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Simple secret sharing with password-based authentication.

Fling provides end-to-end encrypted file sharing with a simple-to-run server.

## Is it any good?


## Prerequisites

Fling is developed for usage on Mac OS X. Support for other operating systems
forthcoming. PRs accepted!

Fling supports the following versions of Ruby:

* MRI 2.2.2
* JRuby 1.7.19

Other versions of Ruby may work, but the preceeding are what are supported.

## Installation

First you must install a version of Ruby described in the Prerequisites.

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install fling

## Usage

Coming soon!

## Contributing

* Fork this repository on github
* Make your changes and send us a pull request
* If we like them we'll merge them
* If we've accepted a patch, feel free to ask for commit access

## License

Copyright (c) 2015 Tony Arcieri. Distributed under the MIT License. See
LICENSE.txt for further details.