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45 mins
Test Coverage
import { PropTypes } from 'react'
import Moment from 'moment'

export const event = PropTypes.shape({
  id: PropTypes.oneOfType(PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string),
  name: PropTypes.string,
  course: PropTypes.string,
  startsAt: PropTypes.string, // FIXME: regexp for ISO string
  endsAt: PropTypes.string,
  sequenceNumber: PropTypes.number,
  type: PropTypes.string,
  room: PropTypes.string,
  // flag: PropTypes.string,
  notification: PropTypes.bool,
  cancelled: PropTypes.bool,
  replacement: PropTypes.bool,
  teachers: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
  details: PropTypes.shape({
    description: PropTypes.string,
    students: PropTypes.array, // FIXME: shape for student
    capacity: PropTypes.number,
    parallel: PropTypes.string,
    appliedExceptions: PropTypes.array, // FIXME: shape for exceptions

export const options = Object.freeze({
  callbacks: PropTypes.shape({
    search: PropTypes.func,
    data: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    semesterData: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    dateChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  locale: PropTypes.oneOf(['cs', 'en']),
  layout: PropTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']),
  colors: PropTypes.bool,
  days7: PropTypes.bool,
  facultygrid: PropTypes.bool,

export const grid = PropTypes.shape({
  starts: PropTypes.number,
  ends: PropTypes.number,
  lessonDuration: PropTypes.number,
  hoursStartsAt1: PropTypes.bool,
  facultyHours: PropTypes.number,
  facultyGrid: PropTypes.bool,

export const semester = PropTypes.shape({
  id: PropTypes.string,
  semester: PropTypes.string,
  faculty: PropTypes.number,
  startsOn: moment,
  endsOn: moment,
  hourDuration: PropTypes.number,
  breakDuration: PropTypes.number,
  dayStartsAtHour: PropTypes.number,  // FIXME: this should be probably replaced with hourStarts array
  dayEndsAtHour: PropTypes.number,  // FIXME: this should be probably replaced with hourStarts array
  periods: PropTypes.arrayOf(period),

export const period = PropTypes.shape({
  type: PropTypes.oneOf(['exams', 'holiday', 'teaching']),
  startsOn: moment,
  endsOn: moment,
  firstWeekParity: PropTypes.oneOf(['odd', 'even']),
  firstDayOverride: PropTypes.string,

const periodType = PropTypes.oneOf(['exams', 'holiday', 'teaching'])

export const semesterWeek = PropTypes.shape({
  weekstamp: PropTypes.number,
  periods: PropTypes.arrayOf(period),
  types: PropTypes.arrayOf(periodType),
  parity: PropTypes.oneOf(['even', 'odd']),  // optional
  teachingWeek: PropTypes.number,  // optional

export const moment = (props, propName, componentName) => {
  const prop = props[propName]
  if (!Moment.isMoment(prop)) {
    return new Error(`Expected ${propName} to be an instance of Moment. Got ${typeof prop}.`)