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4 days
Test Coverage
namespace Kahlan\Cli {

    use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\FinalClass;
    use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
    use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
    use Kahlan\Dir\Dir;
    use Kahlan\Jit\ClassLoader;
    use Kahlan\Filter\Filters;
    use Kahlan\Matcher;
    use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Pointcut;
    use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Monkey;
    use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Quit;
    use Kahlan\Plugin\Quit as QuitStatement;
    use Kahlan\Reporters;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Terminal;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Driver\Phpdbg;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Driver\Xdebug;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Exporter\Clover;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Exporter\Istanbul;
    use Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Exporter\Lcov;

    class Kahlan
        public const VERSION = '5.2.6';

         * Starting time.
         * @var float
        protected $_start = 0;

         * The suite instance.
         * @var object
        protected $_suite = null;

         * The runtime autoloader.
         * @var object
        protected $_autoloader = null;

         * The reporter container.
         * @var object
        protected $_reporters = null;

         * The arguments.
         * @var object
        protected $_commandLine = null;

         * Warning !
         * This method should only be called by Composer as an attempt to auto clear up caches automatically
         * when the version of Kahlan is updated.
         * It will have no effect if the cache location is changed the default config file (i.e. `'kahlan-config.php'`).
        public static function composerPostUpdate($event)
            $cachePath = rtrim(realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'kahlan';
            if (!file_exists($cachePath)) {

            $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($cachePath, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
            $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);

            foreach ($files as $file) {
                $path = $file->getRealPath();
                $file->isDir() ? rmdir($path) : unlink($path);

         * The Constructor.
         * @param array $options Possible options are:
         *                       - `'autoloader'` _object_ : The autoloader instance.
         *                       - `'suite'`      _object_ : The suite instance.
        public function __construct($options = [])
            $defaults = ['autoloader' => null, 'suite' => null];
            $options += $defaults;

            $this->_autoloader = $options['autoloader'];
            $this->_suite = $options['suite'];

            $this->_reporters = new Reporters();
            $this->_commandLine = $commandLine = new CommandLine();

            $commandLine->option('src',       ['array'   => true, 'default' => ['src']]);
            $commandLine->option('spec',      ['array'   => true, 'default' => ['spec']]);
            $commandLine->option('reporter',  ['array'   => true, 'default' => ['dot']]);
            $commandLine->option('grep',      ['default' => ['*Spec.php', '*.spec.php']]);
            $commandLine->option('coverage',  ['type'    => 'string']);
            $commandLine->option('config',    ['default' => 'kahlan-config.php']);
            $commandLine->option('part',      ['type'    => 'string',  'default' => '1/1']);
            $commandLine->option('ff',        ['type'    => 'numeric', 'default' => 0]);
            $commandLine->option('cc',        ['type'    => 'boolean', 'default' => false]);
            $commandLine->option('no-colors', ['type'    => 'boolean', 'default' => false]);
            $commandLine->option('no-header', ['type'    => 'boolean', 'default' => false]);
            $commandLine->option('include',   [
                'array' => true,
                'default' => ['*'],
                'value' => function ($value) {
                    return array_filter($value);
            $commandLine->option('exclude',    [
                'array' => true,
                'default' => [],
                'value' => function ($value) {
                    return array_filter($value);
            $commandLine->option('persistent', ['type'  => 'boolean', 'default' => true]);
            $commandLine->option('autoclear',  ['array' => true, 'default' => [

         * Get/set the attached autoloader instance.
         * @return object
        public function autoloader($autoloader = null)
            if (!func_num_args()) {
                return $this->_autoloader;
            $this->_autoloader = $autoloader;
            return $this;

         * Returns arguments instance.
         * @return object
        public function commandLine()
            return $this->_commandLine;

         * Returns the suite instance.
         * @return object
        public function suite()
            return $this->_suite;

         * Returns the reporter container.
         * @return object
        public function reporters()
            return $this->_reporters;

         * Load the config.
         * @param string $argv The command line string.
        public function loadConfig($argv = [])
            $commandLine = new CommandLine();
            $commandLine->option('config',  ['default'  => 'kahlan-config.php']);
            $commandLine->option('help',    ['type'     => 'boolean']);
            $commandLine->option('version', ['type'     => 'boolean']);

            $run = function ($commandLine) {
                if (file_exists($commandLine->get('config'))) {
                    require $commandLine->get('config');
            $this->_commandLine->parse($argv, false);

            if ($commandLine->get('help')) {
            } elseif ($commandLine->get('version')) {

