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Test Coverage
# How To Contribute

## Installation

* `git clone`
* `cd ember-data-base-model`
* `yarn`

### Building The Add-on

* `ember b`
* `ember build`

### Linting

* `yarn run lint:hbs`
* `yarn run lint:js`
* `yarn run lint:js -- --fix`

### Running tests

* `ember test` – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
* `ember test --server` – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
* `ember try:each` – Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions

### Running The Dummy Application

* `ember server`
* Visit the dummy application at [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200).

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [](

## Upgrading The Add-On

When upgrading this add-on, after successfully performing `ember init` use the following
commands to install the following dependencies required by this add-on.

ember install ember-data-base-model

## Linking This Add-on For Local Testing

### Linking

Use yarn.

# from this add-on project
$ yarn link
# from the other project that depends on this add-on
$ yarn link ember-data-base-model
In your other project's `package.json`, set `"ember-data-base-model": "*",`

Note: I've actually had to go into my _other project_ and put this into its `package.json`:
`"ember-data-base-model": "link:../ember-data-base-model",`

### Unlinking

Again, use yarn.

# from this add-on project
$ yarn unlink
# from the other project that linked to this add-on
$ yarn unlink ember-data-base-model

## Commiting Code

Fork and submit a pull request.

Try to use an emoji to help describe the commit:

## Releasing & Publishing To NPM

# `yarn publish` will prompt you for the next/new version name
$ yarn publish
$ git push
$ git push --tags