import logging from slack_sdk import WebClientfrom slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SlackAlert:Function `cueObserveAnomalyAlert` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring. def cueObserveAnomalyAlert(token, channelId, fileImg, title="", message="", details=""): """ Image uploads in slack """ client = WebClient(token=token) try: # Call the files.upload method using the WebClient # Uploading files requires the `files:write` scope result = client.files_upload( # ID of channel that you want to upload file to channels=channelId, # initial_comment="Here's my file :smile:", initial_comment=message + "\n" + details, title=title, file=fileImg, ) # Log the result except SlackApiError as e: logger.error("Error uploading file: {}".format(e)) def cueObserveAlert(token, channelId, title="", message=""): """ Post message in slack""" client = WebClient(token=token) try: # Call the chat.postMessage method using the WebClient result = client.chat_postMessage( channel=channelId, text="*" + title + "*" + "\n" + message ) except SlackApiError as e: logger.error(f"Error posting message: {e}")