         * Init patchers
        public function initPatchers()
            return Filters::run($this, 'patchers', [], function ($chain) {
                if (!$loader = ClassLoader::instance()) {
                $patchers = $loader->patchers();
                $patchers->add('final',    new FinalClass());
                $patchers->add('pointcut', new Pointcut());
                $patchers->add('monkey',   new Monkey());
                $patchers->add('quit',     new Quit());

         * Gets the default terminal console.
         * @return object The default terminal console.
        public function terminal()
            return new Terminal([
                'colors' => !$this->commandLine()->get('no-colors'),
                'header' => !$this->commandLine()->get('no-header')

         * Echoes the Kahlan version.
        protected function _version()
            $terminal = $this->terminal();
            if (!$this->commandLine()->get('no-header')) {
                $terminal->write($terminal->kahlan() ."\n\n");
                $terminal->write($terminal->kahlanBaseline(), 'dark-grey');

            $terminal->write("version ");
            $terminal->write(static::VERSION, 'green');
            $terminal->write("For additional help you must use ");
            $terminal->write("--help", 'green');

         * Echoes the help message.
        protected function _help()
            $terminal = $this->terminal();
            if (!$this->commandLine()->get('no-header')) {
                $terminal->write($terminal->kahlan() ."\n\n");
                $terminal->write($terminal->kahlanBaseline(), 'dark-grey');
            $help = <<<EOD

Usage: kahlan [options]

Configuration Options:

  --config=<file>                     The PHP configuration file to use (default: `'kahlan-config.php'`).
  --src=<path>                        Paths of source directories (default: `['src']`).
  --spec=<path>                       Paths of specification directories (default: `['spec']`).
  --grep=<pattern>                    A shell wildcard pattern (default: `['*Spec.php', '*.spec.php']`).

Reporter Options:

  --reporter=<name>[:<output_file>]   The name of the text reporter to use, the built-in text reporters
                                      are `'dot'`, `'bar'`, `'json'`, `'tap'`, `'tree'` & `'verbose'` (default: `'dot'`).
                                      You can optionally redirect the reporter output to a file by using the
                                      colon syntax (multiple --reporter options are also supported).

Code Coverage Options:

  --coverage=<integer|string>         Generate code coverage report. The value specify the level of
                                      detail for the code coverage report (0-4). If a namespace, class, or
                                      method definition is provided, it will generate a detailed code
                                      coverage of this specific scope (default `''`).
  --clover=<file>                     Export code coverage report into a Clover XML format.
  --istanbul=<file>                   Export code coverage report into an istanbul compatible JSON format.
  --lcov=<file>                       Export code coverage report into a lcov compatible text format.

Test Execution Options:

  --part=<integer>/<integer>          Part to execute, useful for parallel testing (default: `1/1`).
  --ff=<integer>                      Fast fail option. `0` mean unlimited (default: `0`).
  --no-colors=<boolean>               To turn off colors. (default: `false`).
  --no-header=<boolean>               To turn off header. (default: `false`).
  --include=<string>                  Paths to include for patching. (default: `['*']`).
  --exclude=<string>                  Paths to exclude from patching. (default: `[]`).
  --persistent=<boolean>              Cache patched files (default: `true`).
  --cc=<boolean>                      Clear cache before spec run. (default: `false`).
  --autoclear                         Classes to autoclear after each spec (default: [

Miscellaneous Options:

  --help                 Prints this usage information.
  --version              Prints Kahlan version

Note: The `[]` notation in default values mean that the related option can accepts an array of values.
To add additional values, just repeat the same option many times in the command line.


         * Regiter built-in matchers.
        public static function registerMatchers()
            Matcher::register('toBe',             \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBe::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeA',            \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeA::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeAn',           \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeA::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeAnInstanceOf', \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeAnInstanceOf::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeCloseTo',      \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeCloseTo::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeEmpty',        \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeFalsy::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeFalsy',        \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeFalsy::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeGreaterThan',  \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeGreaterThan::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeLessThan',     \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeLessThan::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeNull',         \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeNull::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeTruthy',       \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeTruthy::class);
            Matcher::register('toContain',        \Kahlan\Matcher\ToContain::class);
            Matcher::register('toContainKey',     \Kahlan\Matcher\ToContainKey::class);
            Matcher::register('toContainKeys',    \Kahlan\Matcher\ToContainKey::class);
            Matcher::register('toEcho',           \Kahlan\Matcher\ToEcho::class);
            Matcher::register('toEqual',          \Kahlan\Matcher\ToEqual::class);
            Matcher::register('toHaveLength',     \Kahlan\Matcher\ToHaveLength::class);
            Matcher::register('toMatch',          \Kahlan\Matcher\ToMatch::class);
            Matcher::register('toReceive',        \Kahlan\Matcher\ToReceive::class);
            Matcher::register('toBeCalled',       \Kahlan\Matcher\ToBeCalled::class);
            Matcher::register('toThrow',          \Kahlan\Matcher\ToThrow::class);
            Matcher::register('toMatchEcho',      \Kahlan\Matcher\ToMatchEcho::class);

