from fastapi import FastAPI, status, Request
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException, RequestValidationError
from fastapi.params import Depends
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from .authorization import HTTPAuthorization
from .database import db
from .endpoint_collection import format_docs
from .endpoints import register_collections
from .environment import SQL_CREATE_TABLES
from .exceptions.api_exception import APIException
from .schemas.daemon import EndpointCollectionModel
from .utils import responses
# create fastapi app and register endpoint collections
app = FastAPI(title="Python Daemon")
endpoints: list[dict] = register_collections(app)
async def db_session(request: Request, call_next):
return await call_next(request)
await db.commit()
await db.close()
async def on_startup():
await db.create_tables()
name="List Daemon Endpoints",
async def daemon_endpoints():
Daemon info endpoint for the server
:return: a list of dicts containing information about all endpoints and endpoint collections
return endpoints
def _make_exception(status_code: int, **kwargs) -> JSONResponse:
Create a JSONResponse object containing an error message
as specified in the protocol
:param status_code: the http status code
:param kwargs: any additional parameters
:return: the JSONResponse object
detail = HTTPException(status_code).detail
return JSONResponse({**kwargs, "error": f"{status_code} {detail}"}, status_code)
async def handle_api_exception(_, exception: APIException):
"""Handle api exceptions"""
return exception.make_response()
async def handle_http_exception(_, exception: HTTPException):
"""Handle http exceptions"""
return _make_exception(exception.status_code)
async def handle_unprocessable_entity(_, exception: RequestValidationError):
"""Handle invalid request parameters"""
return _make_exception(status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, detail=exception.errors())
async def handle_internal_server_error(*_):
"""Handle any uncaught exception and return an Internal Server Error"""
return _make_exception(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
@app.get("/{_:path}", include_in_schema=False)
async def handle_not_found():
"""Handle Not Found exceptions"""
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)