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namespace Kahlan\Plugin;

use Kahlan\Jit\Parser;
use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Pointcut;
use Reflection;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionClass;
use Kahlan\MissingImplementationException;
use Kahlan\Analysis\Inspector;

class Double
     * Class dependencies.
     * @var array
    protected static $_classes = [
        'parser'   => Parser::class,
        'pointcut' => Pointcut::class

     * The pointcut patcher instance.
     * @var object
    protected static $_pointcut = null;

     * Registered stubbed instance/class methods.
     * @var array
    protected static $_registered = [];

     * Stub index counter.
     * @var integer
    protected static $_index = 0;

     * Creates a polyvalent instance.
     * @param  array  $options Array of options. Options are:
     *                         - `'class'`       string  : the fully-namespaced class name.
     *                         - `'extends'`     string  : the fully-namespaced parent class name.
     *                         - `'args'`        array   : arguments to pass to the constructor.
     *                         - `'methods'`     string[]: override given methods with empty functions.
     *                         - `'stubMethods'` array   : override given methods to return given values, e.g. ['foo' => 'bar'].
     *                         - `'fakeMethods'` array   : override given methods to run given callback, e.g. ['foo' => function () { return 'bar'; }].
     * @return object          The created instance.
    public static function instance($options = [])
        $class = static::classname($options);

        if (isset($options['args'])) {
            $refl = new ReflectionClass($class);
            $instance = $refl->newInstanceArgs($options['args']);
        } else {
            $instance = new $class();
        if (isset($options['stubMethods']) && is_array($options['stubMethods'])) {
            foreach ($options['stubMethods'] as $name => $return) {
        if (isset($options['fakeMethods']) && is_array($options['fakeMethods'])) {
            foreach ($options['fakeMethods'] as $name => $callback) {
        return $instance;

     * Creates a polyvalent static class.
     * @param  array  $options Array of options. Options are:
     *                         - `'class'` : the fully-namespaced class name.
     *                         - `'extends'` : the fully-namespaced parent class name.
     * @return string          The created fully-namespaced class name.
    public static function classname($options = [])
        $defaults = ['class' => 'Kahlan\Spec\Plugin\Double\Double' . static::$_index++];
        $options += $defaults;

        if (!static::$_pointcut) {
            $pointcut = static::$_classes['pointcut'];
            static::$_pointcut = new $pointcut();

        if (!class_exists($options['class'], false)) {
            $parser = static::$_classes['parser'];
            $code = static::generate($options);
            $nodes = $parser::parse($code);
            $code = $parser::unparse(static::$_pointcut->process($nodes));

            if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) {
                // @see
                $pattern = '#(public( static)? function(?! __(?!wakeup|set_state)))#U';
                $replacement = '
                $code = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $code);

            eval('?>' . $code);
        return $options['class'];

     * Creates a class definition.
     * @param  array  $options Array of options. Options are:
     *                         - `'class'`      _string_ : the fully-namespaced class name.
     *                         - `'extends'`    _string_ : the fully-namespaced parent class name.
     *                         - `'implements'` _array_  : the implemented interfaces.
     *                         - `'uses'`       _array_  : the used traits.
     *                         - `'methods'`    _array_  : the methods to stubs.
     *                         - `'layer'`      _boolean_: indicate if public methods should be layered.
     * @return string          The generated class string content.
    public static function generate($options = [])
        $defaults = [
            'class'      => 'Kahlan\Spec\Plugin\Double\Double' . static::$_index++,
            'extends'    => '',
            'implements' => [],
            'uses'       => [],
            'methods'    => [],
            'layer'      => null,
            'openTag'    => true,
            'closeTag'   => true
        $options += $defaults;

        if ($options['extends'] || $options['implements']) {
            $options += ['magicMethods' => false];
        } else {
            $options += ['magicMethods' => true];

        $class = $options['class'];
        $namespace = '';
        if (($pos = strrpos($class, '\\')) !== false) {
            $namespace = substr($class, 0, $pos);
            $class = substr($class, $pos + 1);

        if ($namespace) {
            $namespace = "namespace {$namespace};\n";

