 | `0`                  |
|                     |                                                             |                      |
| SENTRY_DSN          | [Optional] Sentry DSN for logging                           |                      |

### Project structure

├── daemon
│  ├── endpoints
│  │  ├──
│  │  └── <endpoint collection>.py
│  ├── exceptions
│  │  ├──
│  │  └── <endpoint collection>.py
│  ├── models
│  │  └── <endpoint collection>.py
│  └── schemas
│     ├── <endpoint collection>.py
│     ├──
│     └──
└── tests
   ├── endpoints
   │  ├──
   │  └── test_<endpoint collection>.py
   └── test_<...>.py

### PyCharm configuration

- Open PyCharm and go to `Settings` âž” `Project: python-daemon` âž” `Python Interpreter`
- Open the menu `Python Interpreter` and click on `Show All...`
- Click on the plus symbol
- Click on `Pipenv Environment`
- Select `Python 3.9` as `Base interpreter`
- Confirm with `OK`
- Change the working directory to root path  âž” `Edit Configurations`  âž” `Working directory`

### Running
To run the Python Daemon yourself, use the `daemon` script:
pipenv run daemon

### Code Style
Before committing your changes, please check that all unit tests are passing, reformat your code using [black]( and run the linter:
pipenv run test
pipenv run black
pipenv run flake8