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# Send Notification Flow - The Telegram Git Notifier Package

This document describes the flow of sending notifications in the Telegram Git Notifier package.

## Handle the webhook and send a notification

### The user adds this bot URL to the git repository webhook

The user adds the bot URL to the git repository webhook. The bot URL is the URL of the bot server.

Example: `https://localhost:8000/telegram-git-notifier/`

### The git repository sends a webhook to the bot

The git repository sends a webhook to the bot if any event occurs. The webhook contains the event details.

### The bot processes the webhook message

When an application receives a webhook message from the git repository, the bot processes the webhook message.
It checks if the webhook is set or not. If the event has any actions and the event is allowed notify in the settings,

### The bot gets the message details if the event is valid

If the event/action is valid, the bot will get the message details of this event/action and set the message details to
the message

### The bot sends a notification

The bot sends a notification with the message details of the event to the user, group, or channel.

## Sending notifications to multiple recipients

If the bot supports sending notifications to multiple users, groups, or channels, it will manage this process. This
could involve iterating over a list of recipients, handling individual user preferences, etc.

## Packages

This flow is implemented in two packages: `telegram-git-notifier` and `laravel-telegram-git-notifier`.

### telegram-git-notifier

This package handles the core functionality of receiving and processing webhooks from GitHub and GitLab, and sending
notifications to Telegram.

### laravel-telegram-git-notifier

This package is a Laravel wrapper for the `telegram-git-notifier` package. It provides a Laravel-friendly way to use
the `telegram-git-notifier` functionality, including configuration and views for customizing the notifications.

## Entity Relationship Diagram

> [!NOTE]
> The following diagram is a simplified version of the entity relationship diagram for the Telegram Git Notifier.
> The data is **still saved in JSON format**. I don't use database storage because I don't want to **affect any data on
your real system**. Its purpose is only to clarify the feature's operating model.

    User ||--o{ Bot: owns
    User ||--o{ GitRepository: owns
    GitRepository ||--o{ Webhook: has
    GitRepository ||--o{ Event: triggers
    Event ||--o{ Webhook: sends_through
    Bot ||--|{ Webhook: creates
    Webhook ||--|{ Bot: received_by
    Bot ||--o{ Notification: sends
    Notification ||--o{ Recipient: received_by

    Bot {
        int id PK
        string token "The bot token"
        string bot_id "The bot ID"

    User {
        int id PK
        string telegram_id "The user Telegram ID"

    Webhook {
        int id PK
        string url "The URL of the webhook"

    Event {
        int id PK
        json payload "The webhook payload"
        string name "The name of the event in payload"
        string action "The action of the event in payload"

    Notification {
        int id PK
        string message "The notification message"

    Recipient {
        int id PK
        string type "bot, group, channel, topic, etc."
        string identifier "The recipient identifier (e.g., bot ID, group ID)"

    GitRepository {
        int id PK
        string platform "The git platform (e.g., GitHub, GitLab)"
        string name "The name of the git repository"
        string url "The URL of the git repository"

## Send notification flowchart

Here is the flowchart of the Telegram Git Notifier - send notification flow:

flowchart TD
    title[The Telegram Git Notifier - send notification flow]
    application(New application created)
    application --> bot[Bot created]
    bot --> webhookCheck{Is webhook set?}
    webhookCheck -->|No| setNewWebhook[Set new webhook]
    webhookCheck -->|Yes| updateWebhook[Update existing webhook]
    updateWebhook --> webhook[Webhook updated]
    setNewWebhook --> webhook[Webhook set]

    subgraph "User and Repository Interaction"
        webhook --> user[User]
        user --> addWebhookToRepo[Add webhook to repository]
        addWebhookToRepo --> repository[Git Repository]
        user --> ownsRepo[Owns]
        ownsRepo --> repository

    repository --> triggerEvent{Trigger event}
    triggerEvent --> sendPayload[Send event payload to bot]
    sendPayload --> bot

    subgraph "Bot Processing"
        bot --> detectPlatform{Detect platform}

        subgraph "Platform Detection"
            detectPlatform -->|GitHub| setGithubPlatform[Set GitHub platform]
            detectPlatform -->|GitLab| setGitlabPlatform[Set GitLab platform]
            setGithubPlatform --> getGithubPlatformFile[Get GitHub platform file]
            setGitlabPlatform --> getGitlabPlatformFile[Get GitLab platform file]

        getGithubPlatformFile --> setEventConfig[Set event config]
        getGitlabPlatformFile --> setEventConfig[Set event config]
        setEventConfig --> processEvent{Process event}

        subgraph "Event Processing"
            processEvent --> checkAction{Is there an action?}
            checkAction -->|Yes| actionMessage[event_type: Action of event]
            checkAction -->|No| eventNameMessage[event_type: Event name]
            eventNameMessage --> checkSettings{Is event_type allowed in settings?}
            actionMessage --> checkSettings

    checkSettings -->|Yes| findTemplate{Find message template}
    checkSettings -->|No| endFlow[End flow]
    findTemplate -->|Exists| setMessage[Set message for notification]
    sendNotification -->|Failure| log[Log error]
    findTemplate -->|Not Exists| log[Log error]
    setMessage --> checkMessage{Is message empty?}
    checkMessage -->|Yes| endFlow[End flow]
    checkMessage -->|No| sendNotification[Send notification]
    sendNotification -->|Success| endFlow[End flow]
    log --> endFlow

## Code flow

Here is the code flow of the Telegram Git Notifier - send notification flow:

Receive webhook from git repository
    → packages/laravel-telegram-git-notifier/src/Http/Actions/IndexAction::class
        - Check query type (callback_query, message, webhook[gitlab, github])
        ∟ create new NotificationService
            - call the handle method of the NotificationService
        → packages/laravel-telegram-git-notifier/src/Services/NotificationService@handle
            - Get and set the event from the request in handleEventFromRequest method
            - Call the sendNotification method
            → packages/telegram-git-notifier/src/Trait/EventTrait@handleEventFromRequest
                - Set event name
                - Check and update platform(GitLab, GitHub) for event object
                → Go to setPlatFormForEvent method
                    - Detech and set platform file
                    - Update event config from the platform file
            → Go to sendNotification method of this NotificationService
                - Call validateAccessEvent to check if the event is allowed
                - Loop through the recipients and send the notification to each recipient
                → packages/telegram-git-notifier/src/Services/NotificationService@validateAccessEvent
                    - Set payload and message from the event
                    - Check if the event is allowed in the settings
                    - Check if the event/action is allowed in the platform settings
                → packages/telegram-git-notifier/src/Structures/Notification@sendNotify