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Test Coverage
# ==== Commit Messages ====

# ==== Commit Messages(Template) ====
# <type>: <subject>
# fix: Fixed a bug in the code
# hotfix: Fixed a critical bug in the code
# feat: Added new feature
# docs: Added documentation
# style: Updated code style
# refactor(clean,improve): Cleaned up code, improved code quality
# test: Added tests
# chore: Updated build tasks, package manager configs, etc
# ==== Emojis ====
# 🐛 :bug: Bug fix
# 👍 :+1: Functionality improvement
# ✨ :sparkles: Partial feature addition
# 🎨 :art: Design change only
# 💢 :anger: Conflict
# 🚧 :construction: WIP
# 📝 :memo: Wording correction
# ♻️ :recycle: Refactoring
# 🔥 :fire: Removal of unnecessary and unused features
# 💚 :green_heart: Test and CI corrections and improvements
# 👕 :shirt: Lint error corrections and code style corrections
# 🚀 :rocket: Performance improvement
# 🆙 :up: Update of dependent packages, etc.
# 👮 :cop: Security-related improvements
# ⚙  :gear: Config change
# 📚 :books: Documentation