        $uses = static::_generateUses($options['uses']);
        $extends = static::_generateExtends($options['extends']);
        $implements = static::_generateImplements($options['implements']);

        $methods = static::_generateMethodStubs($options['methods'], $options['magicMethods']);
        if ($options['extends']) {
            $methods += static::_generateClassMethods($options['extends'], $options['layer']);
        $methods += static::_generateInterfaceMethods($options['implements']);

        $methods = $methods ? '    ' . join("\n    ", $methods) : '';

        $openTag = $options['openTag'] ? "<?php\n" : '';
        $closeTag = $options['closeTag'] ? "?>" : '';

        return $openTag . $namespace . <<<EOT

class {$class}{$extends}{$implements} {



     * Returns Magic Methods definitions.
     * @return array
    public static function _getMagicMethods()
        return [
            '__construct'    =>  "public function __construct() {}",
            '__destruct'     =>  "public function __destruct() {}",
            '__call'         =>  "public function __call(\$name, \$args) { return new static(); }",
            '::__callStatic' =>  "public static function __callStatic(\$name, \$args) { return get_called_class(); }",
            '__get'          =>  "public function __get(\$key){ return new static(); }",
            '__set'          =>  "public function __set(\$key, \$value) { \$this->{\$key} = \$value; }",
            '__isset'        =>  "public function __isset(\$key) { return isset(\$this->{\$key}); }",
            '__unset'        =>  "public function __unset(\$key) { unset(\$this->{\$key}); }",
            '__sleep'        =>  "public function __sleep() { return []; }",
            '__wakeup'       =>  "public function __wakeup() {}",
            '__toString'     =>  "public function __toString() { return get_class(\$this); }",
            '__invoke'       =>  "public function __invoke() {}",
            '__set_state'     =>  "public static function __set_state(\$properties) {}",
            '__clone'        =>  "public function __clone() {}"

     * Creates a `use` definition.
     * @param  array  $uses An array of traits.
     * @return string       The generated `use` definition.
    protected static function _generateUses($uses)
        if (!$uses) {
            return '';
        $traits = [];
        foreach ((array) $uses as $use) {
            if (!trait_exists($use)) {
                throw new MissingImplementationException("Unexisting trait `{$use}`");
            $traits[] = '\\' . ltrim($use, '\\');
        return '    use ' . join(', ', $traits) . ';';

     * Creates an `extends` definition.
     * @param  string $extends The parent class name.
     * @return string          The generated `extends` definition.
    protected static function _generateExtends($extends)
        if (!$extends) {
            return '';
        return ' extends \\' . ltrim($extends, '\\');

     * Creates an `implements` definition.
     * @param  array  $uses An array of interfaces.
     * @return string       The generated `implements` definition.
    protected static function _generateImplements($implements)
        if (!$implements) {
            return '';
        $classes = [];
        foreach ((array) $implements as $implement) {
            $classes[] = '\\' . ltrim($implement, '\\');
        return ' implements ' . join(', ', $classes);

     * Creates method stubs.
     * @param  array   $methods  An array of method definitions.
     * @param  boolean $defaults If `true`, Magic Methods will be appended.
     * @return array             The generated method definitions.
    protected static function _generateMethodStubs($methods, $defaults = true)
        $result = [];
        $methods = $methods !== null ? (array) $methods : [];

        if ($defaults) {
            $methods = array_merge($methods, array_keys(static::_getMagicMethods()));
        $methods = array_unique($methods);

        $magicMethods = static::_getMagicMethods();

        foreach ($methods as $name) {
            if (isset($magicMethods[$name])) {
                $result[$name] = $magicMethods[$name];
            } else {
                $static = $return = '';
                if ($name[0] === '&') {
                    $return = '$r = null; return $r;';
                if (preg_match('/^&?::.*/', $name)) {
                    $static = 'static ';
                    $name = substr($name, 2);
                $result[$name] = "public {$static}function {$name}() {{$return}}";

        return $result;

     * Creates method definitions from a class name.
     * @param  string  $class A class name.
     * @param  boolean $layer If `true`, all public methods are "overriden".
     * @return array          The generated methods.
    protected static function _generateClassMethods($class, $layer = null)
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            throw new MissingImplementationException("Unexisting class `{$class}`");
        $result = static::_generateAbstractMethods($class);

        if ($layer === false) {
            return $result;

