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Test Coverage
from typing import Optional

from ..database import db
from ..endpoint_collection import EndpointCollection, get_user
from ..exceptions.counter import CounterNotFoundException, WrongPasswordException
from ..models.counter import Counter
from ..schemas.counter import ValueResponse, ValueChangedResponse
from ..schemas.ok import OKResponse, ok_response
from ..utils import responses

counter_collection = EndpointCollection("counter", "test endpoints", test=True)

async def exception():
    Raises an exception

    :return: nothing

    return 1 / 0

@counter_collection.endpoint(responses=responses(ValueResponse, CounterNotFoundException))
async def get(user_id: str = get_user) -> dict:
    Fetch the current counter value

    :param user_id: id of the user
    :return: the current counter value

    counter: Optional[Counter] = await db.get(Counter, user_id=user_id)
    if counter is None:
        raise CounterNotFoundException

    return {"value": counter.value}

async def increment(user_id: str = get_user) -> dict:
    Increment the counter value

    :param user_id: id of the user
    :return: the old and the new counter value

    if counter := await db.get(Counter, user_id=user_id):
        old = counter.value
        counter.value += 1
        old = None
        counter = await db.add(Counter(user_id=user_id, value=1))

    return {"old": old, "new": counter.value}

@counter_collection.endpoint("reset", responses=responses(OKResponse, CounterNotFoundException))
async def magic(user_id: str = get_user) -> dict:
    Reset the counter using magic

    :param user_id: id of the user
    :return: True

    counter: Optional[Counter] = await db.get(Counter, user_id=user_id)
    if counter is None:
        raise CounterNotFoundException

    await db.delete(counter)

    return ok_response

@counter_collection.endpoint("set", responses=responses(ValueChangedResponse, WrongPasswordException))
async def set_value(password: str, value: int, user_id: str = get_user) -> dict:
    Set the counter to a specific value

    :param user_id: id of the user
    :param password: secret password
    :param value: new counter value
    :return: True

    if password != "S3cr3t":  # noqa: S105
        raise WrongPasswordException

    if counter := await db.get(Counter, user_id=user_id):
        old = counter.value
        counter.value = value
        old = None
        counter = await db.add(Counter(user_id=user_id, value=value))

    return {"old": old, "new": counter.value}