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# @crystal-ball/babel-base changelog

This project strictly adheres to semver and will err on the side of releasing majors when
changes could possibly introduce breaking changes. This changelog is dynamically generated
with [Semantic Release]( configured
with [@crystal-ball/semantic-release-base](

> Changelog tags
> - 💥 - Breaking change
> - 🔖 - Release notes
> - 💖 - New feature
> - ✨ - Updates
> - 🛠 - Fixes

## [4.0.0]( (2021-06-05)

### 💥 Breaking Changes!

* React projects must install Refresh and Linaria packages

#### ✨ Update

* React project base with Refresh and Linaria support 🎊 (#75)([a0a01ed](, closes [#75](

#### Chore

* Move Prettier and Semantic Release configs ⚙️ (#74)([e1b116e](, closes [#74](

## [3.0.0]( (2020-11-21)

### 💥 Breaking Changes!

* Update import to named and remove hot loader from React apps

#### Chore, Docs

* Remove hot loader and default export 💥 (#73)([69ddf15](, closes [#73](
* Updated env config in README 📝([7ec8eed](

## [2.0.0]( (2020-10-30)

### 💥 Breaking Changes!

* The env option should be changed to one of development, test, or production

#### 💖 New

* Automatic runtime support 💖 (#72)([83e66e8](, closes [#72](

#### Chore

* CI-CD caching and checkout upgrades ⚙️ (#71)([c15b117](, closes [#71](

## [1.15.0]( (2020-10-28)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies 🆙 (#70)([2a6401a](, closes [#70](

### [1.14.1]( (2020-10-15)

#### 🛠 Fix

* Revert runtime update 🚧 (#66)([21f5f45](, closes [#66](

## [1.14.0]( (2020-10-15)

#### 💖 New

* Enable React automatic runtime transforms 💖 (#65)([6214d46](, closes [#65](

#### Chore

* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#58)([3c51bb7](, closes [#58](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#61)([ca6cd03](, closes [#61](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#63)([7148689](, closes [#63](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#64)([4d23b07](, closes [#64](
* Update package @types/node to v14.10.2 🆙 (#59)([5c8e55a](, closes [#59](
* Update package eslint-config-eloquence to v15 🆙 (#60)([3f9127a](, closes [#60](
* Update package eslint-config-eloquence to v16 🆙 (#62)([c6ac29f](, closes [#62](

## [1.13.0]( (2020-09-04)

#### ✨ Update

* Dependencies 🆙 (#55)([66fd861](, closes [#55](

#### Chore

* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#52)([df0ac9a](, closes [#52](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#53)([2a665a7](, closes [#53](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#57)([d74ec41](, closes [#57](
* Update package jest to v26.4.2 🆙 (#54)([820c31c](, closes [#54](
* Update package typescript to v4 🆙 (#56)([4f0a1a1](, closes [#56](

## [1.12.0]( (2020-08-06)

#### ✨ Update

* Dependencies 🆙 (#51)([4ca50ba](, closes [#51](

#### Chore

* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#49)([ab898bc](, closes [#49](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#50)([715e95e](, closes [#50](

## [1.11.0]( (2020-07-26)

#### ✨ Update

* Dependencies to v7.10.5 🆙 (#47)([dd98827](, closes [#47](

#### Chore

* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#46)([f044c0a](, closes [#46](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#48)([3103496](, closes [#48](
* Update package @types/node to v14.0.19 🆙 (#44)([3adfd6d](, closes [#44](
* Update package eslint-config-eloquence to v14.7.0 🆙 (#45)([204b8b7](, closes [#45](

## [1.10.0]( (2020-07-06)

#### ✨ Update

* Babel 7.10 🆙 (#43)([60a4d18](, closes [#43](

#### Chore

* Update devDependencies 🆙([674f61e](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#36)([a771dd4](, closes [#36](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#37)([ec0b80f](, closes [#37](
* Update devDependencies 🆙 (#39)([e234f4b](, closes [#39](
* Update package @types/jest to v26 🆙 (#38)([f21a3d3](, closes [#38](
* Update package jest to v26.1.0 🆙 (#40)([bbe5d4e](, closes [#40](

## [1.9.0]( (2020-05-31)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies 🆙 (#35)([2e82360](, closes [#35](

#### Chore

* Update Eloquence 🆙 (#33)([84691f5](, closes [#33](

## [1.8.0]( (2020-05-20)

#### 💖 New

* Relative alias import transforms 🎊([a49ff11](

## [1.7.0]( (2020-05-19)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies 🆙 (#31)([cfcff8e](, closes [#31](

### [1.6.1]( (2020-05-03)

#### 🛠 Fix

* Include class-properties plugin for Node projects 🎊 (#24)([c73fb62](, closes [#24](

#### Chore

* Reconfigure Renovate ⚙️ (#21)([1df800d](, closes [#21](
* Reconfigure Renovate ⚙️ (#23)([f533b28](, closes [#23](
* Update CI/CD configurations ⚙️ (#20)([17de156](, closes [#20](
* Update dev dependencies 🆙 (#19)([1f061e1](, closes [#19](
* Update dev dependencies 🆙 (#22)([15562dd](, closes [#22](

## [1.6.0]( (2020-04-18)

#### ✨ Update

* Remove emotion from React configs ⚙️([f0d7995](

## [1.5.0]( (2020-04-18)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies 🆙([1668423](

## [1.4.0]( (2020-03-22)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies 🆙([0383a18](

#### Chore

* Update dev dependencies 🆙 (#16)([1b89546](, closes [#16](

## [1.3.0]( (2020-03-15)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies to v7.8.7 🆙 (#15)([24e80b6](, closes [#15](

#### Chore

* Update dev dependencies 🆙 (#14)([f731413](, closes [#14](

## [1.2.0]( (2020-03-03)

#### ✨ Update

* Package dependencies to v7.8.6 🆙 (#13)([3817eaa](, closes [#13](

#### Chore, Docs

* Configure branch and commit info ⚙️([fd9e486](
* Fix code coverage reporting ⚙️ (#10)([4627aea](, closes [#10](
* Fix CodeClimate reporting env vars ⚙️ (#11)([dfc28d8](, closes [#11](
* Fix expression([3a2a7bc](
* Ignore addl publish assets ⚙️([1483477](
* Setup repo code owners([c3e7b38](
* Update dev dependencies 🆙 (#12)([28e3087](, closes [#12](
* Update require statement example 📝([35b4167](

### [1.1.1]( (2020-02-20)

#### 🛠 Fix

* Point package.json main to correct location (#9)([a303fcc](, closes [#9](

#### Docs

* Fix Changelog 📝([7da6ca4](

## [1.1.0]( (2020-02-20)

#### ✨ Update

* Add package setup docs and handle compile targets internally 📝 (#8)([f5511fa](, closes [#8](

#### Chore

* Configure CI/CD action ⚙️ (#3)([c66f06e](, closes [#3](
* Configure Code Climate exclusions ⚙️ (#6)([f0c91da](, closes [#6](
* Configure Code Climate maintainability checks ⚙️ (#4)([62bd1ec](, closes [#4](
* Configure code coverage threshold in Jest ⚙️ (#5)([10c592b](, closes [#5](
* Configure Semantic Release and Commitizen 🚀 (#7)([9ceb718](, closes [#7](