        $reflection = Inspector::inspect($class);

        if (!$layer && !$reflection->isInternal()) {
            return $result;

        $finals = $reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_FINAL);
        $methods = array_diff($reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC), $finals);
        foreach ($methods as $method) {
            $result[$method->getName()] = static::_generateMethod($method, true);
        return $result;

     * Creates method definitions from a class name.
     * @param  string  $class A class name.
     * @param  integer $mask  The method mask to filter.
     * @return array          The generated methods.
    protected static function _generateAbstractMethods($class)
        $result = [];
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            throw new MissingImplementationException("Unexisting parent class `{$class}`");
        $reflection = Inspector::inspect($class);
        $methods = $reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT);
        foreach ($methods as $method) {
            $result[$method->getName()] = static::_generateMethod($method);
        return $result;

     * Creates method definitions from an interface array.
     * @param  array   $interfaces A array on interfaces.
     * @param  integer $mask       The method mask to filter.
     * @return array               The generated methods.
    protected static function _generateInterfaceMethods($interfaces, $mask = 255)
        if (!$interfaces) {
            return [];
        $result = [];
        foreach ((array) $interfaces as $interface) {
            if (!interface_exists($interface)) {
                throw new MissingImplementationException("Unexisting interface `{$interface}`");
            $reflection = Inspector::inspect($interface);
            $methods = $reflection->getMethods($mask);
            foreach ($methods as $method) {
                $result[$method->getName()] = static::_generateMethod($method);
        return $result;

     * Creates a method definition from a `ReflectionMethod` instance.
     * @param  object $method A instance of `ReflectionMethod`.
     * @return string         The generated method.
    protected static function _generateMethod($method, $callParent = false)
        $result = join(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($method->getModifiers()));
        $result = preg_replace('/abstract\s*/', '', $result);
        $name = $method->getName();
        $parameters = static::_generateSignature($method);
        $type = static::_generateReturnType($method);
        $typehint = $type ? ": {$type} " : '';
        $body = "{$result} function {$name}({$parameters}) {$typehint}{";
        if ($callParent) {
            $parameters = static::_generateParameters($method);
            $return = 'return ';
            if ($method->isConstructor() || $method->isDestructor() || $type === 'void') {
                $return = '';
            $body .= "{$return}parent::{$name}({$parameters});";
        return $body . "}";

     * Extract the return type of a method.
     * @param  object $method A instance of `ReflectionMethod`.
     * @return string         The return type.
    protected static function _generateReturnType($method)
        return Inspector::returnTypehint($method->getReturnType());

     * Creates a parameters signature of a `ReflectionMethod` instance.
     * @param  object $method A instance of `ReflectionMethod`.
     * @return string         The parameters definition list.
    protected static function _generateSignature($method)
        $params = [];
        $isVariadic = $method->isVariadic();

        foreach ($method->getParameters() as $num => $parameter) {
            $typehint = Inspector::typehint($parameter);
            $name = $parameter->getName();
            $name = ($name && $name !== '...') ? $name : 'param' . $num;
            $reference = $parameter->isPassedByReference() ? '&' : '';
            $default = '';
            if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                $default = var_export($parameter->getDefaultValue(), true);
                $default = ' = ' . preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $default);
            } elseif ($parameter->isOptional()) {
                if ($isVariadic && $parameter->isVariadic()) {
                    $reference = '...';
                    $default = '';
                } else {
                    $default = ' = NULL';
            $typehint = $typehint ? $typehint . ' ' : $typehint;
            $params[] = "{$typehint}{$reference}\${$name}{$default}";
        return join(', ', $params);

     * Creates a parameters list from a `ReflectionMethod` instance.
     * @param  object $method A instance of `ReflectionMethod`.
     * @return string         The parameters definition list.
    protected static function _generateParameters($method)
        $params = [];
        foreach ($method->getParameters() as $num => $parameter) {
            $name = $parameter->getName();
            $name = ($name && $name !== '...') ? $name : 'param' . $num;
            $params[] = "\${$name}";
        return join(', ', $params);