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Test Coverage
# rimg
Image resizing microservice

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## Goals
* Resize images
* As fast as possible
* Support both generic `width`/`height` and oEmbed `maxwidth`/`maxheight`
* Basic abuse prevention
  * Forward Referer to origin and CORS headers back
  * Optional list of allowed hostnames to resize from
  * MIME checking of requested image

## Running
* `npm run dev` uses nodemon & ts-node to run and restart on watches in a single command
* `npm run build` & `npm run start` can be used by Heroku buildpack-based pipelines

### Environment variables
* `ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES` - comma-separated list of hostnames to allow (including port if applicable)
* `PORT` - Port to run server on

## Anti-goals
* Caching; this should be done by another layer
  * Caching headers from the origin should be passed back though
* TLS; this should be done by a proxy

## Security note
This acts as a proxy and may enable access to internal IP ranges.
**PLEASE** use `ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES` environment variable and configure your firewall correctly.