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= AddressGeocoder

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<b>AddressGeocoder</b> is a Ruby interface to certain Maps APIs that allow you to validate and geocode addresses.

Some APIs may require certain credentials to access.

== Getting started

AddressGeocoder was written and tested on Rails >= 4.2.5. You can install it by adding in to your Gemfile with:

  gem 'address_geocoder'

Run the bundle command to install it.

== Basic usage

Require the library:

  require 'address_geocoder'

Create a client:

  client = MapsApi::Google::Client.new

You can set some or all of the address information when or after creating the client (country names are {ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2] codes):

  client = MapsApi::Google::Client.new(
    country: 'Your country',
    state: 'Your state',
    city: 'Your city',
    postal_code: 'Your postal code',
    street: 'Your street',
    language: 'The language to return your response in',
    api_key: 'Your api key for an API'

  client.street = 'A different street'

Validating an address:

  client.valid_address? # returns true or false

Finding suggested addresses:

  client.suggested_addresses # returns a list of addresses that most closely match your inputted addresss

Additional methods:

  client.response       # returns the marketplace's actual response
  client.address        # returns the current user inputted address
  client.former_address # returns the last address that was used in a call, nil if no call has been made.

== The APIs

=== Google

Currently the only API we have integrated. All validations are done using {Google's Geocoding API}[https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro]. Although an {API key}[https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/get-api-key] is not required, it is recommended to track usage and upgrade your call limit if required. Google provides a maximum of 2,000 free calls per day to either your IP address or API key.

== How it works

<b>AddressGeocoder</b> sends addresses in varying formats to the Maps API of your choice. A positive response indicates that the address is valid. After a positive response the gem can parse returned elements to suggest a formatted address.

== Development and tests

We are open to suggestions and improvements. Just don't forget to write tests before the pull request.

== Bug reporting

If you discover a problem with our gem, please let us know about it: {ctlong/address_geocoder/issues}[https://github.com/ctlong/address_geocoder/issues]