import analyticsimport randomimport stringimport osimport jsonimport loggingfrom utils.apiResponse import ApiResponsefrom anomaly.models import AnomalyDefinition, Dataset, InstallationTable, Connection, Settinganalytics.write_key = 'euY80DdHK2wT3LuehjDlQEzsriLQkZG6' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) Function `getInstallationId` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def getInstallationId(): """ Function to get installation, if exists or create one""" try: res = ApiResponse() userId = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=16)) if not InstallationTable.objects.all().exists(): userId = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=16)) dbType = "" if os.environ.get("POSTGRES_DB_HOST", False): dbType = "postgres" else: dbType = "sqlite" userObj = InstallationTable.objects.create(installationId = userId, databaseType = dbType) data = {"installationId": userObj.installationId} res.update(True, "Installation Id created and fetched successfully", data) else: installId = InstallationTable.objects.all()[0].installationId data = {"installationId": installId} res.update(True, "Installation Id fetched successfully", data) return res except Exception as ex: logger.error("Exception occured while creating installtion userId %s", str(ex)) data = {"installationId": "UnIdentified"} res.update(False, "Error while fetching installation Id", data) return res Function `event_logs` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def event_logs(anomalyDef_id,status, publishedCount, totalCount): """Event logs on anomaly definition Run""" userId = "UnIdentified" try: # userObject = InstallationTable.objects.all()[0] # userId = userObject.installationId res = getInstallationId() userId = res.data.get("installationId","UnIdentified") traits = update_traits() adf = AnomalyDefinition.objects.get(id=anomalyDef_id) datasetConnection = adf.dataset.connection.connectionType.name datasetGranularity = adf.dataset.granularity datasetDimensionsCount = len(json.loads(adf.dataset.dimensions)) if adf.dataset.dimensions else "" datasetMeasuresCount = len(json.loads(adf.dataset.metrics)) if adf.dataset.metrics else "" split = "Y" if adf.dimension else "N" splitLimit = adf.operation algorithm = adf.detectionrule.detectionRuleType.name definitionOperation = adf.operation if adf.operation else "" definitionHighOrLow = adf.highOrLow if adf.highOrLow else "" operationValue = adf.value if adf.value else "" definitionString = definitionOperation + " " + operationValue + " " + definitionHighOrLow scheduleCron = "* * * * *" scheduleTimeZone = "" if adf.periodicTask: scheduleCron = adf.periodicTask.crontab.minute + adf.periodicTask.crontab.hour + adf.periodicTask.crontab.day_of_month + adf.periodicTask.crontab.month_of_year + adf.periodicTask.crontab.day_of_week scheduleTimeZone = adf.periodicTask.crontab.timezone.zone analytics.track(userId, 'AnomalyRan', { "datasetConnection": datasetConnection, "datasetGranularity": datasetGranularity, "datasetDimensions": datasetDimensionsCount, "datasetMeasures": datasetMeasuresCount, "split": split, "splitLimit": splitLimit, "algorithm": algorithm, "definitionString": definitionString, "scheduleCron": scheduleCron, "scheduleTimeZone": scheduleTimeZone, "runStatus": status, "anomaliesPublished": publishedCount, "anomaliesTotal": totalCount }) except Exception as ex: analytics.track(userId, 'AnomalyRan', { "exception": str(ex) }) def update_traits(): """ Update user traits on every event log""" try: userObject = InstallationTable.objects.all()[0] userId = userObject.installationId createdAt = userObject.createdAt connCount = Connection.objects.all().count() datasetCount = Dataset.objects.all().count() anomalyObjs = AnomalyDefinition.objects.all() settings = Setting.objects.exclude(value="").count() anomalyDefCount = anomalyObjs.count() anomalyDefinitionScheduleCount = 0 for obj in anomalyObjs: if obj.periodicTask: anomalyDefinitionScheduleCount += 1 analytics.identify(userId, { "createdAt": createdAt, # Read from table , trigger at every event_log while anomaly definition run "connections": connCount, "datasets": datasetCount, "anomalyDefinitions": anomalyDefCount, "anomalyDefinitionsScheduled": anomalyDefinitionScheduleCount, "settings": settings, }) return True except Exception as ex: return False def rca_event_log(status): """Event log on RCA run""" userId = "UnIdentified" try: res = getInstallationId() userId = res.data.get("installationId","UnIdentified") traits = update_traits() analytics.track(userId, "RCARan",{ "runStatus": status }) except Exception as ex: analytics.track(userId, "RCARan",{ "exception": str(ex) })