         * Run the workflow.
        public function run()
                fwrite(STDERR, "Kahlan's global functions are missing because of some naming collisions with another library.\n");

            $this->_start = microtime(true);
            return Filters::run($this, 'workflow', [], function ($chain) {









         * Returns the exit status.
         * @return integer The exit status.
        public function status()
            return $this->suite()->status();

         * The default `'bootstrap'` filter.
        protected function _bootstrap()
            return Filters::run($this, 'bootstrap', [], function ($chain) {
                if (!$this->commandLine()->exists('coverage')) {
                    if ($this->commandLine()->exists('clover') || $this->commandLine()->exists('istanbul') || $this->commandLine()->exists('lcov')) {
                        $this->commandLine()->set('coverage', 1);

         * The default `'namespace'` filter.
        protected function _namespaces()
            return Filters::run($this, 'namespaces', [], function ($chain) {
                $paths = $this->commandLine()->get('spec');
                foreach ($paths as $path) {
                    $path = realpath($path);
                    $namespace = basename($path) . '\\';
                    $this->autoloader()->add($namespace, dirname($path));

         * The default `'load'` filter.
        protected function _load()
            return Filters::run($this, 'load', [], function ($chain) {
                $specDirs = $this->commandLine()->get('spec');
                foreach ($specDirs as $dir) {
                    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                        fwrite(STDERR, "ERROR: unexisting `{$dir}` directory, use --spec option to set a valid one (ex: --spec=tests).\n");
                $files = Dir::scan($specDirs, [
                    'include' => $this->commandLine()->get('grep'),
                    'exclude' => '*/.*',
                    'type' => 'file'

                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    require $file;

         * The default `'reporters'` filter.
        protected function _reporters()
            return Filters::run($this, 'reporters', [], function ($chain) {

         * The default `'console'` filter.
        protected function _console()
            return Filters::run($this, 'console', [], function ($chain) {
                $collection = $this->reporters();

                $reporters = $this->commandLine()->get('reporter');
                if (!$reporters) {

                foreach ($reporters as $reporter) {
                    $parts = explode(":", $reporter);
                    $name = $parts[0];
                    $output = $parts[1] ?? null;

                    $args = $this->commandLine()->get('dot');
                    $args = $args ?: [];

                    if (!$name === null || $name === 'none') {

                    $params = $args + [
                        'start'  => $this->_start,
                        'colors' => !$this->commandLine()->get('no-colors'),
                        'header' => !$this->commandLine()->get('no-header'),
                        'src'    => $this->commandLine()->get('src'),
                        'spec'   => $this->commandLine()->get('spec'),

                    if (isset($output) && strlen($output) > 0) {
                        if (file_exists($output) && !is_writable($output)) {
                            fwrite(STDERR, "Error: please check that file '{$output}' is writable\n");
                        } else {
                            $file = @fopen($output, 'w');
                            if (!$file) {
                                fwrite(STDERR, "Error: can't create file '{$output}' for write\n");
                            } else {
                                $params['output'] = $file;

                    $class = 'Kahlan\Reporter\\' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['_', '-'], ' ', trim($name))));
                    if (!class_exists($class)) {
                        fwrite(STDERR, "Error: unexisting reporter `'{$name}'` can't find class `$class`.\n");
                    $collection->add($name, new $class($params));

         * The default `'coverage'` filter.
        protected function _coverage()
            return Filters::run($this, 'coverage', [], function ($chain) {
                if (!$this->commandLine()->exists('coverage')) {
                $reporters = $this->reporters();
                $driver = null;

                if (PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg') {
                    $driver = new Phpdbg();
                } elseif (extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
                    $driver = new Xdebug();
                } else {
                    fwrite(STDERR, "ERROR: PHPDBG SAPI has not been detected and Xdebug is not installed, code coverage can't be used.\n");
                $srcDirs = $this->commandLine()->get('src');
                foreach ($srcDirs as $dir) {
                    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                        fwrite(STDERR, "ERROR: unexisting `{$dir}` directory, use --src option to set a valid one (ex: --src=app).\n");
                $coverage = new Coverage([
                    'verbosity' => $this->commandLine()->get('coverage') ?? 1,
                    'driver' => $driver,
                    'path' => $srcDirs,
                    'colors' => !$this->commandLine()->get('no-colors')
                $reporters->add('coverage', $coverage);

