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# ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify

Using [AWS Amplify Auth]( & Core 
library to authenticate with your AWS Cognito User Pool.

**ALPHA ADD-ON: I have just started playing with Cognito and AWS Amplify.**

## Features

1. Attempt to adhere to the Ember Simple Auth principles while exposing a subset 
of [AWS Amplify's `Auth`]('s features 
through the `session` service.
1. Support sign in/out
1. Append access & identity JWT to Ember Data adapter
1. Expose `CognitoUser`'s `attributes`, `idToken Payload`, & `accessToken Payload` 
in the `` property storage 
1. Support automatic refreshing of access token
1. Support Multi-Factor Authentication
1. Support user sign up via email address identifier
1. Support user password change, password reset, and profile attribute updates
1. **WORK IN PROGRESS** - Support Federated Identities
1. **WORK IN PROGRESS** - Tests (SFA tested so far)

**Add issues if there are features you're looking for.**

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## Motivation

1. Hide details of the AWS Amplify `Auth` & `CognitoUser`
1. Fold into familiar `ember-simple-auth` ecosystem
1. Automatically refresh access tokens on a schedule using `ember-concurrency`

## Built With


## Compatibility

* Ember.js v3.4 or above
* Ember CLI v2.13 or above
* Node.js v8 or above

## Tested Against



## Installation

ember install ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify

### Upgrading

When working through the Ember upgrade process, I recommend
invoking the `ember install ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify` command once 
you are done to get the latest version of the add-on.

If you've already got the package installed and just want to run the
add-on blueprint: `ember g ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify`.

### Dependencies

* `@aws-amplify/auth` - Authentication library from AWS Amplify; interacts with AWS Cognito User Pool 
* `@aws-amplify/core` - Introduced to take advantage of AWS Amplify's event Hub
* `ember-auto-import` - Pleasantly import `auth` and `core`
* `ember-concurrency` - Timed task for refreshing token
* `ember-simple-auth` - The EmberJs foundation auth add-on 

## Quick Start

### EmberJs Configuration

Configure your AWS Congnito `region`, `userPoolId`, & `userPoolWebClientId` in your `config/environment.js`
under the `APP.ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify` object path.

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function (environment) {
  let ENV = {
    // ...
    APP: {
      'ember-simple-auth-aws-amplify': {
        awsAmplifyAuth: {
          // @see
          config: {
            // Amazon Cognito Region
            region: 'xx-yyyyyy-#',
            // Amazon Cognito User Pool ID
            userPoolId: 'xx-yyyyyy-#_zzzzzzzzz',
            // Amazon Cognito Web Client ID (26-char alphanumeric string)
            userPoolWebClientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        // `mixins/adapters/token-headers.js` uses this field to attach your ACCESS token to your Ember-Data requests
        headerAuthorization: 'Authorization',
        // `mixins/adapters/token-headers.js` uses this field to attach your ID token to your Ember-Data requests
        headerIdentification: 'Identification',
        // `utils/mfa-activation-state.js` takes this in it's constructor and uses it when naming your app 
        // inside the MFA Authenticator App
        totpIssuerName: 'Ember-Simple-Auth-Issuer-Example'
      // ...
    // ...
  // ...
  return ENV;

### AWS Cognito Configuration

#### Pool Attributes


#### Pool Policies


#### Pool MFA And Verifications


#### Pool Devices


#### Pool App Clients


#### Client Settings


## Examples & Workflow

### Sign Up

### Sign In

### Sign Out

## Usage

[I'll add some more here before official release]

## Contributing & Yadda-Yadda-Yadda

See the [Contributing]( guide for details.

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](

[img-app-settings]: ./user-pool-app-settings.jpg
[img-pool-attributes]: ./user-pool-general-attributes.jpg
[img-pool-clients]: ./user-pool-general-clients.jpg
[img-pool-devices]: ./user-pool-general-devices.jpg
[img-pool-mfa]: ./user-pool-general-mfa.jpg
[img-pool-policies]: ./user-pool-general-policies.jpg