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These APIs are avilable for customizing Componentry components. The APIs are
consistent across components for predictability.

## Specifying render element with `as`

All Componentry elements accept the `as` prop to specify a custom render
element. It's possible to pass a component or html tag. Internally this prop is
passed to the component `createElement` call.

<Card as='section'>
    The container for this card will be an HTML section element instead of a

## Specify theme color with `color`

Any component that is themeable uses the `color` prop to set the theme color.

<Alert color='info'>This alert will be use the info theme color.</Alert>

## Specifying content alignment with `direction`

Active components that support aligning content in different directions use the
`direction` prop to include classes that set the content position.

- The direction classes are added to the container component so that both the
  action and content components can be easily targeted.
- Directional components have a sensible default set, so the `direction` prop
  only needs to be overridden for custom directions.

  Action='Open left'
  Content='This content will be aligned left of the action instead of right.'

## `<Action />` and `<Content />` subcomponents

All components with active state use Action and Content subcomponents.

    The Action and Content subcomponents are standard for all components with
    active state.

## Active component control

<p className="lead">
  All components with active state can be used in one, or a combination of,
  these three ways: Uncontrolled, Observed and Controlled.

#### Uncontrolled usage

Components are uncontrolled by default, the active state is managed by the

  <Active.Content>I manage my own state.</Active.Content>

#### Observed usage

Component state changes can be observed by passing on event handlers:

- `onActivate`
- `onActivated`
- `onDeactivate`
- `onDeactivated`

  <Active.Content>I will let you know when my state changes.</Active.Content>

#### Controlled usage

Components can be controlled by passing `active`, `activate` and `deactivate`

  <Active.Content>I will follow the instructions you give me.</Active.Content>

## Action decorations

All Action components accept a `decoration` prop which is rendered after the
Action children. The decoration can be set at a component level or at an
application level using the ThemeProvider. This makes it easy to add a default
decoration to all action instances, eg adding an icon to all popovers.