# =================== BASE BUILD LAYER ===================
# this layer is used to prepare a common layer for both debug and release builds
FROM golang:1.23 AS secrets-provider-builder-base
LABEL maintainer="CyberArk Software Ltd."
ENV GOOS=linux \
GOARCH=amd64 \
# On CyberArk dev laptops, golang module dependencies are downloaded with a
# corporate proxy in the middle. For these connections to succeed we need to
# configure the proxy CA certificate in build containers.
# To allow this script to also work on non-CyberArk laptops where the CA
# certificate is not available, we copy the (potentially empty) directory
# and update container certificates based on that, rather than rely on the
# CA file itself.
COPY build_ca_certificate /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
RUN update-ca-certificates
RUN go install
WORKDIR /opt/secrets-provider-for-k8s
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
# =================== RELEASE BUILD LAYER ===================
# this layer is used to build the release binaries
FROM secrets-provider-builder-base AS secrets-provider-builder
COPY . .
# this value is set in ./bin/build
RUN go build \
-a \
-installsuffix cgo \
-ldflags="-X$TAG" \
-o secrets-provider \
# =================== DEBUG BUILD LAYER ===================
# this layer is used to build the debug binaries
FROM secrets-provider-builder-base AS secrets-provider-builder-debug
# Build Delve - debugging tool for Go
RUN go get
# Expose port 40000 for debugging
EXPOSE 40000
COPY . .
# Build debug flavor without compilation optimizations using "all=-N -l"
RUN go build -a -installsuffix cgo -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o secrets-provider ./cmd/secrets-provider
# =================== BASE MAIN CONTAINER ===================
# this layer is used to prepare a common layer for both debug and release containers
FROM alpine:latest AS secrets-provider-base
LABEL maintainer="CyberArk Software Ltd."
# Ensure openssl development libraries are always up to date
RUN apk add --no-cache openssl-dev
RUN apk add -u --no-cache shadow libc6-compat && \
# Add limited user
groupadd -r secrets-provider \
-g 777 && \
useradd -c "secrets-provider runner account" \
-g secrets-provider \
-u 777 \
-m \
-r \
secrets-provider && \
# Ensure plugin dir is owned by secrets-provider user
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/secrets-provider /etc/conjur/ssl /run/conjur /conjur/status && \
# Use GID of 0 since that is what OpenShift will want to be able to read things
chown secrets-provider:0 /usr/local/lib/secrets-provider \
/etc/conjur/ssl \
/run/conjur \
/conjur/status && \
# We need open group permissions in these directories since OpenShift won't
# match our UID when we try to write files to them
chmod 770 /etc/conjur/ssl \
/run/conjur && \
chmod 777 /conjur/status
COPY --chown=secrets-provider:0 bin/run-time-scripts /usr/local/bin/
USER secrets-provider
# =================== RELEASE MAIN CONTAINER ===================
FROM secrets-provider-base AS secrets-provider
COPY --from=secrets-provider-builder /opt/secrets-provider-for-k8s/secrets-provider /usr/local/bin/
CMD [ "/usr/local/bin/secrets-provider"]
# =================== DEBUG MAIN CONTAINER ===================
FROM secrets-provider-base AS secrets-provider-debug
COPY --from=secrets-provider-builder-debug /go/bin/dlv /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=secrets-provider-builder-debug /opt/secrets-provider-for-k8s/secrets-provider /usr/local/bin/
# Execute secrets provider wrapped with dlv debugger listening on port 40000 for remote debugger connection.
# Will wait indefinitely until a debugger is connected.
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/dlv", \
"--listen=:40000", \
"--headless=true", \
"--api-version=2", \
"exec", \
# =================== MAIN CONTAINER (REDHAT) ===================
FROM AS secrets-provider-for-k8s-redhat
LABEL maintainer="CyberArk Software Ltd."
LABEL name="secrets-provider-for-k8s"
LABEL vendor="CyberArk"
LABEL version="$VERSION"
LABEL release="$VERSION"
LABEL summary="Store secrets in Conjur or DAP and consume them in your Kubernetes / Openshift application containers"
LABEL description="To retrieve the secrets from Conjur or DAP, the CyberArk Secrets Provider for Kubernetes runs as an \
init container or separate application container and fetches the secrets that the pods require"
RUN yum -y distro-sync
# Add limited user
RUN groupadd -r secrets-provider \
-g 777 && \
useradd -c "secrets-provider runner account" \
-g secrets-provider \
-u 777 \
-m \
-r \
secrets-provider && \
# Ensure plugin dir is owned by secrets-provider user
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/secrets-provider /etc/conjur/ssl /run/conjur /conjur/status /licenses && \
# Use GID of 0 since that is what OpenShift will want to be able to read things
chown secrets-provider:0 /usr/local/lib/secrets-provider \
/etc/conjur/ssl \
/run/conjur \
/conjur/status && \
# We need open group permissions in these directories since OpenShift won't
# match our UID when we try to write files to them
chmod 770 /etc/conjur/ssl \
/run/conjur && \
chmod 777 /conjur/status
COPY --from=secrets-provider-builder /opt/secrets-provider-for-k8s/secrets-provider /usr/local/bin/
COPY --chown=secrets-provider:0 bin/run-time-scripts /usr/local/bin/
COPY /licenses
USER secrets-provider
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/secrets-provider"]