         * The default `'matchers'` filter.
        protected function _matchers()
            return Filters::run($this, 'matchers', [], function ($chain) {

         * The default `'run'` filter.
        protected function _run()
            return Filters::run($this, 'run', [], function ($chain) {
                return $this->suite()->run([
                    'reporters' => $this->reporters(),
                    'autoclear' => $this->commandLine()->get('autoclear'),
                    'part'      => trim($this->commandLine()->get('part')),
                    'ff'        => $this->commandLine()->get('ff')

         * The default `'reporting'` filter.
        protected function _reporting()
            return Filters::run($this, 'reporting', [], function ($chain) {
                $reporter = $this->reporters()->get('coverage');
                if (!$reporter) {
                if ($this->commandLine()->exists('clover')) {
                        'collector' => $reporter,
                        'file' => $this->commandLine()->get('clover')
                if ($this->commandLine()->exists('istanbul')) {
                        'collector' => $reporter,
                        'file' => $this->commandLine()->get('istanbul')
                if ($this->commandLine()->exists('lcov')) {
                        'collector' => $reporter,
                        'file' => $this->commandLine()->get('lcov')

         * The default `'stop'` filter.
        protected function _stop()
            return Filters::run($this, 'stop', [], function ($chain) {

         * The default `'quit'` filter.
        protected function _quit()
            return Filters::run($this, 'quit', [$this->suite()->status()], function ($chain, $success) {

    define('KAHLAN_VERSION', Kahlan::VERSION);

namespace {

    use Kahlan\Expectation;
    use Kahlan\Suite;
    use Kahlan\Allow;

     * Create global functions
    function initKahlanGlobalFunctions()
        $error = false;
        $exit = function ($name) use (&$error) {
            fwrite(STDERR, "The Kahlan global function `{$name}()`s can't be created because of some naming collisions with another library.\n");
            $error = true;
        define('KAHLAN_FUNCTIONS_EXIST', true);
        if (!function_exists('beforeAll')) {
            function beforeAll($closure)
                return Suite::current()->beforeAll($closure);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('afterAll')) {
            function afterAll($closure)
                return Suite::current()->afterAll($closure);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('beforeEach')) {
            function beforeEach($closure)
                return Suite::current()->beforeEach($closure);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('afterEach')) {
            function afterEach($closure)
                return Suite::current()->afterEach($closure);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('describe')) {
            function describe($message, $closure, $timeout = null, $type = 'normal')
                if (!Suite::current()) {
                    $suite = \Kahlan\box('kahlan')->get('');
                    return $suite->root()->describe($message, $closure, $timeout, $type);
                return Suite::current()->describe($message, $closure, $timeout, $type);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('context')) {
            function context($message, $closure, $timeout = null, $type = 'normal')
                return Suite::current()->context($message, $closure, $timeout, $type);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('given')) {
            function given($name, $value)
                return Suite::current()->given($name, $value);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('it')) {
            function it($message, $closure = null, $timeout = null, $type = 'normal')
                return Suite::current()->it($message, $closure, $timeout, $type);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('fdescribe')) {
            function fdescribe($message, $closure, $timeout = null)
                return describe($message, $closure, $timeout, 'focus');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('fcontext')) {
            function fcontext($message, $closure, $timeout = null)
                return context($message, $closure, $timeout, 'focus');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('fit')) {
            function fit($message, $closure = null, $timeout = null)
                return it($message, $closure, $timeout, 'focus');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('xdescribe')) {
            function xdescribe($message, $closure, $timeout = null)
                return describe($message, $closure, $timeout, 'exclude');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('xcontext')) {
            function xcontext($message, $closure, $timeout = null)
                return context($message, $closure, $timeout, 'exclude');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('xit')) {
            function xit($message, $closure = null, $timeout = null)
                return it($message, $closure, $timeout, 'exclude');
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('waitsFor')) {
            function waitsFor($actual, $timeout = 60)
                return Suite::current()->waitsFor($actual, $timeout);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('skipIf')) {
            function skipIf($condition)
                $current = Suite::current();
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('expect')) {
             * @param $actual
             * @return Expectation
            function expect($actual)
                return Suite::current()->expect($actual);
        } else {
        if (!function_exists('allow')) {
             * @param $actual
             * @return Allow
            function allow($actual)
                return new Allow($actual);
        } else {
        if ($error) {