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# PHP YouTrack SDK


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## Introduction

YouTrack PHP Software Development Kit provides set of tools to interact with [JetBrains YouTrack Issue Tracking and Project Management software](

## Contents

- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Provides packages](#provides-packages)
- [Frameworks support](#frameworks-support)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
    - [API client](#api-client)
- [Change log](#change-log)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Security](#security)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Alternatives](#alternatives)
- [License](#license)
- [About CyberCog](#about-cybercog)

## Features

- Framework agnostic.
- Using contracts to keep high customization capabilities.
- YouTrack Entities with relationships.
- Multiple authorization strategies: Token, Cookie.
- Following PHP Standard Recommendations:
  - [PSR-1 (Basic Coding Standard)](
  - [PSR-2 (Coding Style Guide)](
  - [PSR-4 (Autoloading Standard)](
  - [PSR-7 (HTTP Message Interface)](
- Covered with unit tests.

## Requirements

- YouTrack >= 3.0 with REST-API enabled (always enabled, by default)
- PHP >= 8.1
- Guzzle HTTP Client >= 7.0

## Provides packages

- [YouTrack REST API PHP Client]( maintained by [Anton Komarev].

**Haven't found required functionality? [We are open]( for Pull Requests!**

## Frameworks support

PHP YouTrack SDK is framework agnostic package and could be easily used in any PHP framework you want.

### Framework integrations list

- [Laravel YouTrack SDK]( maintained by [Anton Komarev].

**Haven't found your favorite framework in the list? [We are open]( for Pull Requests!**

## Installation

The preferred method is via [composer]( Follow the
[installation instructions]( if you do not already have
composer installed.

Once composer is installed, execute the following command in your project root to install this library:

composer require cybercog/youtrack-php-sdk

### Without framework

Be sure to include the autoloader in your project:

require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php';

## Usage

### API client

[YouTrack REST API PHP Client package documentation](

## Change log

Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Testing

Run the tests in terminal with:

composer test

## Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

## Contributors

| <a href="">![@antonkomarev](<br />Anton Komarev</a> |
| :---: |

[PHP YouTrack SDK contributors list](../../contributors)

## Alternatives

*Feel free to add more alternatives as Pull Request.*

## License

- `PHP YouTrack SDK` package is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE) by [Anton Komarev].

## About CyberCog

[CyberCog]( is a Social Unity of enthusiasts. Research best solutions in product & software development is our passion.

- [Follow us on Twitter](
- [Read our articles on Medium](

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[Anton Komarev]: